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My timing is bad,
Like a death of a loved one
Seems selfish, a far.
Suspend your disbelief but when emotions are high foresight is low. Revealing my pain to release my chest. Never belligerent
Deep May 2018
To love, to live, to share, to feel;
In a world of suffering, oh so real,
So live your life to react and deflect,
Or be hurt and suffer, the hollow effect.

Be tough, be scared, be false, be strong,
Block it all out, in a fight to belong,
Winning the game, having it all;
For it's not a nice feeling, being vulnerable.

Oh pity the man who tries to fly,
Opens his heart, left to die,
A defenceless battle, in a stormy sea,
Weak and abandoned; just to be seen.

Imagine a world, where the wind is free,
It crashes, it wails; it breaks a tree,
Honest and true to nature's grace,
At peace, so pure; a contented face.

The pain, the hurt; no guilt, no shame,
Feeling the darkness, within the flame,
Touching the cliffs, the valley and mountains,
The moon, the sky, the clouds and fountains.

A blessèd life, it is to just be;
Harmony, Equanimity, Humility.
In a world of suffering, oh so real;
To love, to live , to share, to feel.
The first poem during my active process/ journey towards finding some inner peace (AKA my midlifer!).
Miss Me May 2018
I absolutely know there is something
hiding within me
It lays low in my soul which keeps my spirit at bay
Oh how i keep aching for a different way of life
Yet i cant get loose from its choke hold
On my heart
I could see death in the reflection of myself this morning
And yet still I cant put the
glass down
that keeps that part of me hidden
I plead for it to show itself
So that maybe , just maybe i can get beyond it
I am resisting the urge to rid myself from the creature that refuses to come forward
What a coward it must be for it is not I but IT that preyed upon me
What lays ahead I never know
but hope somehow
It beheads you
Please know me
Glenda May 2018
How you fool everyone to think you're innocent and vulnerable is beyond me.

Playing victim is second nature to you.
**** with people's minds is all you good at.
I never gave you permission to **** with mine, you ***** me.
Play with people because of your past and your so called " trust issues "

You're no better than the person who did you wrong.

Support please <3
The L word is so powerful
A response involuntary
The opposite of sorrowful
It’s synonymous with merry.

The L word draws defenses down
It’s a visceral connection.
The antidote to ev’ry frown,
It defies any inspection.

The L word comes as a surprise
Result of the unexpected,
There’s no need to apologize
For how others are affected.

The L word is a mystery,
But you’re always happy after.
Nothing else makes you feel as free
As uncontrollable Laughter.
Whisper Yes Apr 2018
cards on the table
no games
no pride
no protections
i love you
everything about you
and buddha knows you are not easy
i want to always be challenged by you
to fight with you about whether anger is right to express or not
to make the sweetest filthiest soul shattering love
Which neither of us can speak of
Gabriel burnS Apr 2018
Sadists, aren’t we all… abusing that for which we fall…
The way that I’m obsessed… with the fabric of your dress
Although it doesn’t feel as good… as tender skin beneath it would
So it deserves the claws… and lacerated ribbons’ flow…
Of all the fingers, it’s the thumb… that sees the broadest, like the sun
Runs in circles on those knees… the sweet of you I love to read
Yet passion thrives on sacrifice… with aftermaths of melting ice
To treat the paintings on your skin… which lust, in trance, would blindly leave
Like every coin, there are two sides… and truth is tasting both in life…
The things that we adore… our hunger paints in gore
And now you’re in the palms… their lips brush off the calm…
The sinking of the teeth… the flavor underneath...
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