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vanessa marie Aug 2022
Wasn’t it just yesterday
I learned to ride a bike?
Or felt the grass between my toes
As I flew my rainbow kite.

Those days so quickly turned to nights
Spent with the boy next door,
Stolen cigarettes and first kisses
A bottle spinning on the floor.

Suddenly I had moved away
No longer a little girl,
Started a career and found a lover
Said yes to his grandmother’s pearl.

With his green eyes and my brown curls
Out came a baby of our own,
And since that day I can’t believe
Just how fast she’s grown.

Now each night before bed
I’ll tell a story I’ve made up
And then I poke her belly and say,
Please try to never grow up.
Ikimi Festus Aug 2022
To my beloved young souls of this named generation,
Do you seek a voice to remind you of the true essence within us, away from the misconceptions and judgments?
We are not merely the "me-me" self-centered beings, painted as lazy narcissists.
Let us reject the labels of self-interest, self-absorption, and self-indulgence,
For we are capable of much more than self-inflating.
In the annals of human history, let us not be haunted by the false idol of "Self,"
Instead, let our actions be guided by compassion and empathy.
Though older voices warn of destruction and collapse, painting a barren landscape of temptation and immorality,
We, the Y's, Z's, and millennials, defy such narratives and strive for something greater,
Our destiny lies not in becoming mere ego bubbles, but in shaping a world of substance and purpose.
Bound by neither trends nor lustful pleasure, we seek a true and meaningful civilization.
The fabric of morality may appear to unravel, but its preservation is a price we cannot bear to lose.
Look beyond the surface allure of life's trinkets, for often the glitter obscures true value.
We have traded moments of existence for shallow approval, forsaking our inner selves.
Yet, even the grandest tombs turn to dust, reminding us that true worth lies in the legacy we leave.
Had we possessed the courage to champion righteousness, this letter would remain unwritten.
In life, only four certainties endure: progress, change, evolution, and uncertainty.
But let us not be like dogs returning to their ***** or fools drawn back to the flames.
A day will come when we must reckon with our mistakes and seek redemption.
Believe it or not, the choice lies within us.
nvinn fonia Aug 2022
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brad pitt young pics
Samantha Dietz Aug 2022
I'm sick of burying my friends.

I'm sick of saying that I'm sick of burying my friends.

I'm sick of planning ******* candle light vigils.

I'm sick of funerals, sick of grief, sick of the hole in my chest that keeps getting bigger.

We are so young. How are so many of us already dead? Why is it that every few months, someone that I love leaves this Earth?

It's not fair.

I'm sick of saying it's not fair.

I'm sick of "I wish i got to see you under better circumstances, but I missed you." I'm sick of crying. I'm sick of watching friends and parents and spouses and children cry. I'm sick of reminiscing on stories and looking at photos from lifetimes ago, when things were simple and we were happy.

I'm sick of "they'll always be with you."

I'm sick of "they live on through us."

I wish they'd just live.
Odd Odyssey Poet Aug 2022
To applauding of the stars
the pleasing sight of God
  Mesmerising were the words spoken on
    to have loved, to have once been in love.

To as a Queen; ruling my heart
she—black beauty, as the blanket dark of
  night; filled in angel’s stars.
   Mystic dust, upon the early virtue of time.
     To have loved so young.

To have tasted a fruit of passion
  minor still, but a major experience
   That which is in present, a memory entangled
    in my dreams. I’m restless,—

As my lips quiver of a then long before
  Longing presently; ‘verly for more
   As so—how could I ever forget...
          forget the first I kissed a girl!
Odd Odyssey Poet Jul 2022
My love, Our love,
chaos in calm whispers,
burning, yearning of that not.
A ringing bell, a belly full of butterflies,
both are only sombre, only as so holy to me.

My love, Our love,
tears young, the will not of our own,
The resting dreams of future; though the past brittle,
only a piece of the present held in the moment.

My love, Our love,
a force of the stars, a state of their decay,
Marvellous beauty implodes on itself,
so as I—prideful filled till death.
A man still a wreck, still a child,
****** to he's emotions; those first to be

My love, Our Love,
tornado of words, hurricane of emotions,
I'm but a tree by the secrets of love
in their winds.
Summer's spring—my heart skips a beat
in the heat of the moment.

My love, Our love,
wild, free as wings stretched out to the skies,
A tender goodbye, by the end of the night.
Sweet lullaby; a resounding sound.
Orchestra of our love.

My love, Our love—Us.
Jack Jun 2022
As the river flows,
Little leaf sailing alone,
wishing to find a place to grow,

careful sweetie, row slowly,
adventure of the unknown awaits,
journey creating memories,
enjoy the sun kissing with clouds,
dancing stars with the moon at night
let the wind stream pave your path
calm breeze greet with a smile,
stormy sky will subside,
take care,
everything will be alright,
and you'll fine too,

Young Ones.
Radhika Krishna Apr 2022
this is where all the secrets are held
in the smell of yesterday's rain in the air
in the dark, and in that pool
in the little moonlight patch falling on my bed
with the window open and the air cool
and the night young and wild and a fool
midnight in a college dorm room
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