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The stars glimmered in the sky
In clusters so high
Moon glowed with an aura golden red
The sea at night calm
Reflected the beauty
Like the mirror does
Blurry and still
The waves, shimmered
The wind so silent
Before the dawn

1st Dec ,  5:45  am
The moon and the Arabian Sea
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
We went on a date,
except you didn’t know it was a date,
so you missed me staring at the back of your head,
as you ran through the fountain.

We went on a date,
but you didn’t know,
so you missed the feeling of desperately wanting to kiss
you on the lips as we dried in the sun.

We went on a date,
you didn’t know,
so you missed out on all the funny feelings that I
wouldn’t give away for anything.

We went on a date,
and now I'm too attached,
so you'll never know it was a date
because I don't want to lose you.
I went on a 'date' recently... but I didn't tell her it was a date. So now we're friends.
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
steady hands to face
the day
and a heart full of

the thumping of feet
on the concrete
the rhythm and rhyme
the steady march of time

growing apart one step
after another incident
another needle
trying to find purchase
when the offer has
clearly left the table

walking away could be
more than just goodbye
more than a sigh into the
waiting void of the night
where our hearts are
want of light
like moths

all aflutter we come
crashing down after
leaping when we
knew we were gonna die
but if we flew
that'd be okay too

never told you
how much
life got in the way of
growing up
and growing together
like so many caterpillars
that dared to dream of
something physically impossible

the past is too much
and the future

well that's old news now
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
after all these


it still hurts
when I disappoint
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
Mitch Prax
you are ready
to let down your guard
and break down the walls,
I promise to pick up
every brick
and rebuild you
as if to rebuild
my home.
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
you are my sunshine
yellow like lemon drops
and **** against my tongue
but sometimes
a sadness flickers about your eyes
and suddenly
you fade into deep dark blue
a sharp contrast
to your normal pastel hue
I love the little girl
Inside the woman
So I always come bearing
Gifts for each
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
You fill space with your presence.
Lemme soak up and sink in your energy.
 Jun 2020 Tamara Lynn
Penny Laine
Im addicted to your skin on mine
because I can feel for the first time
I wake up still dreaming of you lips on my neck
and my hands making your hair a wreck
before you I was trapped in the body of a corpse
now i'm brought to life and im not sure worse
your hands are the first to earn my bodies trust
and now for them I have an overwhelming lust
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