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c Nov 2018
turn the phone on silent
get the angle right
send the message, take a breath
you'll lose yourself tonight

caught up in your nightmare
no dignity to find
so bite your tongue and move along
too late to hit rewind

i never meant to start this
the one thing i regret
but you text me and i don't leave
i wish i could forget
One and Only Nov 2018
There are pictures I have kept
Saving each for the feelings brought back
But I cannot send them,
I cannot right now.

There are pictures I have kept,
Kept for the memories we had.
I’d love to send them
But would it be bad?

There are pictures I have kept,
They still live in my phone.
Reminding me of you,
Is it so bad that I want old to be the new?

These pictures I keep,
Tell me of our love,
Tell my heart be strong
tell me to rise above.
I dunno if it’s okay for me to still be clingy and lovey and all that. I want to, trust me. But is it okay for you? I want you to be happy and if in any way I’m stopping you please tell me. I love you so much ❤️
Elissa Deauvall Oct 2018
A picture is worth a thousand words
and a picture can freeze a moment in time.

My pictures do just that.

Because every picture hold the memories
of our late night conversations
our road trips
the days we listened to music too loud
and the days we laughed until our stomachs hurt.

I can't photograph every moment
but I'll take pictures of you taking pictures
every chance I get.
Did you know when you posed for that photo
That it would represent my sincerest dreams?
Did you know, posing, letting yourself go
That you would represent all of love's themes?

There's a picture I can't look away from
With simplicity of your innocence.
There's a picture of what love can become
With simplicity, strength and elegance.

Your lines and curves and perfection of shape
Transport my soul and take hold of my gaze.
Your lines of your chest o'er shoulder and nape
Transport my soul to see beauty and praise.

You are the picture I paint in my head
Of beauty that only exists in thought.
You are the picture I dream of in bed.
Of beauty that I have forever thought.
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Haley Oct 2018
Pictures manipulate a delicate eternity
We live less like dreams after red winter love
always behind the vision of summer
Never after the gone day flood
Sorcier d'argent Oct 2018
"For every shot taken is merely a remnant of the most beautiful."

Portrait or Landscape,

was a question I had. As I took my stride
by the sunset, each step closer to decide:

If I should choose to line her by the horizon,
if her smile would grace the far lazing firmament?
Or have me content; to fit her full by the screen,
to fix her eyes upon me: A never ending entrancement.

Or if I should at all risk pauses in between? An endeavour,
a plausible reasoning to paste eternal; to capture every moment.

I disagreed.

So I put my camera down and lived the moment.
I chose to completely enjoy the moments.
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
Found a second home
Time now frozen in a click
Anxieties die
Day 2 of my course was so EPPPIIIICC!!!
How I feel so empowered right now!
Tired as all hell, but empowered!
I left home with a smile, came back with a grin!
Thanks so much everyone! I won't be able to read through comments and messages till
Friday and the weekend! Thats when I'll reply back and update the Masked Bard series!
Everytime I come home, I'm thrilled and exhausted!
Sending hugs and love guys!
Lyn ***
Andrew Rueter Sep 2017
I can't grasp your moving picture
When you were the director
Of my life's lovely scripture
You were the connector
To a screen that dug deep
Your image makes me weep
Your image scares me to sleep
So I may dream of you
And a world for two
When in reality
You are one
And I am none
So I tell triumphant stories to myself
Like the past glories of someone else
I direct movies in my mind
My brain always on rewind
To a time I crossed a line
Painful memories to remind
I don't know what I'm doing
When your picture keeps moving

In my mind film keeps burning
In your mind film keeps turning
Life is tough without you
But that's because life is tough
And now you're just another part
Me another broken heart
I was dealt my cards
They got me this far
Then shattered to shards
Like the film of you
That hit the cutting room floor
The moment you walked out the door

I developed strife
From the memories I edited
In your life
Will I be credited?
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