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Archer 6d
I’ll discuss
The disgust I feel
When I see
Your ugly mug
Hannah Dec 2024
I can’t help but shake my head
At a man who deems me dead

A lie spread throughout
That even I struggle to not believe

Tendrils engulf my brain
Sinking me down to an abyss

Where lies turned over
Look like my own skin
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2024
What the birds overheard

From death to passwords

Migrated to tract housing

Became postage on a slow moving envelope

Somehow ended up as a flag on the moon
Emery Feine Oct 2024
You have trespassed on my soil, manned
You have stolen my nation and my land
Killed all the songbirds, the larks

You have eradicated any sense of glee
But everything you have taken from me
Around it, you will find claw marks

There's tears on the floor
And bullet holes in the door
And blood and dirt under my nails

You've made me flee from my own home
The place I live in and roam
And yet you still don't know what that entails.
this is my 120th poem, written on 8/17/24
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I've paid the price, I've sacrificed
Everything to know I'm fighting for the wrong side
You ignited a spark with your deceitful tricks
And I'm left alone with a flaming phoenix
I thought she was hunting me, I'd seen the signs
The glass breaking, and the crowd didn't see
I've been on the wrong side of the lines
Those warnings were coming from me
I feel betrayed, but I stayed, I felt pity for you
Didn't mean to make this start, oh, what could I do?
Pure cranes that once flew in my dreams
Their wings are blooded from you
I have not spent months of recovering
To be treated this way
No more children I'll be mothering
No longer will I stay
I'm disappointed in all people
For you being so deceitful
For all your misleading lies
And I still have to look into your eyes
I'm just surprised that you could be
So confident in the ability to mislead me
The little spark you've created
It has now turned into a flaming lion
If your lies, you'll continue to tell
It'll burn your soul down, and truth as well.
this is my 114th poem, written on 7/28/24
Like any coin,
a story always has two sides,
and every rumor
carries a seed of truth.
Ash Nov 2023
what figment of me
lives in your whispers?
what shadow dances
on your crumbling walls?
I S A A C Apr 2022
you lie like a cheap rug, but I fill in the blanks for my own peace
you are just an actor, I am directing the scenes
you are not as powerful as you seem
all my power is found in the in-betweens
the venom rumors, toxic to your reputation
with all my information like a computer
are you sure you want to test me?
Zafirah Jun 2021
Do you know what is backbiting?
It is when submerged in the ocean,
the entire ocean will be cloaked by a vile smell.
And when reigned over the humans' hearts,
all of them will be fragmented.
Never see others deficiency,
Nor talk about their frailty.
And Say NO to
Allah Almighty has stated in the Glorious Quran:
"And do not backbite one another. Would any one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would not tolerate it! "
[Kanz-ul-Īmān (Translation of Quran)] (Part 26, Sūraĥ Al-Ḥujurāt, verse 12)

Please don't reveal the faults of other people. Always protect their honor. Your honor shall be protected too!
Jeanmarie Apr 2021
The world never saw the beauty in his forest green eyes
All they saw were the horrible and cruel lies,
That was spread for the enjoyment of gossip.
People judging and rumors flying
Social media is an angel in disguise

People didn’t see the truth that radiated in his broken smile
Or the never-ending love that continually poured from his heart
All they chose to see were the “revealings” of his troubles

That boy is a good lad
True to himself and isn’t changing for anyone.
He already knows exactly who he is

It’s not his fault that they are all in a fool’s paradise
It’s heartbreaking to see just how deep
It’s getting hard for him to stay afloat
When will the truth be seen?

That boy is one of a kind with a beautiful soul
He’s like a Kadupul with his rare, stellar mind
People are just unfortunately too blind to see it.
Hopefully, people will one day learn to not always trust their beautiful eyes.
A Kadupul is a rare flower :)
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