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Ayesha Apr 2021
There is a plummeting within me
I reckon not unlike tumble ****
in a lone, stranded desert

That of violence
so long silenced
That of anger, and hail storms
upon freshly blossomed hyacinths

a smothered baby bird
or a tree towed down
the twigs and shrivelled seedlings
cry out
and dry gusts hear
One upon other lunges

And I, them weeds—
them weeds— and more,
a deafening brawl

Rolled, as wool, into an orb
That laughs an unkept,
dimming painting
Jumps over rocks
this wicked, rotten child,
And descends under still

A brick that stumbles out the wall of my skull
and down my depths,
it begins to explore

The den
where an injured bird
snores bleeding
And ceramic bars that surround
Down still—

A churning, twisting furnace
Burning all menace to gold
And labyrinths
Restless as they warp
upon themselves—
Them groaning snakes

It plummets down still
past the stars
past the battered moon

On, on ’til the cracked rocks
Pull it under, under, under

and my steps feel heavy
A fat brick kiln burping within
And steam and smoke
strangely slither

Then one more brick breaks loose
then one more, then—

and there is a plummeting within me
Like that of beads from a broken necklace
They lurk
from flesh to flesh
Climb up my bare white trees
filled with mud

This faded landscape painting
claws down my spine
And ***** its stollen hues out
Like those

of battles
or slaughtered moths
Of old, crinkled terrors etched
with foolery
Hymns of fury undissolved
and those of naked, shivering sheep

a kitten’s skull
stuck down the drain

There’s a plummeting within me
terrifying, and disgusting; angry and
beautiful— all hyped up to scream
I fear the landslides will
carry me along
and I will let them.
Jennifer DeLong Apr 2021
Why so much violence
Why can't we find peace
Why are you protesting
causing so much destruction
is that really better ?
Breaking windows
spraying hate upon
these walls
Your destroying
people's lives
your turning our
city into a ugly ****** up
How does that get your message across ?
Grow the **** up
and look up protesting
see it's meaning are you reading the meaning ?
It's about using your voice and standing up
Your all acting like brats
hurting others
acting like bullies
that's not protesting
your not getting attention
Your getting us *******
I hope you get to feel the
damage your causing
You belong in a cell
Where you can't destroy
and steal and throw
temper tantrums
Where you can't spread
your ugliness
and we can find peace
and find our way ahead
It has to stop
your not proving anything
I know you must be stopped
it has to end
it's no longer about
race or hate
It's about adults who are
acting like children
You need to learn
the meaning
of protesting
You need to build others
up and help people see
there is a way forward
So stop just stop
We can handle this
You need to be taught
a lesson and karma
will handle you soon
I just hope sooner
not later
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
Sam Steele Apr 2021
Another gun, another shot, another bullet flies
Another place, another wound, another person dies

Another paper’s headline, another claim of disbelief
Another time of sorrow, and another family’s grief

In the aftermath of ******, it’s another call to prayer
Another prelude to inaction in a land that doesn’t care

I pray that we can live a life devoid of death and fear
I pray to stop the slaughter in this barbaric atmosphere

I pray the hate stops flying.  I pray the threat soon ends
I pray for all my children; I pray for family and for friends

I pray for love, I pray for hope, I pray the killings cease
I pray for you, I pray for me, I pray for lasting peace

Though God may have the upper it’s not God’s hand on the gun
Give a weapon to a demon and a wicked deed gets done

We have armed the devil’s legions, and oh how he is smirking
It’s time to change the gun laws. It’s clear the prayers aren’t working
Pinkmoon Apr 2021
Thoughts and Prayers
They burn
Ashtray of humanity
Incense offering
There is no god
Thoughts and Prayers
Zywa Mar 2021
The winter is over, the men want action
like rams without ewes and without a shepherd
By the fishing lake, I promise to be their king

It takes a fortune, rows of carts
bring bread and fish every day
the campaign begins, we march
through the outer regions

On the Mount of Anointment near the capital
we camp under the olive trees
The saint pours a golden crown of oil
over my head, it is my best birthday

I address the men: It is near!
And my enemies, who do not want me
bring them here and slay them before me!
Jesus = “JHWH is rescue”

Mark 3-14, Luke 19:27-28

Collection “From Sacred Scriptures”
I was just going to school
I was just picking up groceries
I was just seeing a movie
I was with my friends at a concert
I was with my family at the mosque
So many statistics were just people
Like yourself and me
Living their lives
Not looking for trouble
But there's a hate and fear
That gets poured into the pockets
Of arms dealers
So the hateful and fearful
Can pour lead into people
Like yourself and me
Who lose their name when they lose their last breaths
And become another number in this year's statistics
17 lines, 278 days left.
Sam Steele Mar 2021
Mine’s a gun-based culture and shooting is my thing
To my local firing range, guns and bullets I will bring
I fire handsome weapons at the targets one by one
Exquisite is the harmony of bullet, man and gun

Trigger finger twitching, my targets fill with holes
The agony and ecstasy as I achieve my goals
Its ok what I’m doing here. All my buddies say
Its part of our rich culture, backed by the N-R-A

With many kinds of shooting range, whatever you’re desiring
Just pick your favourite subject and get the guns a firing
A synagogue, a classroom, a concert or a mall
There’s moving targets everywhere (until they’re hit and fall)

A worshiper, a music fan, a child or the police
A president, a classroom aid will hear the shattered peace
I see them down and bleeding.  They twitch uncontrollably
Just like my trigger finger, we’re in perfect harmony

Triggers pulled, targets fall.  Morning, noon or night
You can’t stop what I’m doing, it’s a 2nd amendment right
Mine’s a shooting culture.  With my gun I get my say
It can’t be wrong, cause if it was they’d change it. Wouldn’t they?
I am not yet a man
But I am King.

You have ****** me
Onto this throne
torn the wooden sword from
my hands to place in them
shaking steel
It is stained with the dark wine
that foams at the mouth of my enemies
You say I must lust after the taste of it
As men lust for women
But I know nothing

Feed me violence until I’m sick of it
My eyes crawl with what I’ve seen -


littered all around
daisies in a meadow with which
I’ve made my crown.
they are made of violence
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2021
Walking home
at twilight:

the gentle breeze

the lavender sky

the wave goodbye
before the sun
closes its eyes

and the lingering disquiet
of knowing
you're all alone
for the next several blocks
For Sarah Everard.
It wasn't her fault.
For many women simply taking a walk can be a gamble, even in a good neighborhood.
That is unacceptable.
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