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Defining Myself
You see as much we
Try to define ourselves
The only thing we are doing
Is scrambling in the
Knocking things over,
Never going anywhere.

Just an eternal cycle of
Pain and destruction
As each of the
Conventional molds reject us,
Telling us that we’ll
Never fit in.

Because we are truly
Taking on whatever
Form is needed
To survive in this
Cruel place humans
Call home.

Who am I?
I try to find out
But the more I search
The more I get
Hailey Nov 2019
roses are red
violets are blue
God showed me poetry
What did he show you?
Monisha Oct 2019
Some of us, few of us,
Maybe he and  you,
and certainly me too,

Carve our worlds,
Different worlds,
Wanting, desiring,
Seeking the different.

Dark, gloriously different,
Decadent, wild and free,
beautiful to you and me.

Something elusive,  exotic and maybe ******,
mysteriously something out of the ordinary.

Sometimes we find it,
Sometimes we do not,
And we continue seeking the different,
It’s so achingly sought.
Jules Oct 2019
I enjoy the thrill of the unknown
The uncertainty is killing me
But I'm living for it
What can I say?
I'm a thrill seeker
What's next?
What's left?
What's yet to come?
Will we ever know or just let it all go?
Moon Cherry Sep 2019
Drowning in lust,
For it I must,
Orchestrate a heist,
For every bit of dust.
We are souls covered in dust. It’s very dusty that others can’t see.
Tony Tweedy Sep 2019
I walked into life's library to seek perhaps adventures there.
Not really knowing what I sought my expectations unaware.

I looked first at the non-fiction upon shelves marked clearly with tape.
The more I looked yet did I realize it was from that I sought escape.

I chanced upon a section where great imagined dramas did abound.
Where mystic stories and strange creatures on the pages could be found.

Caught briefly by the imagined on the pages with heroes deeds upon.
I realized all was fantasy so through the pathway of books I ventured on.

Time passed as it tends by some scale that seemed so erratic in its flow.
As shelves and stories passed me by along the route I chose to go.

I came then to a section with a long queue of people standing there.
Patiently in their place and each with determined and focused stare.

What was it that drew them and caused this lengthened line?
Their looks suggested that the need, was very much like mine.

I had passed so many shelves with random people here and there.
But no other shelf or section for which this queue I could compare.

Through strong and strange compulsion I resolved to take my chance.
To join the much sought after line toward the shelf of "Love and Romance".
If only it were a book on a shelf....
So many books.... but each only works if there is both writer and reader.
We all seek to write and be read and so be a story shared.
Mr Trismegistus Sep 2019
"If through me you’ll seek and try,"

Says the Spirit,

"I’ll raise you high."
Oskar Roux Aug 2019
He sees me.
The stranger looks deep,
deeper Into me
than I see myself and analyse and care to critique the way
that I'm conducting myself.
He's harsh with his eyes
He doesn't know me.
scrutinizing every pore
every hair that stands in place,
every conscious thought and un-thought.
He thinks he doesn't
But he does.

Like a whirlpool of judgement that swirls in a silver reflection, I stare at the man that stares at me.
he seems familiar and now I judge him.
the table turns to see myself
staring at this silvery
I think
I know.
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