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Alia Sinha Feb 2015
First impressions passed by
as if too busy to try to please anybody
You were a land dispute in a cold place,
a piece of bacon on a ceramic plate,
a curtain-rod edge that rolled under the bed,
a letter of apology posted slightly late,
the back of a sleek anonymous head

I don't know what I felt for you
so vague, distressing
coloured in shades of irrelevant
Which is the best thing, considering.
When we were together, dinner was fine
conversation stilted but passed the time
I suppose
I'd rather think of you than of nothing at all
Perhaps you are my valentine.
Mark Lecuona Jan 2015
If only we were in love
We’d be planning our day
We’d be excited about flowers
And romance our special way

If only we were in love
We’d know just what to do
But it wouldn’t be just one day
It would be all the others too

If only we were in love
If only we were in love
If only is all we can think of
Because if only
Is only what lonely people think of

If only we were in love
We wouldn’t have to wonder
Our eyes would burn like embers
From the spell we are under

If only we were in love
Every day would tell our story
We would believe in tomorrow
We’d know when to say I’m sorry

If only we were in love
If only we were in love
If only is all we can think of
Because if only
Is only what lonely people think of
Abigail B Jan 2015
Fingers dance eagerly
Over their choices.
Eyes scrutinize
The decadence
And danger
That has been displayed.

Fingers select
The smallest orb.
They graze over
Their decision
And dissect it
To reveal the dark, dripping heart.

A single cherry
Sits in the warmth
Of a chocolate sphere.
Teeth devour
And divide
And tear the delicate pit apart.
NeroameeAlucard Jan 2015
St. Valentine Was A *******
he clearly was Aphrodite's *****
he became a slave to that amorous witch
and cupid was his constant itch
Now his day is set aside
for marketing and sales besides
lingerie and chocolate, flowers and jewels
are profit for money grubbing tools

One day out of the year shouldn't be set aside
to show your partner you care besides
love is more than hot passionate ***
it's more than cards with funny effects
love entails more than having kids

While I'm here can I just address
Ladies, we think its for the best,
that you just say what you want, no more hints or indirectness,
don't expect us to know we can't read minds, that's not how nature erected us
Having some fun
I wonder if she thinks about me at all
I wonder if me being hesitant messed up my chances
Maybe she still wants me to make a move
I'll never know
Each day my heart grows
Despite a relationship being present with her
I wonder if she still thinks about me
I may have came out too strong
With a decorated note two years ago
But I don't feel wrong
Just regretful
That I haven't made a move before you did with somebody else.
Real life story for me.
Gabrielle Louise Jul 2014
In this moment, I am standing here with my feet unsteady. My room is a war-zone belonging to a person who never outgrew five on somedays but on others has matured past forty. I am sixteen and I am learning that love does not come when needed, wanted, or even when you're ready. I have stood for too long with my arms outstretched, a cavity between them for someone else to fill, but all they leave behind is blemished skin. My hands, numb at the fingers, don't know what their use is anymore. Love comes when you recognize it. It comes like a bee sting. When it leaves, it takes chunks and craters. It leaves a stinger pumping poison until you locate the burning. This could take years. For now, you are the moon. Look at you, glowing madly for all the wrong reasons. The lights in my room rust into the wall with a smolder, the cassettes play the color blue and the bottles, with their stale water, are all the fixtures in my room left static. See, either way I'm either making people stationary or throwing them away. I know that we are all on our own path to fate, which remains the same, hurdling around the sun at what seems like a snail's pace. I am going to stay here a little longer and hope my path will cross another's, like a road pierced with train tracks. Crash into me. Make it hurt. Make the wait worth everyone before you who fell short. Make me remember what my hands are for.
Austin Heath Apr 2014
I was in Buffalo for a week;
she gave me a hand-job in my best friend's
guest room, and I was naive and optimistic.
I was younger then, even
younger than I am now.
So I wanted her; but couldn't understand
she did not want me. I bought her ****
for Valentine's day, but failed the test.
So Instead I ate candy I bought
for a stranger
and watched "Hellraiser".
Partly cloudy;
Partly sunshine.

— The End —