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Why in this particular time, is everyone reaching out to me from all over the globe? Do they feel the upcoming show? Do they feel, it's time to let go? To start a new beginning, exploring their options? Remembering the being they met. His energy very prosperous. Effecting them, to the point. Where they have implanted my image to their brain. Coming back to me, asking from the knowledge tree. Never thinking selfishly, only seeking information. Focusing on their hidden desire to have recognition. Seeing there world around them, about to crack and shatter to pieces. They feel this may be the last chance they get, to explore their creativity.
Wilder Jan 2021
I hit my peak so long ago
I was six, on top of the world
On top of the jungle gym,
Not that it was different.
But since then,
rolling downhill
um so I'm not gonna post that often anymore (not like I ever did, but) I got a ukelele and it inspired me to finally put music to the poems I write (which usually I have a tune in my head when I write them) I've been meaning to start writing music for a while, and I'm finally doing it :)
Winter Jan 2021
At the top of the world
my inferno swells
the masquerade
of my blood heart
once, founded upon red mountain
I lost myself
in billows of black,
my sordid hands
through the sands of time-
a pyramid of translucent rage
my whimsical mind
pathed an oblivion
to the depths of the sea.

There my soul awaits
encapsulated by
ice and a curse-
forever, he writhes trapped
in shards
of tormented black
they cut
his frosted wings dead
eaten alive
living sea bed
the shadow of his touch
my fear.

Then alone
we atone

so emboldened
his & my
****** & pulse
wrapped in rebirth
we rise
to blinding lights
to taste
world's end-
before our
with song
in C-minor.

Jennifer Alé
spoken word poetry
I see myself everywhere
and the world I perceive revolves around me
not because I'm narcissist
but because my existence is my entire world
I'm everything I have
I'm back at writing, a little rusty tho :(
Alexis K Jan 2021
In a world of good versus evil
Where the evil believe they're good
and the good believe they are the good ones
Which one are you?
Daisy Ashcroft Jan 2021
There was a girl,
She’s gone now,
Who lived and breathed
Imagination and life,
(Aren’t they the same thing?).

She saw the house down the street
And thought it a monster
Never that it was replete
With the emptiness  
An innocent bungalow will foster.

Air was to her
As glass water that sings
About its giggling spring
And she would awaken
At its dance upon her skin
As she breathed it all in.

The air is now
As water, grey like mercury,
That dampens what the eye can see
And it is chagrin
That is awoken
At a world so forsaken.

Nietzsche was mistaken
When he proclaimed
Our God as dead.
It’s the vision and
Stories for which we used to aim
That expires instead.
quinn Jan 2021
i like to imagine myself trekking across
a great desert, or tundra, or wasteland,
and it’s dark but the sky is glowing
with stars and the sun on the horizon
and everything is that beautiful natural violet.
there is nothing for miles and miles and miles
and in every direction is the same thing.
i walk over hills and through ditches
but in the hugeness of the landscape
they are nothing, and it’s still wide and flat.
i wonder and i dance and i shout at the sky
and i flail my arms around and trip over
and i yell and grin and shake to the stars
and to the space beyond them, that infinity.
i tip my head upwards and smile to
infinite amounts of infinite things up there.
i am confused and i am lost and i am scared
and in all of that i’ve found the most joy
that is even possible to be felt.
i scream at the infinity in a friendly way
as if i’ve figured out its secrets,
as if we’re on the same page.
i thank it and i laugh at it and i scold it
for everything that i feel and know and am
because one of the infinite things up there
must have given it to me,
whether it knows it or not,
and i feel safe and tiny and fleeting
and i am so happy to be the
tiny second of useless time and phenomena
that i am.
from the 22nd of november 2020. there's this song that i like and it makes me see this image and i think it's important.
Paul Butters Jan 2021
You pose and pout,
Seduction by superficial sauciness.
You tell me of your day
With that simpering voice,
Raising each last word
Long and loud.

You show me your flash cars,
Your sumptuous wardrobe
And who knows what else?

You and your kin call yourselves “Influencers” –
A great word,
But all you do is make people:
People who have grafted long and hard
For a little spare cash,
Go buy things they
Do not really need.

Right Said Fred was Right:
The global catwalk
Is a sham.

I too would love to be an “Influencer”,
Such a fine word,
But I would be one to encourage folk
To Love others,
Stop all this Conflict
Between polar opposites and extremes,
Fight only for the Common Good,
And make the world a better place
For All.

Paul Butters

© PB 15\1\2021.
Inspired by a TV programme about C21 Celebrity.
Man Jan 2021
women don't know how to love
and neither do men
it's a mean world
it's a cold one
full of children
who've got the bends,
coming up too fast
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