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I “borrowed,”
a customer’s purple shirt
“okay, I stole that shirt”

It looked too good,
with an ironic phrase in white words

“dreams do come true”

Do I feel guilty
about “borrowing,” that purple shirt

“I don’t really know”

But I’ll let you know
later on tomorrow, as I’ve hung it out
with an outfit, ready to go to church.

Debasing money is not just wrong
And generally suspicious
It’s personally destructive
It’s insulting and malicious

For those who store their value
The hard working and ambitious
To have their value stolen
Is insulting and malicious

Whether it happens quickly
Or slow and surreptitious
It’s pure and blatant theft
It’s insulting and malicious

For those who don’t have assets
It’s particularly vicious
But for ALL who use the fiat
It’s insulting and malicious

That dollars can store value
Over time, is quite fictitious
In not much time, the value melts
It’s insulting and malicious

With Bitcoin, we have a choice
It’s purpose quite auspicious
You can choose between the two
I hope you’ll be judicious
You can see this poem on a background here -
QueenOfTheAshes Sep 2024
I stood there and took the abuse
But in my mind I let it become my muse
My veins are filled with all that you left
Venom and a planned theft.

Planned my escape to easier days
Let you see yourself in too many ways
Did you like it or did you hate it?
I knew you wanted to break it.

And so you did and when you saw me
Behind the mirror in my glory
Did you ever think I'll tell the story
Of how he truly likes to adore me?
Trigger warning: abuse, physical violence.
When you’re weary of inflation
And you want to cry and pout
Take a stand, and take a step
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Are you tired of censorship,
Where your freedom is in doubt?
Make a concrete choice today
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Do you want more hope in life?
More confidence, strong & stout?
Then choose accountability
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

When you’re sick of seigniorage
This theft that comes with “clout”
You can claim your power now
Get Bitcoin, and opt out

Bitcoin provides a better way
So stand up with joy and shout
That it remains permissionless
Get Bitcoin, and opt out
You can see this poem on a background here -
Abi Winder Aug 2024
i feel like a thief.

all i do is steal.

i steal views,
and feelings,
and songs,
and glances.

and sometimes i drive home from work a certain way,
slow down more than usual,
pray the sky is clear enough
just to see the city from afar.

some nights i take a long way home,
just to roam around a little more,
just to be able to sit a while longer in this freedom.
i would chase this feeling around the world.

and sometimes i sit a little longer in my car,
to listen to another song
play over and over again -
just to feel the lyrics echo through me once more.  

and i look at people a little more in the eyes,
a little longer than i should.
let my eyes wander over their cheekbones and lips,
hoping i can memorise the way they form words on their tongue.

the point is
i steal.
in the hope of feeling something
a little longer than i have the right to.
Ryan R Latini Aug 2024
I never liked Jonathan until
I punched him
And stole his tooth.
I got a dollar
From the Tooth Fairy.
Cné Jun 2024
In the shadows, a tale unfolds
Of inspiration, versus theft, so cold
A spark of ideas, like blood in the night
Can be drained away, without a fight

Inspiration whispers, "Take a bite"
Of my creativity, let it ignite
But theft creeps in, with a vampire's might
And steals away, the light of delight

Let us embrace, the inspiration's glow
And shun the theft, that would our souls know
For in the darkness, only one is true
Inspiration's kiss, versus theft's cold brew.
Inspired or stolen (I’ll let you decide) from Temporal Fugues Poem Artistic Vampir,
Vampires can be a great metaphor for creative ideas - they can inspire and energize, but also drain and exploit.
Zywa Sep 2023
Toilets overflow,

trains cannot run on the tracks:

copper is golden.
Copper theft from the railways in the Netherlands, in 2023

Tour of the guest house of the King Sabata Dalindyebo Technikon in Mthatha (Eastern Cape, RSA) and of the old sewage treatment plant in Kroonstad (Free State) --- Tale "A Change of tongue" (2003, Antjie Krog)

Collection "After the festivities"
M Solav Jun 2023
There is a curse in every name.
Shoot me in the back of the head and I’ll be dead,
But my name shall carry on
In the depth of my killer
If he was a friend
Or in the wallet that he stole from the corpse
Now lying dead on the floor.

"But the curse", I explained
"Is neither in the ****** nor in the theft,
Nor is it retribution for a life shamelessly taken.
It’s in the neatly shaped boxes
In which the mind must be bent
To fit the guilty and the innocent alike
And each and all of their names."

That is the real ******;
And that is retribution.
Written on May 18th, 2023.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
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