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The thoughts invisible
Invincible the cape of words
Now they haunt

Between keeping mum
And wanting to express
Lies the lies of quiet

Sometimes I write a lot
The Words, written
Sound better
Than the spoken

Strange is the world of words
Spoken and written
Both heard
All four set of words
Written at different times
Straight from the drafts
You can always tell a self destructive writer
By their poetry

Because sometimes they are redundant
And other times they are expressing pain

But they always tell a story of being hurt
And locked into their own head

But this my dear, is why they write
Because the person in their head is trying to get out

Self destructive writers
Are usually dark

But when they are light
They tell you how perfect you are

So that you don't do the same thing
That they did to themselves

Self destructive writers
Don't want you to make their scars
On your arms
To all those out there who are this way, trust  in your loved ones, you will get out of this. Thank you for encouraging other people to be who they are.
 Jun 2020 Jule
Riley Larkin
7 weeks
 Jun 2020 Jule
Riley Larkin
I’m sorry I can’t bring you into this world
Wether you were a boy or a girl I’m not ready
My spirit is low and heart heavy
I don’t love myself and it’s unfair
It’s selfish to bring you into a world of despair
I’m a drug addict trying to find peace
In a miserable place where no where feels like home
I’m trying so hard but I still feel like I’m on my own
I wish I could be happy and give you a life worth living
But I’m stuck in a broken tea cup that won’t stop spinning
I wish I could get off and give you my love.
But I’m too young to bring you into a world I’m so unsure of
 Jun 2020 Jule
 Jun 2020 Jule
I burned myself for you
To give you light and hope
Yet you consume me
Just like a candle dying alone
 Dec 2019 Jule
I won’t ask you to buy me roses
Or pay for my meals.
I don’t ask that you only look my way
Even if I’m only looking yours.
No need to sing me to sleep
Or kiss me in the morning.

But I will choose to
Climb to the treetops
So I can reach out and
collect the stars for you—
Take them all, they glow more in your arms.
Don’t fret my problems
I didn’t fall in love you to have you share
The weight of my anxieties and insecurities.
You can even leave.
If you told me you wanted something more
Than the stars that I pick for you,
I would climb towards the night sky once more,
Pick out the finest in the sky,
And place them into the palm of your hands
Hoping that I can leave you with something
That you can take with you before you leave.

I love you so much that I would never burden you
With my cries asking you to stay.
I will love you in my silence hoping
That you can walk straight with the weight
Of what you never had to carry.
And even if I am one day left in the darkness
Of my starless sky,
I will still love you in all my emptiness.
So for now, all I ask is
Please, let me love you now.
to the boy i love
Stop thinking.
The thought of you is poison to my Love.
my real Love.
You are but a thought - a what if lingering on the tip of my tongue,
there is no use wasting thoughts on what if’s.
Nothing good will come of it
Nothing good will come of us - there is no us.

Stop thinking
You are a virus, a fading voice, a fading joke, a fading laugh
that’s all we had.
Nothing more - but not nothing,
unspoken, unheard.
Yet, I saw It in your eyes
and I saw It reflecting in mine.
Stop thinking.
I love to place myself in the mind of a character I’ve watched or read about and write from their perspective.
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