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Michelle Garcia Nov 2014
humans leave behind scars
as often as they leave behind
old skin cells and yesterdays
oblivious to the fact
that their words carry knives
and that the fleeting hearts of others
remain tragically vulnerable

you have left me with nothing
but a dozen gashes on my heart,
and i've been bandaged a thousand times
from the shattered hopes
that have wounded me
when i tried to stand up again

you took all that was left of me
and now i am just
a hollow ribcage, a fragile soul,
slapped in the face by our lost love
and the sudden realization
that it could not be found
Michelle Garcia Nov 2014
it is one thing to have
a pretty face, and another
to be beautiful

i don't want to seem
like i belong somewhere else,
the cover of a magazine,
or on some prestigious runway
i don't want to be
loved for the way
my hair shines under stage lights,
the length of my eyelashes

instead, i'd like to be beautiful
for the way that i love,
the sound of my laughter,
the way i spin words
into feelings
i want to feel utterly
and completely beautiful
for the way that i am,
for the way that i will be

i don't want to be just another
flawless face,
perfect to the core
i want to be drowning in imperfections
so that people can look around them
and despite all my scars, faults,
and flaws,
still find me to be
Some Person Nov 2014
I barely know you
And I don't know
whether my feelings
will grow
But I think about
how I have to speak loudly
if I want you to hear
And I wonder
If I ever tell you
my secrets
How will it feel
to speak them boldly
As if I'm finally
voicing everything
about the world
that hurts
for the first time
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
Vulnerability is trust
Trust is vulnerability
Carefully tread these dark waters;
do not lose yourself.
Mara Nov 2014
vulnerability is the worst emotion
time after time you try to leave your shell
practicing some type of
self promotion
telling others you really need to
work on what you say
oh how they encourage you without delay
“but you're amazing you shouldn't hide”
“you are not alone”
“you can't just avoid everyone all your life”
my only fear isn’t just everybody else
vulnerability has this way of
taking hold of your tongue
regretting every word you speak
and don’t speak
your worst enemy becomes yourself
makes me want to scream in frustration
I know I can be something amazing
I want to run forward without
looking back ever again
I try to so hard to force these
sentences out of me
to keep some hope about
being accepted as just who I am
some days no matter what I try
I must accept defeat
maybe instead of using
words this time
I'll use something like
a double-edged knife
I'll slit my stomach open and
spill all that i’ve kept inside
would that be enough
would people understand me then
because as of now whenever
I use my head
they never seem to quite get it
people they always shoot
me down without a use of
even a reply
with my whole self laid out
on the ground they surely
should understand all that I am
and plus I read this was
an honorable way to die
Some Person Nov 2014
I need just one person
To slow down enough
To see me
To find me
Look into my eyes
And keep looking
Not a glance
Put your hand on my chest
I'm thin, you can feel my heart beat
It beats for you
It beats for me
For what it hasn't found
For what will never be
Won't someone please
Cry with me?
I am not fragile
But I am vulnerable
Loving makes me so.

Fear is a foe
That only those who truly love
Will ever really know.
Some Person Nov 2014
Hey everyone,
I wanted you all to know
That I went to rehab
No, not drug rehab
****** addiction rehab
Much more...I don't know,
I want you to know this
Because I love you
And I don't care
What kind of **** you've been through
Or how ****** up you are
I am too
I've been close to a lot
And I'm sure if I knew your whole,
I would love you the same,
If not even more
Because vulnerability is beautiful
Wear your heart inside out
You won't scare me
And if you scare someone else, well,
Now you know who they are
Aubrey Lambert Oct 2014
i hold my lungs still.
my space, still.
i hold still lest my entire self float and scatter.
like soft white feathers bursting from their fabric confines, scatter.

fragile, you search me.
face to face, seeking  to understand me.
a physical manifestation of my favorite form of love.
like breathing in all i exhale and the spaces between, love.
I need you to be sick
without me
Because this is what the thought
of without you
does to me.

I need you to mentally replay
our encounters conversations and videos
Because this is what I do
when I can't talk to you.

I need you to taste me before seeing me
because I always feel and taste you.

I need you to hear my voice
when I'm not around.
Because I'm tired
of feeling crazy
about you.

I need you to understand
that the little things you do
are always noticed
and they all have little shrines
in my mind.

I need you to know
that I'm an attention *****
and although I like to share
sometimes I want to be stingy
with your time.

I need you to know
that when you're upset with me.
I feel needles in my chest and I can't breathe
it’s an incredibly slow burn.

I need to know
Do you truly love me to
the depths that I love you?
Can your truly promise your desire and passion won’t fade?
Will you always be my best friend?
Will I be yours till the end?

Because if you can’t answer yes
to all of my requests.
Then my love is in vain,
And you should leave me alone
And hope for the impossibility
That my love will wane.
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