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vxliangkylie Nov 2017
a beast is this abyss,
for I have learned that I can't be as I please,
even if I religiously made a wish.

to be separated by a force unknown
from the lover I wish to call my home -
this is not the kind of pain I wish to make me moan,
not the feeling I want to experience with chills inside my bones.
vxliangkylie Oct 2017
in the fields of a scripted work,
where my thoughts, feelings, actions run through words,
i am the product of life's imagination,
adapted to fit every situation.
day by day,
i feel my face, fingers, feet change,
and i was told that its the price one needs to pay
in order to survive in this firing range.
i was born to live life with a theatrical mask
that helps me drown in the ocean of faces,
taught myself it was a casque
that sends me off to the races.
but when will life begin
where i no longer have to pretend to be my uptight twin,
and time is no longer a stage -
the days where my dreams and realities coincide on the same page.
Persona refers to the character assumed by the writer in a
piece of a written work.
vxliangkylie Oct 2017
a cure for loneliness;
something reckless.
a love in this wilderness,
something hopeless.

i just wanted a little more,
a satisfaction that can beat this all.

give me something good,
turn me into a fool.
i'll vibe with the mood,
you can use me as a tool.

i will love you for all that you are,
but can you see me for all that i am?

i could've love you like a blessing
that came with no warning,
but i was the only one falling,
and you were just pretending.

i return back to the sidelines,
only to continue watching you from afar.
vxliangkylie Oct 2017
"tick tock" goes the clock
and step-by-step we have walked.
i could've held you longer,
but it would only make my resolve weaker.
know that with every goodbye,
a part of me is stolen
but yours shall be the reason why,
i'll always remain broken.
i love you -
i really did once.
but i'm sorry -
​things changed in the last few months.
call it bad timing,
but still, it dictates everything -
could you have loved me sooner,
we'd be living our happily ever after.
but too late was the day,
you chose to say
what you've been feeling all this time,  
and now, we're past our prime.
vxliangkylie Oct 2017
i ought not to worry
about the time i've wasted away
because i know fate
will treat me right someday.
she will bring me someone special -
the person who's gonna stay,
and make everything better
when skies turn gray.

because "hold your faith; trust your travels,
all things good, will soon unravel. " was what she said.
vxliangkylie Oct 2017
(the act of simply jumping straight into someone without considering the effects of it, ​nor understanding who the person really is.)

and you remind me of
the moments,
as i read poetry,
the times where i
dive head first
into the unknown -
drowning myself in the
whirlpool of thoughts
belonging to
someone else and somehow,
relating them all to myself.
its also the
sense of comfort,
when i only focus on the
beauty of the melodies,
overlooking the tenderness
of certain details
as they convey a different meaning,
forgetting to consider
the sadness,
the human
hidden underneath.
its precisely so
that you became my poetry,
the one who had me hooked
with the remix of his dictionary -
the rhyming words that made me forget
to look beyond the facade
​he has written for me to read.
vxliangkylie Oct 2017
i'll chase the dreams that are part of my control,
and live the rest on fate's parole.
i am beyond what
i've perceived of me.
i just have to keep my eyes shut
and complete my journey.
the path ahead lies
my destiny
and i will rise
in order to be free.
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