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Paul Hansford Apr 2016
(based quite closely on The Naming of Cats by TS Eliot, my favourite poet, and one of the greatest writers of English poetry)

The showing of slides is a family matter,
It just isn't something to do to a chum.
Let the family watch while grandmothers natter,
But don't show outsiders those views of your mum.

First of all, at a pinch, try them out on the daily,
But watch for the yawns - you don't want her to leave.
Are you sure your wife liked them? Did she smile, or sigh greyly?
It can cause more divorces than you would believe.

Matching programme to audience you must be particular;
Consider the person, consider the slide.
If your buildings all lean from a neat perpendicular
Can you really expect to keep friends on your side?

The pick of the bunch you may show to another;
If you have any doubts, leave the slides on the shelf,
And reserve them for one who's more close than a brother,
And will truly enjoy them - just view them yourself.
Paul Hansford Apr 2016
I didn't take a photograph of the statue of Robert Burns.
His sightless eyes were looking out over Dunedin,
the most Scottish town in the southern hemisphere,
and there was a seagull, not a pigeon, standing on his head.
I would have called it "Robbie Burns and Friend."

And I didn't take a picture of the bus shelter
painted all over with jungle foliage and a tiger
peeping out over the simulated signature of Henri Rousseau.
The title would have been "This Bus Shelter is a Forgery."

Neither did I photograph another painted wall,
one round a cemetery full of ornate and sombre tombs,
with a large and skilfully executed advertisement -
Renta Sanitarios Mobiles (Hire Mobile Toilets).
It would have been called "Is there no Respect for the Dead?"

I didn't take the photo of a Fijian policeman.
A pity, for he had such a practical uniform,
very smart and cool,
in a tasteful shade of policeman-blue,
based on the traditional sulu
with a striking zigzag hem.
The title would have been "A Policeman in a Skirt?!"

I couldn't take a photograph of sunset over Popocatépetl
– although the sun was setting in a red and golden haze,
and the most romantically named mountain is just
what you imagine a perfect volcano should be,
even to the wisp of steam at the peak
– because the sun was actually setting over Ixtaccíhuatl
and "Sunset over Ixtaccíhuatl" doesn't have quite the right ring
The shape of the mountain is not very picturesque either.
Yes, I would have called that one "Sunset over Popocatépetl"
– if I could have taken it.

My camera wouldn't focus on the crescent moon
hanging over the Egyptian skyline,
horns pointing up, so close to the Equator,
and the evening star (Venus or some more ancient goddess)
just above and almost between the points.
If that one had worked it would have been called "Islamic Moon."

I couldn't possibly have taken a photograph
that would do any justice to the young piano student
in a Hungarian castle
hammering out Liszt as if the hounds of hell were after her,
but if I could, I would have had to call it "Apassionata."

And I didn't even have time to get my camera out
to take a picture of the wild humming bird
darting green and unconcerned
among dilapidated tenements in the heart of Mexico City.
But that living jewel shines bright in my memory,
even without a photo.
I don't know what I would have called that one,
and I'm sure it doesn't matter.
All of these are things I have seen on my travels and not been able to photograph, for one reason or another.
solEmn oaSis Mar 2016
" The Past Tenser  "

... while here i am still bother

for the memory and selfie i took tender

me and you happy together...

having our kids that keeps ourselves closer !

enclosed by my vows saying with feeling stronger...

" To love you is forever

To forget is never

To die is better

Than love to another "

on that very moment

cheek to cheek

i am half naked

so you smiled

your sweetest smiled !

your long and curly

shiny black hair

attached unto my head

  and became serving as my bangs.

So i showed my lips open softly wide !!

until now... i am enjoying i am enjoying

my wisdom tooth as it was in the beginning !!!
me and my ex-wife
Ava Bean Feb 2016
He takes photos.
His books are filled
With spilled coffee.
Wavy sun ray hair
Lime green citrus eyes
Sturdy safe shoulders
Rich, melted dark chocolate voice
Pouty peony puckers
Stolen lenses
Quirky movies
Oversized sweaters to cover his quivering hands when he cautiously holds hers.
He reminds me of a child's desk
That was personalized by doodles dinged and carved into it over the years
The desk that his parents probably adore.
He is a collage of all the things he photographs.
He takes pictures of anything and everything
To make himself whole.
about a very beautiful person
shooshu Jan 2016
of high fever.
unlocked films
of diamond-set
this negative
of existence,
spitting static
in sweat soaked
dark rooms."
|| shoo.shu ||
Annie McLaughlin Dec 2015
I heard photographs show who you really are inside
And maybe that is why
You say you're ugly every time
I spotted the box
out of the corner of my eye
There in the closet
stuffed into a corner
covered in cloth

At first it mattered not
I had other priorities
I had to meet

But then a memory
knocked upon the wall
of my curosity

So I took the box out
and sat upon the bed
And I started to take
the photographs out

So many faces , so many places
lost in time's goodbye
So much found
and so much lost
so , so very much

After all the you and me's
After all the summers
and winters too
Life has boiled down
to a box of photographs
made for a shoe
solEmn oaSis Dec 2015
never mind my asking
just wanna hear you talking
so i could learn again by listening
to the tune of your unique story telling
as we stand by still, there was a whisper
so airy as it sounds shortly on a wind bearer
SHH! as you put that sign in my dreary telltale lips
and through your soft feeling dual fingertips
at last! you open your mind and speak
and asked me back so class
Would you mind?
carrying my LUGGAGE
i gasp and looked around you,
but it's too late
for me to realize that for you...
" Actions speak louder than words "
it was my query eye
that you always observe
then you grabbed my right hand
so i can touch your heartbeat
Yes i can feel it!..
your BURDEN*  
weighing a heavy bit
on that very scenario...
while we are standing.
The next move is on me
i close my eyes and
take a deep breathe
tenderly! i hold your
right soft rosy cheek
and feel your forehead
next to mine, so intense
seconds after seconds,
minute after minute.
Our emotional faces
almost nose to nose
without our eyesight
i can't forget that moment
"more than a kiss! Lips to Lips"
yet... our position is still
the same from the way it was
I never wanted but I MUST stop?
From the look upon your expressions
it seems like you remember some hot stuff
you start silent crying, tears were over flowing
what you heard from me, you begun prowling
i didn't mean to have that guilty feeling
just wanna hear you talking
never mind my asking

=_she mind these statement from a loving me too much_=

THAT'S ALL I COULD GIVE! ( with teary eyes already )
THERE WILL ALWAYS BE  AN " US "... ( sobbing )
( heart breaking )
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
A car is a coffin for popcorn
lost in the back seat

we've driven to Land's End
& are standing at the crossroads

between destinations
I'm twelve or fourteen, I can't remember

on holiday from starched uniforms
blazing red & pins & needles-ridden morning assemblies

I'm not yet a European
not yet a Third Culture Kid

longing for cans of baked beans
whilst sampling new delights

my heart is still intact,
my soul is full of hope & dreams

& my hair is long, the way
mother & society wanted it

the signpost is pointing to America
now my lost hope
Land's End is a place by the Sea in Cornwall, England & often visited as the Western most point of England & has a signpost there that tourists like to photograph themselves with, pointing to places like New York & saying the number of miles between it & England.
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