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I am concrete walls that mount over cities, but a delicate garden of doom that blooms beautifully inside.
writerReader Feb 2015

w h o

who are

w h o  a r e  

who are you

w h o  a r e   y o u
Tara Jun 2018
Clanking my knees down each hallway
Breathing heavily
The world is crashing
Each sound amplified

Shaking hands
Puking again
Falling over
On edge

Verge of tears
I want to cry
I can’t anymore
Leave me alone
After all everyone leaves

We are temporary
So what’s the point
Leave me now

You will get tired of this venom injected to my heart
Be like everyone else

Everything hurts
They’re watching
This isn’t enough.
My daily pain
Tara Jun 2018
Half circles plastered on billboards
Blinding white light
A sore face
Blood dripping
Smile dear
One more time
Short piece about smiles- I hate smiles but I know some people enjoy them, if you do more power to ya buddy.
Gabrielle Calara Sep 2017
the thought of you stays
in the middle of the night
wish i knew you more
wrote this haiku inspired by a person i'm curious about

might do a poetry series all about it
CastorPolydeuces Jan 2017
Disconnected syllables of broken names trying to be whole
fill my dreams and echo through my home
while the eyes of a billion childlike selves cast their judgement...
Who are you.
Dislocated limbs pile in corners of my room
and I've forgotten where each fits,
and to which long past figure they belong, but still their eyes question...
Who are you.
Disappearing thoughts leave mist in their wake
only remembered by their now empty space
and a distant weakening whisper...
Who are you.
Ma Cherie Dec 2016
You are that sweet old trouble brewing,
as I sit and watch the fire tonight,
and I wonder...
hey boy what you doin'?

As that failing memory plays..
this is what I hear it say,
as I'm staring out at you & viewing,
and though a relationship with you,
could not be worth pursuing,

Until you call me again,
& come to me
& I'm the one you're wooing,
except I think it's just the ***,
to you I think it's just the *******,

But I don't know how to disagree,
as again my blouse you are undoing,
reality is sure looking pretty fuzzy,
& my everything you're quickly skewing,

I say OK let's do this thing,
as inhibitions are now subduing,
and as we again indulge,
to you again I'm always cuing,

As your sweet sweet lips press,
on my weak weak neck,
you run your hands down,
my waiting body,
hey sweet baby,
I say,
what the heck,

As you
run them down,
across my eager chest,
& over an ever arousing breast,

I know I shoulda stopped at just a peck,
& your past I hear is something,
I should check,

But wait you say,
hold there girl just a cotton pickin' sec,

I play it over and over,
I should have stayed away,
and now...

I'm just a complete & total wreck.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
No idea anymore ...any of it ugh...
Brianne Rose Oct 2016
No longer can I deny it.
Laugh all you want I have grown to not care about your words of hatred and spite.
Why I didn't ever see it before I don't know.
Was it because I was in denial?
Or because I was so simply staring out a window too foggy to clearly see through?
You may have been in my life for many a year, but never as I always wanted you.
Caring then Not.
Warm then Cold.
Close then Distant.
Gone is the loving soul I once knew.
What is that thing who has taken up residence where your soul once was?
What hideous unkind creature have you become?
No longer does your soul shine bright like the stars.
No longer does your infectious laugh ring loud and clear through these walls.
No longer do your eyes hold the warmth they once had.
You are no longer the being I cared for and once loved.
Why has this insidious thing taken your place?
Your kind compassionate words now cold biting and cruel.
Your warmth now chilling and cold.
Your eyes cut into me and pierce clean through.
Do you even remember the times you smiled?
The times we laughed and had fun?
Do you remember what fun even is?
Where has that person in that THEY so lovingly married?
Where's the kindness you and them once had?
How can I call you family if you never act it?
How can you be the person who once sang, danced,laughed, smiled and loved?
How can you become them again?
Can you ever?
Will you ever?
Please...I want no...Need to know!
Another late write...finally starting to restart this back up and get it going again. This is based again off of true event still progressing in my life. Criticism welcome
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