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In the enrolling darkness
I awake to life once more
Healing after you last left
Regrowing my heart you ripped out

I see you as you are now
The happiness and life in your eyes
The joy my suffering has brought
The remains of my heart filling your empty one

No more, life is now mine to command
To appear before you, the person you made me
While celebrating my pain with your demons
You stand shocked, the thought of me horrid

I stare into your eyes
Once a portal to paradise
Neither say a word, mutter a sound
A moment conflicted with history

I unsheathe my sword
A sword meant for the death of the devil
I drive it through your rib cage,
Puncturing your lonely heart

You stare once more at me
Blood filling your lungs
I reluct to shed a tear
Not for what was, but for what wasn't

I pull my sword out
Your blood now decorating it with honor
I step over your corpse
Warmer now then it ever was

A few places forward
Lies your new lover, a newer specimen
Around him your demons praising
I walk to him, waking him purposefully

He sees me, his last sight
A ghost from a distant past
I leave him to Hela, a ritual for her
The blood angel marks his fate

The demons I slaughter
Their words not but poison
Lies that fuelled an old life
Their corpse the foundation of a new life
The conquering of all the heavens and hells would not bring back that which I've lost.
leeaaun Mar 2021
if you can't accept my rejection,
its not my issue
as i can't love you anymore,
because i have realized my worth
just like you did back then—
when my heart was crumbled down
under your feet
i am not doing it to take revenge
it's karma, who is back
to give you, what you gave others
you get, what you give to others
if you cut me first
I surely will cut you back

for life on earth is ruled by
the law of action and reaction
you get what you give
Meera Jan 2021
what is more dangerous
than a woman in love,

a woman drained of love

she will raise hell
she will wreak havoc

she will set your house on fire
just to warm her toes

she will make herself a drink
just to pour it on her wounds

she swears she doesn't hate you
she just wishes, you didn't exist
What have you done to her?
Jasmin jazz Jan 2021
Never pretend all the girls as cat
There is a lion who roars when it is hurt
Don't think all girls are cute
We know how to react when you overact.
And not all girls love pink..
Because I love black.
Being silent doesn't means that she is shy
She is just waiting to tear you apart.
Girl is meant not to cook food and do laundry
She's same as you; a human
She's not a toy to PLAY  with..
There is feelings inside her
One day she'll burst out like a volcano
Then you can't control; she'll
Destroy everything around her
So beware ; be careful think twice before you act
Women have lots of wishes in their heart which they don't reveal if you are reading this just let their dreams come true...❤️ Plz like and follow🥰
Shannon Jan 2021
One very sunny day,
I went outside to play with friends,
Playing games with no ends,
We ran down roads with bends skipping,
Each one of us tripping,
Falling and a-slipping with joy,
Coming up with a ploy,
To catch that dreadful boy with glee,
Prank him like he did me,
"Lets tie him to a tree," Fran said,
"We'll leave him there in dread!"
How punishing for Fred, how bad,
That would not leave me glad!
"That would make me quite sad," I frowned,
"But we cannot back down!"
Then we all looked around for plans
"Lets tie his shoes to cans!"
"He'll make so much noise, and he'll blush"
Said Verutica Klush.
"We'll do that, we must rush to him,"
That plan is not to grim,
So we sent Mary Kim for shoes,
And Patrishia for glues,
Starting to work in crews as fair,
All got in on the dare,
To join cans he will wear to boots
Hearing many hollers and hoots,
At his door we placed boots with cans,
He wasn't fooled by our plans,
You just must understand one thing
And oh, the dumbness stings
We didn't hide the strings to the cans
Sorry, for not posting in a while, been quite busy, I'm trying out a new form, Luc Bat, tell me what you think! I wrote it for a class, so feedback is appreciated
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2020
The "SHIP"

of our friendship

stands marred,

broken and scarred

are our hearts

that beat apart

and out of sync,

empty to the very brink.

Now that I think

with every blink,

we came with a date

of expiration in wait

because the very word

that defined our world

had an "END" to it

-fading friendship bit by bit.
Guess We're Finally Done
Marilyn O Dec 2020
Gazing from a mirror broken beyond repair,
All she could notice was a lifeless face.
A stench of blood and that of guilt,
Trailed her wherever she went.

She was haunted all her life,
Her days filled with endless tears
Seeking what she thought would end the pain,
To remedy the hate she had within.

Of her heart and soul she bleed.
The sun and moon had no effect
Cos all she perceived was a thick darkness,
A vendetta she promised to reciprocate.

O'er everything she sort revenge,
Gladly thinking it'll end the hate
But the nights became horrifying,
With a grime of blood on her hands for life.
Revenge is evil and breeds nothing but misery.
wizmorrison Dec 2020
Pulled out the strings together,
Tied all the coffin tighter,
Pull the trigger many times,
Blood! Blood! Blood!
WizMorrison's Coffin Of Thoughts.
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