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Bliss Jan 2019
Every morning like sunflowers lost
their self on the sun,
I lost myself on your smile.
And then I reborn to rise in love with you
By finding myself in your arms...
I never fall in love with you because i rise in love with you..!!
Matthew Rousseau Jan 2019
The progressive flow of time
can never, ever unwind
don't think towards infinity
and degrade your own trinity

The title of alive is but a mask
finding your power is your true task
I look back and I realize now
why my depression screamed so loud

I wasn't true to myself
I could think of nothing, and nothing else
To regain my insanity, my dignity
Grow my resolve towards infinity
I'm really feeling it today. Watching a Robin Williams documentary. Do what you need to do, I realize what I need now.
Gaia Jan 2019
My rebirth is here my dear
Do not be sorry nor shead a tear
For she was buried under fear
To finally be reborn as the universe is finally clear
John Mendoza Jan 2019
If I’m being honest when I left, though it hurt, yet you still wished me the best, but deep down, you knew I wasn’t coming back, cause life was just something I couldn’t hack, yet no matter how far I ran, you kept calling me back

I figured that maybe, if I made amends to those before I left, I wouldn’t have to pretend to be content, and I could be free knowing that certain things are better left unsaid, yet somewhere down the line, the love in our hearts, and hope in our eyes were lost due to a disconnect

Cause at times we’re too blind to see what we call home, too angry to enjoy what we call our own, while hoping that maybe it’s not too late, to say goodbye, as time continues to pass us by

As deep down, I knew I couldn’t stay, cause the thoughts in my head, always left me feeling worse than dead, so my only option was to flee, like caged bird, who needed to be free

So I looked for any chance to fly away, any means to runaway, but soon I came to see that I wasn’t running from you, I was running from me, although I always told myself, that maybe if I told you farewell, then I wouldn’t have felt so overwhelmed

Cause honestly I’ve grown....
Too tired of sorrow filled eyes, blinded with spite,
Too tired of holding up a heavy heart weighed down by lies,
Too tired of a war torn soul, lost in a disguise,
Too tired of wondering if I’ll ever see the sunrise

Yet as these things haunt me, your love for me never fell through, no matter how many times I withdrew from you,
So I hope that you can forgive me, as I have the strength to see now, what I was too angry to see before
Cause I was never truly alone, as I always had you, my beautiful broken home....
CL Fjell Jan 2019
Drive far away from home
Shed tears for my old strife
Shave head, start a new life
Never remember you
Always forgotten too
Erase your favorite song
Still I ask, "Is it wrong?"
Irina BBota Dec 2018
When I shall pass the threshold of non-life
I shall be swept away by a soothing confusion.
I shall be a tamer of souls, a fearless wife
who shall sleep in the shade of a blooming illusion.

When I shall close my eyes for the last time,
don't get sick with black sadness, if you please.
Think that there was a girl not committing a crime
by speaking tenderly to your heart, on her knees.

When I shall sleep my dreamless dream
I shall stop from everything, invaded by a chill.
You shall find broken lines of mine in a song-theme
about our hearts beating in unison, as a thrill.

Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by the pain
and the chaos that might install into your heart.
Sip eagerly the air that covers the silence in your reign,
for I know, one day we will give our lives a restart.

We shall continue then together our afterlife,
we shall be able to look through the truth.
The time of rinsing dreams will be sung by a fife,
for renewing our vows and regain our youth.

There shall then appear colourful stripes on the sky,
the world shall think they are shadows of the past.
Overwhelmed by delusions they shall say goodbye,
for we shall be reborn, this time our love shall last.
Thorns Dec 2018
Long ago, once upon a time
On the first day of eighth grade
She walks in the band room
Trips over the tuba
Drops her drumsticks
Her sheet music goes flying
She looks up to see a tall stranger
He had shaggy brown hair
And disappointed look
He wasn't the teacher,
But the first chairmen
The best in percussion
His eyes were like sapphires
His voice was deep and musical
He held out a hand and helped her up
She said, "Thank you..."
"Jacob," he said.
He was her new life
It seems like it happened in another life, but it's only been a couple months...
Brynn S Nov 2018
Corpsed leaves caress
Wind blows them from their homes
The colors fade from the deep
They return to their roots
Not fallen, but unleashed
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