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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
If we dive deeper and deeper                                                                                      Into those pretty oceans and seas,then                                                                        We will the real depth of that life that exists around us ...                                       That depth inside us is another example of                                                              That life which we live ...                                                                                              The more we go deeper and deeper in ourselves and                                               In things ,                                                                                                                      The more we will discover the real depth of ourselves and                                      Everything around us ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
This large and wide world of ours is                                                                         Painful,gloomy,dark,and absurd                                                                               Simply because we sometimes don't                                                                           Understand things around us anytime ...                                                                   We either don't understand our world                                                                        Or our current do not understand us ...                                                                     We are boiling from inside and we're                                                                           Not appearing very-well from outside ...                                                                       If we go south ,then our compass directs                                                                      Itself north and we get lost in all directions ...                                                           It's difficult to understand a world like                                                                        Ours simply because everything is vague in it ...                                                   We are living in great ordeals that extends                                                               From our births to our deaths straightforward ...                                                     We live in death while we're alive and we die                                                            In life while we're in that long oblivion anytime ...                                                    We're greatly cornered in everything in our                                                            World simply because that's the way anytime ...                                                  ___________________­__
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
That pretty alphabet counts twenty-six                                                                   For us to make pretty words                                                                                     For our loved ones ...                                                                                                Our loved ones appreciate                                                                                         Our pretty words                                                                                                       We write for them ...                                                                                                  We write the best words and                                                                                    The lovely terms of love just                                                                                       To express our true love to them ...                                                                             Our love is always true and sincere                                                                      In its words and in its contents ...                                                                          As long as we have this pretty alphabet,then                                                     We can make as many lovely words                                                                    As we can ....
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Many dark and grey clouds                                                                                    Hover over our heads endlessly                                                                              Like ugly monsters just to scare us                                                                         By day and by night ...                                                                                           The high skies are not clear now                                                                             Simply because they're overcrowded with                                                             Those pregnant clouds that are bringing                                                              All that is gloomy and sad ...                                                                                  We don't care about these hanging clouds                                                             As if nothing Happens ...                                                                                                           We are greatly blind,deaf,and dumb                                                                 About everything around ...                                                                               Our situation talks about itself                                                                          Through its ugly images everywhere ?                                                             We need another Noah's Ark                                                                             To save us from that great flood                                                                         That is approaching us now ...                                                                            We are drowning clearly and                                                                              No one cares !                                                                                                       ____________________­____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
All things ,                                                                                                                Good or bad , will happen                                                                                      Sooner or later ...                                                                                                      Everyone is going to be or to be not                                                                       Depending on what's going on ...                                                                           No one is exempted from                                                                                         Any headaches anytime ...                                                                                      We all tend to be rather than to be not                                                                   Simply because that's better for us ...                                                                     we Suffer on a daily basis                                                                                          Simply because that's like our bread                                                                 Which we eat everyday ...                                                                                  We are alive ,but                                                                                                   We're in reality semi-dead ...                                                                               We are cruel and                                                                                                  We have hearts made of stain-less steel ...                                                          ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
When we pass away anytime ,                                                                               Our thoughts and our ideas                                                                                    Remain like fountains that                                                                                       Help people to sip from them ...                                                                              If our ideas and our thoughts are                                                                            Hallow , so   that                                                                                                             They're our thoughts and our ideas                                                                        That matter anytime whether                                                                                We're alive or we're dead ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
We are here and                                                                                                      They are there ...                                                                                                      They are there and                                                                                                    We are here ...                                                                                                           They left for good and for bad                                                                                 Towards the western countries or                                                                             Any countries looking for safer havens for                                                               Themselves and for their kids ...                                                                                  They are still our brothers and                                                                                  Our sisters ...                                                                                                           We don't see them anymore and                                                                         They don't see us at all ...                                                                                       We love them in truth and                                                                                     They love in truth ,but                                                                                         We don't see them anymore and                                                                         They miss us all the time ...                                                                                   Our sisters and our brothers left                                                                              Everything behind them including their memories ...                                       They have resided in different countries                                                               Simply because they have lost hope in the whole world ...                                 They emigrated into new worlds ,but                                                                   Out of their choice ...                                                                                              We don't know if they will be back                                                                       One day to their homeland ...                                                                               Nobody knows simply because                                                                              There is an ongoing war that                                                                                 Separates everyone ...                                                                                             Who knows one day they might                                                                          Come back to their lovely houses                                                                          To spend the rest of their life                                                                                 With their loved ones !?                                                                                           Who knows !?                                                                                                        ___
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
On every other line of our current world ,                                                              I read greatly and wonderfully words or                                                                Names written with capital letters anytime ...                                                       Death tolls are increasing everyday on all                                                              Levels and in all directions ,good or bad ...                                                            Our world has turned into an alien world                                                              That can not recognize between what is                                                                 Good or what is bad anywhere and everywhere ...                                               We only reap pains and sufferings everywhere .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
Like a pretty and clear mirror                                                                               That reflects our pictures anytime ,                                                                         Our images do  the same work ...                                                                         If we understand others fully,then                                                                           We can give excellently our points-of-views                                                           Greatly,wonderfully,and clearly about                                                                   People anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                      People like to be praised ,so                                                                                     Never exaggerate things ....
To tell your point-of-view in a good way or people will be sad .
miles before we became
men full-blown,
we crunched nails for lunch,
lead for dinner,
heartburn for life....

after the dance
came shock therapy
and dreams interrupted,
like pages ripped
from the manUScript of me
slicing apple pies
under the white picket fence
while babies chase bubbles over the lawn,
green like malvoes in cantho...

pages torn...

and the author is dead!

~ P
Inspiration for this fusion poster @
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