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Argentum Feb 2016
If only I could find the right words
for this pain,dull and throbbing
If only
I could find the words to say
What I mean to tell you;
I leave the unbroken silence to
hang in the air
like fog,

Maybe if I could
the origin of all
this *******
the shaky hands and
bouts of angst
But the message field
is as blank as my face,

the stars come crashing down
for them,why not for me?

Why can't tell you I miss you in a one paragraph email,not four?
Why can't I tell my mother
I feel like ****?

Why can't I find
the words
                "I'm sorry"

Within my soul?
Might edit this later
I'm in midst writers block.
I don't want to stop writing but you might want to stop reading.
This will be senseless.
This will be repetitive.
My brain creates no patterns.
Maybe I am not a writer.
Maybe I can't write some worthwhile.
But maybe **** that "poem"
And **** that poet too.
I am a writer, and I have writers block.
I read someone say, that writers block was an excuse for "wannabe writers" who couldn't write anything worthwhile. This "poem" was just my bipolar thoughts exploding after reading that.
rachel martin Feb 2016
So they flee; once beautiful narratives detached from me and took off running.
For my own sake, I eventually follow and take off hunting.

Crossing the bridge to the ocean, finding no words above or beneath their pillars or the sun-setting shades on the water in motion.

Maybe I'll find the words perched on the bridge as a little black bird, who mirrored me in a way that resonated with my soul but whose tune sang not one melodic word.

I go to the ocean, and heavy waves collapsing onto beds of sand sighed no release for me, and I leave.

Home, I paint a picture and coaxed a thousand  empty words out of it, that rang like broken records and sang to me deep into the night.

I awake to a blizzard, beautiful white.
A cold I felt I'd brewed with my mind
So I try and dive into a novel only to find my mind's waters shallow, and the pages became no more than ink printed paper.
I think myself incapable;

I look to the bottle, mostly white,
It sat on my nightstand by white papers that so longed for me to write.
I kick my head back and let the words pour from the bottle and back into me, loosening my grip, they could finally flow free.
Shay Feb 2016
Pen in hand waiting to glide across the lined sheet
and yet no blood is spilling upon the page so I admit defeat.
I am void of prodigious literary expression;
my spark has gone and now I must face temporary repression.
Carmen Reed Jan 2016
A wall you have to climb over
To reach the other side,
Where there are new things to discover.
There's no use walking around
In circles on this side of the wall;
You'll just have to find
A way to get over it.
Flo Jan 2016
It takes time to find the right words
Conceiving them so they may blossom
A construct of words, a piece of art
The perfectionist hidden inside a poets heart

Though impatient he is
Eager to find the most beautiful words
He's rushing it, he's writing too fast
A bad poem he wrote, he's seeing aghast

The impatient poet retries again
A simple relapse it won't happen once more
As he's rushing, he didn't learn from the past
Poetry needs time, he noticed at last
I tend to write too fast and too eager to find the right words and when writers block strucks I don't give myself enough time. What more is there to say...
"Poetry needs time, he noticed at last"
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