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Poetic T May 2020
Solitary with you
                  was lonely.

I didn't really know

                   my cell mate.
I am waiting in a tall gray tower,
Whose shadow is as dark as your heart.
And every time I look out on the land,
I pray for the wind to bring you to me
So that we can be healed here together,
And this tower will touch the hands of God.

Tha mi a 'feitheamh ann an tùr àrd liath,
Tha a sgàil cho dorcha ri do chridhe.
Agus a h-uile uair choimheadas mi a-maich air an fhearann,
Guidheam gun toir a 'ghaoth thu thugam
Mar sin is urrainn dhuinn a shlànachadh an seo còmhla
Agus ruigidh an tùr seo làmhan Dhè.
Thomas May 2020
We are thrown to the Earth -- what for?
Without even the least mark to bear,
Waves that toss and **** and side the shore.
In the breaking ocean -- what glory is there?

Still I cannot think by chance it's kept,
For we share time and its passing, fleet,
For our eyes, find the other's step,
Our voices, their echoes meet.

Rathering shed our memory, more our name,
Of the climbing dawn, our love beneath it,
Than serve cruel reason and falsely claim,
We hadn't been born to see it.
For Mother's day 💐
Dave Robertson May 2020
The path ahead is unclear
the first few steps seem fine
(as fine is redefined by times)
beyond is cowled in green gloom
with definition hidden
but enticing

We pause and breathe
ask feet to tentatively tread possibilities
for surer surface

The line ascribed
by timeless river run
seems safe
and the possibility of kingfishers
is a draw indeed

But we have seen these river banks
lost to inundation
and irresistible weight

To realise this too late
would be fatal

so we collaborate in waiting
and make the call
I saw a kingfisher again! That’s three times in 44 years...
abi May 2020
when we were together
you said we'd be forever

you said that forever
you would be my lover

and it's crazy that my newest pleasure
is you saying we would be forever
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
With love in abundance, to share.
Yes, i am rich !
With love, all that i have, to spare.
Yes, i am poor !

If it is riches, you seek...
I'm sorry !
My life is all that i own.
If it is possessions, you seek...
I'm sorry !
My body is all that i own.
With love, all that i have, to spare.
Yes, i am poor.

If it is happiness, you seek.
I'm here for you,
With infinite smiles.
If it is togetherness, you seek.
I'm here for you,
With love in abundace, to share.

Yes, i am rich !!!!!
how much is a lotta money to you ?
What makes you rich ?
My riches is life, forever !

Silverflame May 2020
Your northern light lures me in
it's blinding my eyes
it's so cold and so tragically beautiful
it's roaming alone on a loose highway
where no man can stay

We all see you, but not all can feel you
I am powerless and drained of self-love
but if you want to, I'll love you enough
enough for you to never feel alone
despite our distance, I'll keep you sane
and perhaps you can keep me warm

We've felt the calamity in our hearts
etching happiness away;
injecting darkness all over
but it's okay, it's all okay now
we've found each other
and we'll get through it

I do not know much, but this I know;
all this pain and suffering have not been in vain
since it led me to you, and you to me
so let's give happiness a second chance, shall we?
Vina May 2020
If it is the ending
Would you like to go coffee with me
Go to McDonald's and eat fries

If it is the ending
Can we have one last song
Last dance
Last hug
Last kiss

If it is the ending
Would you mind to tell me a joke
Laugh with me like we're the last people on earth

If it is the ending
Can you stay with me?
Does happy ending exist
old willow May 2020
Swift was dusk, reminding people how time flies by quickly before one realized.
Their world was separated,
two boundaries that could never met,
as was fated by heaven itself.

Slip from the crack of the boundary,
The two illusionary figures collide.
Stretching across the land,
White flakes cover every nook and cranny,
Their figures were like two magnets attracted toward one another.

She knew of his name that was covered in blood.
He had walked a path filled with corpses,
the murderer who slaughtered millions with his sword.
Looking at him from a distance, she laughed.
Nothing was needed to be said,
for words were meaningless to the both of them than the look they gave to each other.

The country is broken, though hills and rivers remain,
In the city in spring, the grass and trees are thick.
Chaos, like oil mixing with water, order is not to be anchored.
Enemy, are many;
Peace is few.
In this world, my enemy is numerous as clouds,
Are you willing to accompany my path?

Her smile was the blooming spring that would be coming.
Somehow, she had always believed in him.
He would never fail her.
If he walked the path filled with obstacles, then she would accompany him!

Alone in the northern lands,
The two of them burrow their feet in the earth,
Hands held gently against one another as they faced each other.
A tranquil solemnity befalls on the place,
as all of nature was to witness the soon unity of the couple,
Far from the turmoil of the world.

First, Prayer to the heaven and earth present to witness their love.
As if signifying their presence,
The earth shook, the clouds cleared.
Their heads held high, and their gaze locked onto each other.

A bow to Heaven and Earth,
This bow is as surreal as a dream.
First thanking Heaven for bestowing conformity upon the two of us,
Allowing me to meet you among billions of people,
Till white-haired yet never parted.

A bow to Heaven and Earth,
Kneeling love and hate into dust,
Before kowtowing the earth, permitting a place of quietude for the both of us.
let us imagine the world hatred as congratulatory,
In the end, neither of us owning the other anything,
This life, this moment,
There are only the twos of us.

And the final bow to Heaven and Earth,
the last to represent that they would stick through thick and thin,
a bow to each other,
Immemorial promises to remind each other that they are one yet not, alone yet together.
Their conviviality was sent as a prayer to Heaven and Earth,
coveting their thoughts for peace,
And may it last forever more, under the eternal heaven.

If not this life,
In the next life,
May we meet again.
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