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Valya Sep 2021
Wake up
Go to school
Go home
Do homework
Go to the gym
Go to sleep
I dont have time for anything anymore i hate it sm
Zan Sep 2021
Is it stress?
Is that what keeps me tired?
Is that whats making me a mess?
Is that why everything backfired?

Is it stress?
Is that what makes me forget?
Is that what bounds me to my bed?
Is that why I always fret?
Is that what fills me with dread?
Makes me feel dead?

Is it stress?
Its just a me thing I guess.

shiny or with dirt
black school shoes on that young corpse
Travels in hoarse
School was her happy. By her happy place that’s where the bullets screamed. Hopefully she’ll carry good memories of her happy place to heaven
Hannah thomas Sep 2021
My bio professor told us

Every month
The outer layer of skin
fully replaces itself
yet months later
I still felt the sting of your touch
The next class she told us
Every seven years
Every cell has replaced itself
It took me that long
to speak of it the first time
After trauma repeats itself
I wonder if I can forget
I wonder if my bones
Will ever forget the chill

But later she told us
Every 8 years
Your skeleton
Has broken down
and replaced itself again

What a beautiful thought
That one day
Not skin, nor cell, nor bone
Will have ever known you

One down...
...Seven to go
Anniversaries aren't always happy.
Anais Vionet Sep 2021
I startled awake, early Sunday morning,
fraught - my mind, darting like a panicked animal
because my assignment calendar
is wet, smeared and illegible!

Total darkness - I fish for my phone by it’s cord - it reads 3:08am.

I flop back onto a cloud of thick, memory foam.
Ahhh, jeeez, it was just a DREAM.

Of course, my assignment calendar
is safe, digital, redundant, cloud backed up.

“THAT was a little morbid.” I think,
as I drift back out of consciousness.
Busy dreams can steal the night
Valya Sep 2021
I wait for your confident strut into the classroom
With your signature grey sweatpants and fit t-shirt
It's nothing special, yet you make it memorable
You start a conversation with the classmate next to you and I happen to overhear the conversation and chime in
You listen to my points and even beam at some of my remarks
Are my remarks that great?
I'm not so sure, but you make me happy that I said them
I steal a glance at times while you work on your classwork and smile to myself wondering how I got so lucky with the seating arrangements
Even though this will probably never lead to anything I'm glad to have someone to look forward to
Someone who I can smile with just for a second and then go on with my day
Hes cute ****
Alina Sep 2021
I can't help but wonder of your life outside these silly little walls. What memories and experiences have you acquired that I will never know? Tell me about your losses and your Christmas morning snow. How did your favorite day start and your worst evening end? Whats the drive down your street like or the name of your best friend? What was the layout of your freshman dorm or even just your after school norm? I can only imagine the little moments that make up your days, do you think you could should me all the ways you think and laugh and love? Then tell me what it is you dream of, I want to know you inside and out, as you leave me wanting more like a flower in a drought.

Jeanmarie Sep 2021
It’s a city in the mountain view
**** I’ve never seen something quite like you
So fun and free, yet peaceful-
A constant reminder of nature’s beauty.

For some the growing happens after high school
For others, the change happens in graduate school
I was nervous to make the transition alone
However, him leaving turned out to be the best **** thing since edible cookie dough
This poem is about my transition to graduate school! I love the location and I don’t feel trapped here! I was also making this transition with someone who had recently left my life, but it turned out to be for the better.  I hope you all enjoy! :)
Jay M Aug 2021
A song sung
A bell not yet rung
Melody in tune
Possibly from past June
To come once more
Through the creaky door
Through long empty corridor

- Jay M
August 24th, 2021
School starts next Monday,'s strange, but I guess it's about time. Not sure if I'm ready for it, to be surrounded by so many people and forced into social interactions, but oh well. Hoping for the best.
Sean sutton Aug 2021
You say that "one day you'll be great,"
Well, I guess you didn't lie one bit.
You never left it up for debate;
Making our heads split
With the information you so badly wanted.

Giveth thou mindful song,
And mix thine heartbeat
Ye shall see how far we fall
To see how far we fail
Only stopping and starting with a stall.

Driving us all along
To our horrid defeat
You tell us, "oh ye of so little faith!"
Only for thy to then bail
You little pathological wraith.

Oh, you wonder why so many fall away
Only to be the leading force
Ye eternal animosity towards our futures
Yet thy say you here for us to succeed.

You started something;
when you told us our feelings matter.
You started something;
when you said that you cared for our future.
You started something;
when you have us the reason to express.

You started something;
and we hope that it's finished.
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