When we met I knew you were kind
there was a gentleness you exuded
we were drawn, one to the other,
and it was good, comfortable
friendly conversation, blue eyed smiles
turned up lip grins, chuckles ...
shared dinners delightfully enjoyed, savored
medium rare, tasty faire feast, fondue
and you ... you whom I have come to know
lighthearted glow, I wonder ... does mine show?
Yours does in your every glance my way;
being cuddled by you feels like
a warm blanket ... I don't want
to experience numbing cold again
unsure if either of us wants to take it
up a notch or two from deep care
to true lasting love ... I must admit
the thought frightens me a little...
maybe it holds some trepidation
for you as well, therefore, perhaps ...
we should leave things as they are.
© Carmela M. Patterson, All rights reserved
Prompt for a contest was "leave things as they are." This phrase could have been the beginning of the poem or used at the end. Obviously, I used it at the end.