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Anais Vionet Jan 2022
A tempest night sky presses, my lattice windows shake,
as if someone’s being thrown against them, or worse yet,
a yeti's breaking in.  They lock with little levers that seem far
too flimsy to keep out the prying fingers of turbulence.

We watched a man plodding outside - obviously a student from Alaska. He was talking on his phone, his breath a continuous, cold white cloud. He slipped, careering drunkenly but managed to stay upright by assuming a surfer-like crouch.
“Where do you think HE’s going?” Lisa wondered.

Forget fall’s polite, amuse-bouche of chill, we’ve been smacked,
full frontally assaulted by the gigantic, cold-fist of winter. “Go on,”
I said, to the weather gods last fall, like an unlucky gambler on a
losing streak. “hit me!”

Now I’m searching Amazon for “flannel underwear”.
BLT word of the day challenge: career: “to go at top speed in a headlong manner."
KieraYale Jan 2022
Is a *******
If seasons were people
He'd be Gregory House
Vicodin hungry
Volatile, Pins, and ******* Needles
Anais Vionet Jan 2022
The queen of winter comes.
An expressionless assassin
who feels no passion, she comes
as silently as the shadow of a cloud.

She may come crowned by aurora borealis,
or in ziggurat-like steps of paralysis,
but the song she sings freezes earthly things
and her chilly breath brings a sleepy death.
The queen of winter comes.

A deadly kiss from those frozen lips
can shatter skin like glass.
May howling hounds warn you
and blazing fires warm you.
The queen of winter comes.
They’re predicting a bomb-cyclone winter storm here Saturday. The queen of winter comes.

BLT word of the day challenge: ziggurat: a pyramid having successive stages
Maybe it would be reverse ziggurat - THAT’s a catchy phrase.
Dave Robertson Jan 2022
Well, ol’ boy
stood in the vista, a little lost
but feet finding the pub

that sun tried to make its point
which, though we acknowledged,
we tried to sidestep

clag mud added heavy boots
while loose, happy chat sat
in apotheosis

til a moussaka
and a couple of sublime fish dishes
let us sit down and rest

after miles
these muscles pretend to ache
the sun has that certain haze
as if it were the dead of Summer
and heat radiated through the air


this is a tease a reminder of those days
because indeed the air is fresh
and sharp as it should be in Winter

at the seaside a roaring song and dance
those distant waves appear as a range
the ridges of a desert mountain top


silhouetted at depths with the vibrance
of sunset hues bringing shade to the wild
while preparing for the cool of night

the reflections are shorter now
and I lose sight of that glowing orb
as far off clouds take shape to dip


colors shift to violet, navy and maroon
leaving a bruise to bumps in the night
and dream of an August day by the sea
S R Mats Jan 2022
For miles the white path leads
Silent, still, crisp air

Only a slight crunch beneath feet
Too cold to be damp

Come! We will walk
And feel the stillness of snow
Warrior Poet Jan 2022
They walk as the rain pours,
As if God was dumping a
Bucket of water on their heads;
But they continue to talk,
As if nothing is happening;

The air was so cold that
They could see their breath
Clearly in front of them
As if it were smoke

The sun did not
Shine, Which made
The environment grey
But they didn't care

For he makes dumb jokes
In hopes that she smiles,
To bring them both joy

As if they were children but,
They stop and she says goodbye;
And he walks away with

A smile on his face,
And he sings in the rain
On that cold dark winter day.
The Earth trembled
As the rabbits marched down
With strange twisted muskets
and fangs in their Cowles.
You can hear the cry’s of crows lost crowds
who have obviously sent them around
to hop one by one
to lead you into the cold lonely ground
Where you can only watch
As the works of man
Are razed to the ground
Odd mind
Zywa Jan 2022
January, still

the days are dark and short, still --

there are Christmas lights.
Collection "Slow circles"
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