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Thomas W Case Jan 10
The view from
between your legs,
with my glistening
face in the soft
lamplight is
more than

The trust
is thick,

Your happy
moans are like a
symphony from
Mozart as I wait
for the
grand finish.
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
dun dun dun dun dun
Dun Dun


You pull me inward,
and I smell
Sticky faced
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
bulletcookie Jan 2024
when did zombies learn to run
now they race after everyone
no starting gun was ever heard
just shouts and screams in afterwards
they use to crawl or drag a limb
most of them were kind of slim
they gorge, belch and slobber guts
victims brains they love to ****
when finish line is in your sight
more zombies come to end your flight
so lesson learned before the dash
dead corpse motto "Make Them Hash"

Abimael Dec 2023
Only thy Word will be
EL will be
As I will
Do not farther
Since thy love we share
Is contemporary...
I S A A C Nov 2023
Don’t yuck my yum
Don’t block my sun
Don’t just rot away
Take the chance to become
a complex and invested individual
to embody the power of an arrow

Don’t yuck my yum
Don’t front your love
Don’t just walk away
Take the dance to become
undone and unburdened individual
to exhibit the speed of an arrow
I S A A C Dec 2022
silence is your greatest weapon
nobody can gauge, the inner rage
that is willing to bubble up any second
compliance is your greatest weapon
feelings are saved, integrity betrayed
clean yourself up like an inspection
Julie S K Oct 2020
Sweet treats just for me
I need to get some money
Sweets, they are not free

Sweets treats just for me
To the shop, I run so fast
Don't stop to think, go

Sweets treat just for me
Eyes look through the glass
Curly wurly yum

Cola bottles yum
Sherbert dip is so delish
Too much sugar, sick.
having a go at writing  a  Haiku poem, never tried before so forgive the mistakes.
Erin Aug 2020
You expected a girl,
your own notion of femininity.
You expected me to laugh, to talk,
but only in bubbles,
Wonka’s fizzy lifting drink.
You expected to float
on my wiles
I’d heft you up while you cruise.
Well, you get nothing.
You lose.
Good day, sir.
Grace Haak Oct 2019
cinnamon sugar
your hands mash the crumble cake
warmth fills the kitchen
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