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Kayla Mar 2021
A snow day what a lovely day the sight of the beautiful glistening white blankets of snow layering the once bright green grass and the trees usually covered by bright green leaves are now laden with snow and icicles protrude down from the branches the rhythmic sound of the snow crunching beneath ones feet oh yes a snow day what a lovely day
Madisen Kuhn Mar 2021
come here. i’ll wrap myself around you
most of the time i’m sure i’m a sliding glass door
obvious like a schoolgirl crush
never able to hide the pink in my cheeks
or bury the truth behind enough broken parables
i’m about as vigilant as a chihuahua
perched on top of a sofa barking at the mailman
forgetting for a moment that you could pick me up
and put me down on the floor but
i promise i’ll just jump back up again
never fully accepting the plainness of my bluff
the winters crack my knuckles but
i don’t want to buy another pair of gloves
i’ve got ripped fingernails turned ******
and a kitchen sink full of unwashed mugs
and you’re pulling my hands away from my face
trying to show me how much we look the same
Nicole Mar 2021
Dawn breaks through the darkened night
exhaling beams of sprinkled light
across dense blankets of snowy white.

Naked, bony limbs start snapping
reaching arms upward while napping
allotting chilled moss to lay wrapping.

Frosted crystalline water awaiting
the ice-kissed surroundings, while creating
melancholy moans of biting wind deflating.

Craggy hilltops bordering, in sharp peaks,
glistening barren landscapes in streaks
as relentless Winter hibernation bespeaks.
iamgone Mar 2021
the first thing i was able to remember
was the cold
maybe because it resonates today
with my soul
the snow fell around me dancing
in the air
my eyes frozen along with my body
forced to stare
the snowflakes were teasing me
with their ballet
and I was forced to watch them
as my light died away
梅香 Mar 2021
those days were warm, hot, and long,
but you rushed to me like a sweet song.
your warmth is what i always wanted all along,
then i knew to you is where i want to belong.

autumn came and leaves started to fall,
the wind also started to blow cool breeze;
but your tender care is what i always recall,
the way you make my mind feel at ease.

winter then came and it falls snow,
the weather has become a lot colder too;
still together, we continue to grow,
all the things we've been through, i won't undo.

then comes springtime,
the cherry blossoms started to bloom,
yet you still shine and your charm sublime;
your presence will never make me go gloom.

this summer marks one year of our togetherness,
i'm blessed with all we've been through in the past year.
my heart has deeply fallen in love with your tenderness,
and with you i'm willing to journey, without any fear.
FlavioPAR Mar 2021
A cold Winter’s day
A house barren of any life
A single heartbeat
Echos shyly in the air
A fireplace yet to be lit
In the cold Winter
I wanna make snow angels
Drink delicious hot chocolate
Have a snowball fight
Skate on beautiful
In the wet Spring
I wanna dance in the rain
Smell the millions of flowers
Have a picnic
Take a walk through a
In the hot Summer
I wanna dive into a pool
Eat lots a icecream
Take trips
Feel the warm
Sun on my face
In the windy Fall
I wanna see the color of the leaves change
Smell the spice of Pumpkins
Sit in front of a warm
Blazing fire
In The 4 Seasons
I am.
I am a cold, crisp autumn field.
I am a plush scarf in the breeze,
I am omnipresent, and yet never near.
I am a crackling fire in a winter freeze.
I am crumbling, cold, and free.
I am encumbered by the slush and snow.
I am waiting toe-to-toe.
You have seen me,
slouched, burdened, fatigued by the stress of the day,
waiting in the back of the bus bay.
I am all, and I am more.
haifa audrey Mar 2021
and alone, i rediscover my old habit of making out stars from the trenches
and finding the road of your childhood home changed
sky to sky
and you are not    the first snow
but you will witness the snow fight
the boys spoke no other language than their own
they threw, and fell, and built larger shadows of three
inseparable ever since
laughter disappearing into walls
i rediscover city lights flickering off
closing shop, on the bed singing into a screen
‘you will see me later’
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