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Callie Apr 2018
a lot of things are overrated
     like coffee
         or pumpkin spice

but one thing that isnt
  being nice
Star BG Feb 2018
Pumpkin seeds,*
sprouted in head,
making way for
dreams of marching
in the Halloween Parade possible.

Pumpkin seeds,
expanded in mind,
gives self a grand idea
for Halloween costume
destined to win first place.

Pumpkin seeds,
growing in head
produces pumpkin,
with eyes that glow like moon
on October night.

Pumpkin seeds,
beware you don’t
eat too many.
Otherwise you might become one,
meant to be cut and displayed
at doorstep ledge.
First poem of the day.
One never knows what lurks in the mind of a poet.
Oh my another poem has just been born. LOL
Check next posted poem.
Asominate Jan 2018
Pumpkin patches,
So wretched
Leaving me with all stitches

Did you get me?
Can you see

Through the darkness
to be continued?
Poetic T Nov 2017
scary faces fade
pumpkins feed a family
bellies so thankful
Poetic T Oct 2017
The innocence of a fur darker than
any onyx, yet fur was softer than any silk,
woven upon a abomination of existence.

           The purr was a melody of paper cuts,
bleeding its victim unto a sleep of deathly
peace, but they had an alternate motion.

For when the lacerations on the mind
seeped the illusion of slumber did true
intensions manifest and it did feed..

                  It would kiss upon the lips,
inhaling not breath but life, tasting it
deeply, it purred as what was youthful
now cradles in the lullaby of death.

         But there were a litter of ravens
calling of bereavement, each purring on
this night. Their melody sinking the living
in to the purgatory of nothingness, till
these felines expelled their gift.

         The pumpkins that with every exhale
lit some what brighter, till they were full.
The gateway was open for that of otherworldly
desires breathed through orange flesh.

A smile once inanimate now had life,
              Where once only a head once looked,
now over oak bones did the flesh of orange
spread. Where just a light of candles lingered
slowly been extinguished,
           Thought became clearer, as a cats melodic
meows did sing to this moment that it had inhaled.

When all was consumed features changed,
orange became like subtle tan. And with wide eyes
open it breathed its first breath. Blinking upon
existence, now vacant hollows glimmer.

                It looked down, seeing its subordinate.
They were linked from this day, for if this nights
creation were to be injured, the breath of another
taken by its onyx cat could heal.

But if this cat ever passed the road of death,
then what had been gifted with others moments
would be but inanimate once more.

           A pumpkin with a shattered smile dead...
But the worst is yet to come for if those years weren't
used up. Then life would be returned from once it
was stolen, and the buried scream loudly.

But when your buried no one hears your screams
but the dead.. And if for ones cremated, have you
ever heard the wind scream..
         So this little kitten is the life of every pumpkin,
filled with the fleeting moments of life.

And you'll always see a lightly tanned man stoking
his cat on the porch but watch his smirk..
For a pumpkin is only as good as its smile.
And when he does it lingers of inhaled death...
Poetic T Oct 2017
void empty caskets
sunken eyes, luminous stares

dead smiles do linger
Faan Oct 2017
It's october, the time for thrills
the time for kills, the time for chills.

the spooky skeleton rise from thine grave
to steal your bones, to make you pray.
mercy you begged for, none be granted,
stripped of your royal skin, now a slave.

Whom must I obey? you wondered,
the headless knight, or the pumpkin Queen?
The Skeleron King, or the Devil within?
it doesn't matter, it's a time for fun,
even in death, it'll all be fine.

Punsih all those who doth not obey,
Trick them all, and heed my call.

Treat is a myth, it doth not exist
even if candy they give, you trick them, insist.
Halloween is a time of horror,
being merciful is certainly not the answer.

go out in the night, do not be scared,
the darkness IS your silk protection.
grab a pumkin, the screaming latern,
by the end of the night it'll be filled with skeletons.

But speak no more of the spooky world,
and gaze into the life of the livings.
instead of spooky they made it joyful,
plenty'o candy is what they think for.

theres no skeleton, no headless knight,
none of the pumpkins are even alive.
to them, we are corpse;
to us, we are the living.
and only on the 31st
can our spooky hunger thirst for hunting.

After the 31st is the 1st,
and then it's time to rest.
lay down back in the ground, a corpse,
filled with sorrow, the living remorse.
But that is fine, for I shall move again
in 364 days, just you wait.
a rover
of Dover
met his
match when
his feelings
were hurt
in a
pumpkin patch
and liken
to his
hitch where
government zoned
Eddie their
force indoctrinated
as his
thimble crashed
this weasel
A note about a buddy
My Jack O'Lantern has a Jagged toothy grin. It is a candle burning with orange lasting light to keep at bay the spirits of the night.
I put you at my door to keep the fear from coming this way, knowing that the demons will be scared off on this special day.
You are my lucky ward to fend-off the demon hordes.
So please burn bright for me the rest of Halloween night my fearless beacon of gentle falling light.
You are my saving flame, warming my heart and giving a feeling of delight as you save me from the scary night.
Thank you Jack O'Lantern for your might against Halloween night.
This was inspired by a history of how pumpkins came about. Some people would carve faces into turnips to ward off evil spirits, later it became a pumpkin. Years later someone added a candle and it became the jack-o'-lantern we see today.
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