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Redaviel Jun 2020
The words to let you know that I miss you
Were lost in life's current and I became selfish
But I never stopped watching you from the sidewalk
So you can walk safely to your own happiness
The words to hopefully make you stay here
Were lost when you pushed away a sweet embrace
But I realized that it's okay to let you go
So you can find home in someone's happiness
The words to remind you to take care and be happy
Were lost in misunderstandings and rough closure
But don't worry, I'll give it to someone else
So we can move on and make others happy
The words to tell you that I'm still yours
Were lost in the truth that it was long past
But I'll never stop giving a part of me always
So I can find home in someone's happiness
young woman Jun 2020
i have forgiven you
because i am worthwhile
we're done wasting time

forgiveness in your eyes
it reflects in mine
but i have detached myself from you

forgiveness from the heart
there is no need
to pour it out again
moving on
Colin Mulligan Jun 2020
I’m still running on
Yesterday’s priorities;
Seeking prizes that,
If I only I took the time
To think things through,
Revaluate my situation Properly,
Don’t really matter to me anymore.

I’m still caught up in the
Want of yesterday,
Driven by desires
Well past their sell by Date.

The insignificance of Bygone yearnings
Haunt my todays
Until I exorcize them
Into faded memory,
File them away
Marked ‘Insignificant’,
‘No longer useful’.
Nandini yadav Jun 2020
ऐ दिल,न बैठ यूँ हार कर

उठ,संभाल ख़ुद को और

फ़िर किसी से मुलाक़ात कर

ऐ दिल तू फ़िर से प्यार कर।

        माना कि तुझे ग़म है उसके जाने का

        मग़र उसका तो इरादा ही था तुझे रुलाने का

       उसके दिए दर्द से न ख़ुद को यूँ परेशां कर

       ऐ दिल न बैठ यूँ हार कर,तू फ़िर से प्यार कर।

बिखर चुका है तू इस बात का एहसास है मुझे

उसकी यादों में तड़पता देखा है तुझे

उसकी यादों से अब तू ख़ुद को आज़ाद कर

ऐ दिल न बैठ यूँ हार कर,तू फिर से प्यार कर।

       उदास न हो,तू अकेला नहीं है

       हज़ारों दिल हर रोज़,टूटते हैं यंहा

       टूटे दिल के टुकड़ों को समेट और

       फ़िर एक नयी शुरुआत कर

       ऐ दिल न बैठ यूँ हार कर,तू फ़िर से प्यार कर।
हक़ न दे किसी को,जो तुझे रुला सके अब

अपनी खुशियों की शुरुआत तू ख़ुद से कर

तू ख़ुद पर रख यकीं और न अब किसी पर ऐतबार कर

ऐ दिल न बैठ यूँ हार कर,तू फ़िर से प्यार कर

ऐ दिल न बैठ यूँ हार कर,तू फ़िर से प्यार कर।।
Hi friends....This poem is about moving forward or giving yourself a second chance in love.
For more heart touching poetries ...Visit my youtube channel
The Untold Jun 2020
The insides of my eyelids are imprinted your photo
because everytime I shut them I see you.
It's been hard to let go
mainly because you'd become my life.

You moved on fast and easy,
and now,
it's up to me to do the same.

I know I would hate it to love you again.

Maybe am just scared to be lonely
Scared to love again.
Not really a poem.
I didn't have someone to talk to, so hp is my closest friend. I have to move on.
daffodil May 2020
Most captivating beauty
in tragedy
Her melancholic existence
quiet agony
forever unreachable
she’s otherworldly

Blue in colour
and blue of mind
if only I
could reach inside
feel her warmth
and our souls entwined  

Never together
always apart
a losing battle
two lonely hearts
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