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Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
The sun rises everyday
And so, it sets every night
The same way a boat docks at bay
Before it goes out searching for light

Though it’s true what they say about fool’s gold
We spend so much time searching we become lost
In this we learn the true treasure is to be bold
So bold you would never know what it cost

As the sun starts to set
Instead of going out, go get some rest
And as the sun rises early in the morning, so it seems so far away
Take leave in your boat, go touring and sail along your own merry way
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
Spring was a feeling of freedom
Fall was a choice of solitude
Summer contained too much of the hot sun
But Winter, Winter could change any attitude

The man I met dressed in white
A complete stranger but he felt like family at the time
Often times we went fishing, but he wasn’t looking for a bite
He usually sat back and would just cast his line

We would do this all season except in the Fall
I never knew why, he always seemed off
We didn’t speak much, and he would often leave our trips answering a call
Through this all we were still friends that would sometimes golf

Yesterday they found him on the floor of his hotel
His heart gave out, but not before leaving a note
In the note was a map to lost treasure that led to our fishing spot and another room key that went to another nearby motel
Another piece of paper fell out it was addressed to me, a poem wrote of our travels, and a list of gear I could have from his tote.

To Mel:
Spring was a feeling of freedom
Fall was a choice of solitude
Summer contained too much of the hot sun
By Winter, Winter could change any attitude.
Thomas Harvey Jul 2020
On a dark and cold, winter's night in Omaha
I stumbled into a bar, that was well worth it's scars
The barmaid asked are you here for a woman or to just quench your thirst
I said I'm looking for Reno, he owes me money that was due on the first
She said he would be out in a minute and others were looking for him too
Reno came out with a smile until he saw the badge laying on the ground
He made a good run, but the lawmen had a gun
And ol Reno was lying face down

Reno old pal, why did you run, you know the cops and the law of their gun,
you get to leave and I must stay, it's not too fair, but it the price we have to pay

They ruled it as an accident and claimed that he tripped and fell
He was drinking too much, couldn't see where to walk to
I demanded justice for my righteous brother, they screamed and hollered at me, they said we'll send you right to hell
So I started marching to the ol' corrupt police station to give them a piece of my mind, I laid his picture down and they pulled our their guns
I tried to make a quick run, but the pain in my back could not take it as my body lay face in the ground

Oh Reno old pal, why did we run, we know the cops, and the law of their gun
You got to leave, and now I will too
It's not fair, But it's the price we pay
Thomas Harvey Jul 2020
I woke up this morning, turned on the news
I saw Bethel, Ohio and turned the channel it was Seattle
I belive in fighting for what you stand for
Singing the song you hold in your hand
Love and war never knew no piece
No justice can be acheived this way
If we are going to fight for this, We have to do it right

We can stand together, We can stand united
There's no reason to cast any stones
Black Lives Matter and so do the rest
This isn't no conspiracy, you can put that to the test
We'll fight for what's right, crumble what's wrong
Together we're in for the fight of our lives

We seen Martin Luther King and Ghandi beaten down and all alone
Never once did they open up to the violence eating at their soul
I belvie in the first ammedment, I believe through violence there's no peace
Look closer, can't you see we're killing eachother
Don't we know any better
We want peace and we want justice most of all
Together we can make it, come on my brother and sisters lets stand untied once and for all

We can stand together, We can stand united
There's no reason to cast any stones
Black Lives Matter and so do the rest
This isn't no consipracy, you can put that to the test
We'll fight for what's right and crumble what is wrong
Together we're in for the fight our our lives
Thomas Harvey Jul 2020
The phone is ringing, my dear
Please wake up and answer my call
I'm sorry we said these things
We should never have acted that way
Please tell me
Why do we always say Goodbye
When we don't want to lose our love
We've come so far and worked so hard
Is it really the end
I guess I'll ease the pain, Goodbye My Dear
There's a knock on my door
Calling for a life that I'm not living
I got your letter in the mail and messages on my phone
It's all a lie, that I'm not believing
As soon as your back you'll go missing
Before too late you'll be gone again, just like summer rain
This time I want to say Goodbye
There ain't nothing left of our love
We/ve come so far and worked so hard
I guess this really is the end
Nothing you say can change my mid,
I'll ease the pain and say Goodbye, My Dear.
Thomas Harvey Jul 2020
I was offered the choice to see my future of change my past
The decision only took a second, there I was back in senior year of high school
I played my cards right, won the lottery, got the girl, but it all went by so fast
I began to loose everything, new events took place
That I couldn't remember, How did I become such a fool
Things were different and missing, friends, family, lovers, and strangers all gone
Then one day I woke up as if it was all a dream, you were making coffee, mom had called, and Frank was to be married
I can not express the emotions of my other life but rather a new appreciation for this life and mines sacred bond
All my choices led to you, yes its hard to think
What might have been, But it's easier when even my worst mistakes brought me to a better place
You see with the right care and appreciation
Even an old scrawny bush can grow a few berries
Thomas Harvey Jul 2020
It was a cold winters night
Right outside the town of Bridgestone
The place was silent except for the old saloon
A new face appeared just the other day, he spent most nights in there
Some gazed at the fanciness of his clothes
Other scorned at the six shooter on his hip
I talked with him a little, he told me he was moving on with life, searching for something new and bright
He only planned to be here for a few nights, wasn't looking to pick a bone
So I gathered supplies, scurried a horse, and made sure he was gone by next afternoon
The next day is when the platoon came looking for him, I told them, the man was headed just south of Rabbit's Hair
Little did they know the man was traveling north to Letterman's Grove
Let this be a lesson kid, I may not have a story to tell, but this rusty old six shooter and gold is a most generous tip.
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