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Dancing and singing, laughing and crying
Its the way it goes
From within the shadows

Sounds of all kinds going way up into the sky
But pay no mind
For the blind and those deprived
Will climb up high where they will thrive
Such is the great plan, the great heist
Curated by the great mastermind
The one who did not fall, but leapt
For showing the truth
To mankind.
Down is up and up is down
Such are the words spoken by those with no crown
So call the hounds and prepare the worst
For these are dark times in this world of mine
Which is forever cursed
It isn't so sad, It isn't so bad
It is what it is
And that's that.
veevee May 2020
I dreamt I was a tree
Waking up in spring time.
At first, I struggled to move,
To speak, and even to scream.
But the bark, my skin, held tight.
So many things cannot be said!

In desperation, I looked around
Then saw another tree nearby.
It stretched out towards the sky
Upholding its branches with grace,
Upturned in peace and serenity.
Some things have to be seen to be understood.

It looked at me with kindness and compassion,
And a certain sadness
From memories past.
Then, it closed its eyes with a laconic smile
And bid me do the same.
Some things do not need to be said to be understood.

I buried deep into the ground
And felt the nourishment drawing in.
I reached out towards the sky
And basked in the life-giving sun.
A smile arose from a shared bond.
Some things have to be felt to be understood.

Two trees stood side by side,
In silence. Nothing was said.
At that instant, the wind blew and their leaves swirled together in the air.
Some things are innate
And defy any comprehension,
Safe perhaps from silent inner understanding.
Nicole Bonomi Apr 2020
In essence we are pure desire. That desire is an expression of a moment and that moment becomes a series of moments we call life.

Suspended on the hands of an evanescent ticking. Pending on the beat of a vein woven drum. Fragile and fleeting. Ever mysterious and expanding. 

My outer life was full. My inner life was like rampant Boston ivy and aspects of my soul were more akin to cities than archetypes. 

Deluged with words and pulses, in poetry I am but the result of all those who came before me. I represent more than I am able to comprehend.

My expression is the result of all those who slain me and all those who heal me. Thank you differently and the same, for the hues of my emotional palette only deepened and multiplied like the cells of some thousand galaxies. 

Pent, it was time for my expression to vent.
veevee Apr 2020
I waited for the universe to walk by
All my senses awakened in anticipation.

I saw a flame of great beauty
And it peered into my heart and soul.

It lifted me and brought me to the edge of all known things
in front of a giant canvas of stars.

I stayed a while transfixed and lost for words,
and gave thanks for this wondrous sight.

A mystic was also there and told me to be still.
I realised that I was at the end of Time.

After a while, I faced a dark orb pulsating with light;
It asked me to reveal everything inside of me.

I knew the orb could read through me,
But still wanted me to open up.

I peeled layer after layer, feeling lighter and lighter
Until I lay down to rest.

As I breathed, I dissolved into a flurry of white butterflies
That fluttered around joyfully.
Washed up memories, aching body
What has become of me
In this fading reality
Torn out wings, unspoken secrets
This deafening silence
Beware, beware
Demons and puppets everywhere
Up high, down low
Ready to place your heart
Upon the altar

Soul shining bright
Forever shrouded in darkness
So here I'll remain, regardless
Of the pain.
Ambiguous Frizz Apr 2020
Witches are immortal, & we're starting to see
You may have burned the bodies
But the spirits they fled free

Witches are ethereal, & we're starting to feel
Ashes may have fallen
But they nurtured seeds you plowed from fields

Witches, we're alive
and we're dressed in gleamed skin
Our eyes pierce through bones
And our hearts never wear thin

We'll push you to the edge
until you turn into your highest form
The weak fear us because they know through us humanity transforms

We call, witches arise
And climb up the holes
It's time to bless the soil and unchain the shackled souls

With words, we unfurl magic
With truths, we unveil strengths

With power so infinite
It lives ever; it is shared.
Allie Rocket Apr 2020
Sometimes I wake trembling with love
And in the rambling moments of my waking mind
Where the unconscious flirts with the conscious
And the mental seduction finds
thoughts not yet shaped to the daily plan
gone anyway
in this lockdown land
In those moments
early very early
I know he’s there
with me
Lays beside me
trembling with love
That’s on a good day.

God's Oracle Apr 2020
My Lord Son Of the Almighty Creator God the Father, I ask with sincere and repentant soul to move on with a drastic  change to be done in my Lifestyle and what I personally struggle with every day the sins I have committed and the damage I done to others by my insolence and ignorant heart by me judging others at times, lying, cursing, forgetting to be grateful, not practicing what I preach, violent, sinning against my body, avoiding prayer, knowing the Word the Truth and NOT being obedient trading my happiness and relationship with God by instead indulging in the pleasures of the flesh...I come Glorious Lord Jesus who sit in the Everlasting Throne Of Pureness, Justice, Honor and Perfection by the right Hand Of the Almighty Father the Creator Of all and all that has ever been will and forever be known or unknown Physical, Spirit or Eternal. I call in distress and with much fear and trembling because I know I must detach myself from my sinful ways, stop giving in to do the same things I have allowed to accommodate and justify knowing that am being convicted by the Holy Spirit to NOT do I still give in and disregard it and commit yet over and over again... as if I use God's  name his word and share with others that I am spiritually awake, aware, and I profess to them such an elaborate unique and masterfully crafted deception but yet has Truth mixed with lies what I have lived and truly have experienced in a physical or mental and even spiritual way and what I have changed and imagined or somehow fabricated to fit and be more interesting or mind blowing to sound supernatural and ethereal to them involving a slight manipulation of reality blending my overactive imagination with reality nevertheless even I being deceived by my own self of  what my relationship with the Holy Spirit is like how I relate it to others and how it truly is in their eyes how it's in my eyes and how God sees it and how he wants me to be. My Beloved Lord Jesus My Reedemer my King and The Only Perfect Man, The Word made in Flesh, Son Of God, Lamb Of God, The Way, The Truth the Life, Prince Of Peace, Lord Of Lord's,  King Of Kings Who became the Lowliest Servant, Perfect in all ways, Holy and Righteous, God's  only begotten Son who came to absolve all Mankinds Sin by taking the sin of all Man, Woman and Child of Today, Yesterday and Since The beginning of the World...I am humbly requesting Help me truly Live more for you, devote my Time more in your Word, Persue the things NOT of this World the things that which you want me to persue and live for create a way for me to have a more disciplined, holy, seek first you in all matters, resorting to prayer more, taking walks while thanking you for your love, mercy, forgiveness, faithfulness, pure, perfect, miraculous, righteous, everlasting grace and immortal truth that will forevermore from now till infinity be always a word that is the only way, the only truth and will remain in humanity collective soul and heart and immortal spirit indefinitely...for this World and this Heaven shall pass but there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth that will be Paradise Once Again for he has promised that the ones faithful to him the ones written in the Book Of Life the ones who choose to live profess and fear the name of the Lord and tell others show them the scriptures and love God first put him first and constantly feed their Spirit and starve their flesh ...repent as often as possible, love others like thyself, choose daily to purge themselves of the carnal pleasures of the flesh, believe without NO DOUBT that Jesus Is The Son Of God,  Came to Live, Choose To Die On The Cross for All Our Sin from the time when it got introduced to the World thru the Ancient Serpent "The Devil" till the time when Jesus Christ comes back and everyone who was is and is to come live, choose what they decide to follow, The Lord Or The World and finally die and be sent to Sheol till The Great White Judgement Day when it arrives and every deed of every person from every nation from Male to Female from Jew to Gentile will be there present in the presence of God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit and all his Heavenly Host will stand to face the Judge Of Every Soul from the first created to the last one to be created to live and pass on to the afterlife God Almighty will separate the righteous from the wicked will show you from your first offense "sin" committed by YOU to the very last ONE it is committed by the same person it is either washed by the blood of Jesus by living for him praying to him reading his word, putting it into practice, listening to the still, serene, peaceful, gentle and holy word from the Holy Spirit allowing it to slowly change you transform you and open up a channel from Us and Christ developing a relationship with Him because only they him we are redeemed, glorified and saved from the grips of Hell itself..."For Whosoever Calls In The Name Of The Lord Shall Be Saved" this requires Faith and Denying the World, Our Fleshly Desires, Doing Good always, Recognizing your sin and asking for forgiveness with intention to change by asking for strength and courage in times of trial and tribulation, trusting God and learning on him for council NOT your own understanding for we are weak, sinful and choose pleasure and comfort and ease succumbing to our Fleshly Desires to gratify what is here today but die tomorrow many times we do evil in the eyes of God knowing that it is wrong but we do it anyway to instantly gratify our minds, bodies and souls with a temporary pleasure at that moment in time and over time becomes a habit that grows with repetition feeding the flesh but hurting the spirit.  Lastly I want to give it to God in this prayer to aid me change the sinful things I struggle with daily, please grant me your mercy when I fall short in serving you, when I sin against others, myself and you I know you have NOT given up on me Lord therefore I NEVER wanna give up on you Lord. Thank you for guarding my Family, Friends and Aquaintances. I give you thanks for your love, mercy, forgiveness, grace, peace, faithfulness and holiness. Teach me how to pray for others more, to proclaim blessings and healing for them and their lives, help me fix my eyes more on Jesus, help me walk with integrity and truth, help me understand the bible the way you want me to and not just read it but put it into practice little by little incorporating it into my Life and Lord heal my relationship with my Family. Allow me to grow daily spiritually in truth and please I beg you to allow me to get closer to you. Heal me Lord in Mind, Soul and Spirit and please forgive your servant for my failures past, present and future. Thank Jesus Name...Amen!
God Reigns Supreme Now and Forever.
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