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Jennifer DeLong Mar 2021
I can and I will
No more jokes
No more games
It's now my turn
I deserve to be loved
I deserve to spoil me
So if you want to join me
there's some things
you have to agree to
Its time for laughter
It's time for love
Real life no playing
For the rest of my time
on this earth

© Jennifer DeLong 🦏
Nonah Oct 2020
The crest of the wave
Moves silent in the night

Beneath a moon that knows
Each year that comes and goes

Takes us farther from the light

The saline mist of a churning sea
Leaves tears that fall in long runs

Scarring the rocks temporarily
As water dries beneath the sun

To start again in the new day

Once more be washed away
Wasting My Time With You
By: Moesha Subria Ricketts

If I knew I would be so miserable I would stay,
Stay away from you.
As I first laid my eyes on you,
you have nothing not even a pair of shoes.
You speak about promises and I fall for them
But as they say promises are comfort to a fool.
So, I am the fool.

You say you would help me in achieving,
But, that a lie.
You speak it in your life that you’ve been there for many
But what about one.

So, I wonder were you wasting my time,
For my brain is young and fresh.
Father used to say I am naïve in loving a no-good like you
I try to prove him wrong but he was always right

My future is doomed with you I could see there is no love for me
My pass should be about you, that am hoping to forget
My present is you, that is wasting my time.
You are wasting my time.

I wish I could just pack my things and leave you by dawn
But I have nowhere to go I am trapped in a box
You offer nothing but misery.
For you are wasting my time.

If I knew I was going to run back to you
I wouldn’t have been with you
If I knew I was going to be miserable
I wouldn’t be so vulnerable.

All I can cry about is that you have wasted my time
You have wasted my time
You are wasting my time
You are always wasting my time

Its scary
As time passes
I wonder
Am I wasting my time?
Am I wasting my life?
It terrifies me that I might never be able to do those things
That maybe in the future I wont be bringing justice to the world
Even if not those, what if I end up doing nothing
What if I end up becoming nothing?
Cattatonicat Jun 2020
In a castle of sand

What are we breathing
What are we wasting
What are we protecting

Why did we build this castle
Why did I build this castle

I built it to leave it behind
I built it to love
I built it to live
I've been told to trust time
Like somehow it would save me from the night
When my dreams threaten to eat me alive
Like festering rot
That continued to develop over trusted time

When I was told to trust in time
I took his advice
I truly thought that everything
Would simply be alright
But time started to devour my bones
Leaving me without a soul

I've been trusting time
For a while now
Waiting for it to save me
But maybe time
Is what was wrong with me to begin with

My march towards a place without time
Is growing increasingly fast
As I sit on my bed, I wonder
How long I will last
Riya Mar 2020
what's the point
of trying..
when I know
you're just
gonna be
the same
ya I should be
more understanding
but this time
I can't help
but think
that I'm just wasting
my time..
on you
I'm getting a little sick
sick of this
always worrying about you
when you can't
can't even listen to me
am I whispering..
are my words going mute..
do they even
even mean anything
like you say they do
to you…do they?

what's the point
of caring..
Yaaa /:
Edit: I was sad when I wrote this so it might not make sense..
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