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K Balachandran Feb 2015
It's in her signature scent and erogenous warmth
when her full lips are pressed ******* mine, I bask in,
when a pernicious current flowing  through me makes
my mind spin out of control, how disastrous are
the consequences! I see heavenly bodies gyrating closer,
it's now certain that I'll fall prey to her wild charms,
and gladly be her slave for all the times to come!

What an infamy it would bring to my beloved, forget me,
her beauty immaculate, too will be a suspect then.
Oh! I can't think of it, it'll break my heart for ever,
my sweet Valentine, forgive me for feigning indifference.
To him nothing is sacrosanct than the honor of his sweet Valentine:
to uphold it he would even feign indifference, hiding his bleeding heart....
Kurt Schneider Feb 2015
You claim that you're an angel,
but I know you don't dream in color,
you dream in 50 shades of gray

When you say that its black
But I know that it's white.

When there is nothing left for you to say.

"Who knows what the future might bring?"

I know..
Regret and dismay.

Its just a shame
That's All

Happy Valentines Day.
Valentine's Day.
What a joke.
Attempting to buy someone's affection.
How trivial.
We make reservations.
We pick up our date.
We give them meaningless things.
Candy. Flowers. Cards.
People  are exploited.
People are used.
People are dehumanized.
People are objectified.
And it's claimed to be for love.
That's not love.
Love isn't candy.
Love isn't flowers.
Love isn't ***.
And love is NOT forced.
Love is when you don't have to constantly buy or do things for someone, and they still know you care.
Love is a little note you leave someone to cheer them up on a bad day.
Love is holding the door for someone.
Love is a hug. Love is a kiss.
Love is a kind word.
Love is innocent and pure.
Love is you and I.
I dislike Valentine's Day because I think it's stupid to set a day aside to show people you love them. Especially the special someone that is in your life. You should show them you care every day. That doesn't mean buying them things. I hate the commercial racket Valentine's Day has become. People are nice to their dates because they have selfish ulterior motives. People who are single feel left out and alone. Well, I'm here to tell you to go ahead and be your own valentine. Every day. And show love to everyone. Do kind things for people. That's a love everyone can express. And everyone will enjoy that. I do love my girlfriend very much. But, I won't be doing anything for her or us for Valentine's day. I have nothing to prove to her or anyone else. If your impression of my love for you is dependent on what I buy you on February 14th, I cannot be with you. I'm just fed up with people being taken advantage of by the stores and people being taken advantage of by their dates. We need to spread kindness and love. I love you all, and please be safe.
Leia R Feb 2015
Blood stained the cobblestone street
As they punished me, San Valentín.
For marrying people off the streets,
To keep them from the war defeats.

Yet they celebrate my body marred
On a holiday with gifts and cards.
I wish to join them in chocolates fed,
But it's hard to eat without your head.
What Valentines is really about.
MegAnne McNally Feb 2015
I did not intend this,
A lust for soft hands, lips like rose.
I woke with it already in my veins.
But my love is not my own; they stole my reigns.
After taking what was left of my voice.
It isn't my choice.

Slowly the fear of myself becomes too strong.
Lost in the rhythm of this sapphic song.
I was bred from the blood of a great poetess,
A Greek Goddess who loved both Zeus and Aphrodite ferocious.
Unashamed of the lust in her hips,
Born to a world who saw no difference.

Daughter of Sappho why do you cry?
Please don't lose your life to a lie.
You can do nothing wrong in love,
Pray that Aphrodite is generous from above.
May she show you that true love transcends gender.
Dare Cupid to prove the existence of such splendor.

May the Goddess in your bones,
Find refuge on the beaches of ******,
The people who disagree fear your unknown,
They cannot comprehend the grandiose.
When they demonize you,
Remind them Lucifer was once angel too.

Be too large in love for them,
Do not succumb to their strange,
Better yet prove that you will not be condemned.
Be the catalyst of change.
Being gay around Valentine's day has always been difficult, especially living in an area where homophobes prevail.
Vivian Cunniffe Feb 2015
sometimes vows should never be spoken.
sometimes promises should never be told.
sometimes actions are our only tokens
sometimes silence is worth more than gold.
sometimes words are what we desire to hear
sometimes we crave our lovers voice.
sometimes the touch is what we fear
sometimes love is not a choice.

most times we want to hear
'i love you.
most times we want
what we never can tell.
most times we pray words to be true
but most times
we fall under the liars spell.
elizabeth acayan Feb 2015
I'll *******
if you want
because I want it too
I want your hot breath on my neck
as you come closer to me in the middle of the night
or day
I want the stubble of your chin on my thighs
when you explore my body
I want pressure between our hips
as we toss and turn in the sheets
And when it's done
I'll tell you 'I love you'
but you don't need to reply
even though I know you will
Just nudge me with your nose
or graze me with you fingers
*(inspired by elbows and knees)*
Riot Feb 2015
Love is when I put my head on your shoulder and its as if nothing is missing in my life
Love is when I don't have to say anything before you tell me
"don't worry, we'll get through this together"
Love is when I can rest my head on your lap, close my eyes, and feel safe
Love is when every argument we have ends with "I love you"
Love is when nothing can stand against our two flames
Love is you and me against the world baby
Happy valentines day
Francie Lynch Feb 2015
Twelve red roses
Will wilt;
Twelve red hours
Continually bloom.
Lila Valentine Feb 2015
Guess what day is soon to be
Where smiling people is all I see
Feeling like they belong with someone
While I wait for whoever will come.

Guess the day that shall be upon us
When dates and love will be all they discuss
While I stand awkwardly to the side
Telling myself it was okay, I'd tried.

Guess the day I wish to come
When I stand in front of him, struck dumb
Shocked that my offer to watch Doctor Who
Would have finally appealed to him, out of the blue.

Guess the day I most abhor
It aids in my internal war
As I wait for time to pass
I remind myself he's not the last.
Hahaha Valentine's Day *****'s bugs me, only good thing is the sale on candy....
Yeah, but early, but who cares
This is about the same person ((partially)) that Scarf and It's A Little Funny is about. Derp.

Tell me what ya'll think.
Any chance of daily poem? no? Okay....
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