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Do you ever feel like you dont belong?

Look around and feel like everything is all wrong?

That you can't fit with all your crazy dreams?

And that maybe this isn't really you're scene?

But not as in a bad way
But more as in a good

Like you have known your life has been somehow off

Like you believed more then your friends

Or maybe that you knew you were just a little different

Have you ever looked around and wondered why light has become your enemy?

You may be broken
But you can now see

You may have fallen deep
But you can still be set free

Because there's a little saying you should know

It might be common to those around

That god knows

Even angels fall
The girl, the blue lilac and the monster had finally been within the grasp of each other

But as the blue lilacs heart grew warmer and warmer the monster can only ache harder

Denial cannot defeat memory

His past was all he seemed to think about

A past where a beautiful girl would still love him

A past where he was still human

He was fitted to the image his family; his clan wanted

And that image was distort by society's ignorance and fear

A creature as ****** as him would be liable for the destruction or another pure soul

He didn't want to lose his little blue lilac too

And she didn't want to lose her own monster to unknown causes again

A bond between horror and beauty is both dangerous yet wonderful

But no matter how anyone looks at it:

Horror and beauty

Purity and sin

Yin and yang

Its all the same

Love is an eternal essence that will always remain

Even in death.
Dreams are where we go to when reality seems to blow

Dreams are where we go to when we're feeling lost in the dark

Because that's where things tend to come true

Lost in this generation where the only things that matter are *** and alcohol

We've seem to have lost touch in what our imagination is for

Our imagination is for the thoughts and wonders about the world

Our imagination is to look at things we have never seen before

Our imagination is what makes us different

But our imagination seems to be lost in this world just like this generation

There's too many deaths of the young ones
There's too many grave stones piling up

What happened to this generation and why can't it be stopped?

Its rare to actually seen a happy teenager with all these demons breaking out

So to all you depressed teens out there

How about bring back your imagination and let it run free

Dreams those unforgettable dreams  and dont let those demons break free

Dont let the demons break free
I am the captain of my soul
I am the master of my fate

With the twinkling stars, I set sail to my new life

Where the music hums carelessly
And the children play freely

Where parents aren't allowed and there is never a frown

There's never a glumy day because that's where darkness likes to hang

We're known around here as the children who like the roam
For adventure is our middle name

So come with me where your dreams are born and where darkness never plays

With the twinkling stars to guide our way, all the way to this place

This oh so wonderful place

To the place that is called...

The stars twinkle above my head
illuminating the trees

As I walk this lonely road
No stares are on me
For I am invisible

Only darkness knows my name

No match or no candle to guide me home

I am lost in this world

I reach for the stars but I can never get there

But I keep going along this path

I am my legacy
I am my legend
And I will light up this darkness no matter how hard it is

Just light up the darkness
Light up the darkness

— The End —