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Andrew Oct 2020
Hold me a glass cup –
Something fragile seems too tough
For –
Wash the remains from
The clear insides

I will shatter
If dropped
glowingwaffles Oct 2020
Stop telling me i’m pretty
i’m broken and destroyed, but You can’t know
i’d let You in my world, but You would rather leave. Probably.
Like everyone before You
i’m complicated and confused
Sad and numb
So stop telling me i’m pretty
i’ll fall in love with You

i’ll fall in love with You and regret
You’ll regret
That You talked to me in the first place
Flirted with me
Made me laugh
Got me to open up and share my darkest secrets
You’ll regret missing me
Thinking of me
Fantasizing of me
Because You see
i’m a toy
A broken toy
Once loved, always forgotten

But if You show love to this toy
Instead of just playing and throwing
If You show care to this toy
Without dropping and breaking
Then do call me pretty
But don’t make me regret
Or Yourself regret
That i may fall in love with You
Artem Mars Sep 2020
I've found that I am hopeless
I am a bad person
I lash out
I hurt people
Just by sticking around
You can deny it all you want
i am a bad person
you dont even know
dont tell me you hurt me
you know what i did
i yelled and i cried
made you feel you were mine
but if you were mine,
i think i would trust you
but thats too much
i cant even hold you
i am not a good person
i dont deserve your forgiveness
im sorry.
i am.
dont do anything because of me
haha im literally very bad at poetry
FS-30 Sep 2020
Sometimes it’s better to walk away,
Holding your head high above the ground.
Sometimes it’s the silence,
That makes the loudest sound.
Raven Mc Chim Sep 2020
The world behind me
Where the rudes judge me
Makes me feel low
Even when I feel to glow
Maybe they don't know
that I'm my life hero
What they know is just their mere  calculations
What I do is beyond their their imagination
Don't provoke me,
                       I'm the rose filled with thorns
I may look good and sweet to talk but  dare to play with me,
            I'll poke you with my thorns
Prachi Sep 2020
The things termed as coincidence,
Are nothing but magic incidents;
It is what you believe,
That you can live.

Believe and you will find it,
Trust and you will get it;
Who to trust troubles you?
It is no one else but you.

You yourself are magic,
Let things be enigmatic;
Just count on yourself,
Miracle will unleash itself.
The energy of beliefs is powerful.
Lee Carter Sep 2020
If a man needs you to believe a lie,
He will often say, "trust me."

If a man needs you to believe the truth,
He will speak it.
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
your best friend
told me

you are
really shy

but then why
are you
so open
with me?

you barely
even know
also check out my other poems!  :)
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