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Sobriquet Aug 2018
Can't you just love me again?

A whisper-wisp through the dark,
spoken in the night to familiar walls
you're helping your brother
paint a different colour,
masking forever words those walls have heard
and the time
I took acid
at your birthday
and watched the 70's wallpaper you've covered up melt like heated crayons
to join me on the floor,
rolling rainbows and laughter through the air in a technicolour soup,
in an effort to forget your face in the next room.

But can't you just love me again?

You want more than friends who are occasionally lovers,
to find meaning in the familiarity we sometimes share,
to amalgamate two bodies confidential in their knowledge of one another,
to illuminate my heart with another chance.

But you forget I say
into the silence and the drying Irish linen,
I've repainted the walls within
to erase a love which rendered us strangers,
built my heart its own house with no room for a former life,
so your words can do nothing but knock,
at a front door
now forever politely closed.
Angelica Jul 2018
Dear love, I hoped. Hoped for memorable moments with you. Filled with quirky insiders and cheesy smiles.
Dear buttercup, I saw. Saw your capacity for success in everything you did. No matter what laborious obstacles you faced.
Dear sunshine, I confessed. Confessed those heartfelt feelings that I kept for years to myself to thee. Felt as if I mastered some form of art that I had been working on for what seemed an eternity and to what eventually flourished into a beautiful sentiment gallery for a one-gal audience. Sought through a protected glass screen whom hardly hid our raw tears and emotions that we were feeling inside.
Dear sweet pea, I felt. Felt pain, in my core, in my heart, whom I have kept locked away to protect from such thing (love).Thy which I felt day in and day out for thee.
Dear darling, I shut. Shut your presence, physically & virtually from my life. Doing so, had become such a difficult yet relieving task.
Dear pumpkin, I wondered. Wondered if I ever crossed thy mind of my doing. & Wondered if thy was content with him, knowing you were.
Dear girl I knew in high school, I can't. Can't have you in my life. As my crush nor as a friend. Awkward it is. & Forever will it be with you having the knowledge of those innocent and pure feelings. You don't need my presence in thy life, and vise versa. I refuse to apologize for giving up on us. Friendship alone is what I seek least with you. I long for happiness, and unfortunately you're hetero presence is holding me back. And if you so happen to stumble across this poem, I am certain you'd be able to fill in the blank. I conclude thus with a freeing farewell.
Lonerblues Jun 2018
I was a blue rose in a garden of red
However you plucked and threw me
Like I was the rest.
Dev Mar 2018
I was in love with a girl once,
she did all the things I wanted to,
she was braver than anyone else,
she was kind, smart, loyal.

She did crazy things,
Was rather outspoken
and every phrase that left
her supposedly "perfect" mouth was outlandish.

She would tell me her dreams,
we'd stay up all night texting,
and she would imagine our lives

But the thing about these people
who are perfect, yet completely insane
is that their insanity is toxic
and exposure to it can be too harmful for some

I fell in love with a girl,
she was beautiful, dazzling
All that wonderful sparkly ****.
But she was oh so toxic.
Things happen for a reason, we may not like it at the time, but friendships drift and people stop talking. Such is life.
friendship becomes deeper
and love was developed
but as years passed by
Our friendship turned cold
then our love faded

Our Untold story buried in the past
where explanations remained unanswered
The scar that reminds me of our love
and remember the story of our history
Liz Carlson Nov 2017
my love for you
drowned me inside.

i can feel the water seeping
back into my bones.

we're starting over again,
although we both know it's far too late.
olb Nov 2017
Why is it that I still think of you
when you wronged me so.
Why is it that I worry about you
when you don't worry about yourself.
Why is it that I still care about you
when you don't care about yourself.
Why is it that I am writing this poem about you
when I ended things.
I moved on.
You did not.
I moved on yet I still think about you.
Not the positives.
Far from the positives.
I think of all of the negatives.
(which were most of the times)
I see you with her
and I wonder if it it real
or just a rebound from me.
I will never know
because the way you treat me hurts.
Yes, I moved on.
But being hated hurts.
How do you go from being strangers
to lovers
to strangers again.
How do you grow a hate so strong for a girl you once loved?
When I see you with her
I wonder.
I wonder about the way you describe me
what you say about me
about the past.
Why is it that I still think about you
when I never cross your mind.
Why is it that I moved on
and you literally moved on.
Do you still think about me?
If so how?
Do you think of the good?
Or do you think of the bad?
(which you shouldn't
I never did anything to you
it was all you.)
All I want to know is
why I think of you
and the past
and the bad
and the what-ifs
(even though I know it would be bad)
Do you think of me
when you see me?
Do you think of the way you treated me
the tears shed
the fights
the way you wronged me
the 10 wasted months?
Or do you think about the way I broke your heart?
I just want to know.
I want to know how you feel about me
how you felt that night.
Did you cry?
Did you speed home?
Did you change?
I know you changed
not for the better like I
but you changed.
I wish I knew why
why I still think of you.
yellah girl Sep 2017
we counted the lady bugs
& sang to the trees
i love you, you love me
the night was ours
& we held the stars
in our palms
the clovers stained
our hands green.

the beat to our dance
thrived in our feet
spring was the harmony
melody in buttercups
round & round, song
in our lungs.

a dose of summer
reddened our skin,
quickened the pulse
night of lady bugs
faint memory
in blackened mind.
Luis Liriano Aug 2017
"Remember what you said to me?"

"Ummm maybe"

"Can you say it again?"

"Yeah, okay, I love you"

"I love you too "

"did you realize what you said?"

"Yes and I do.. i love you, I loved you for a while I just couldn't say it"

"I know you did"

"What!, how?"

"You don't need words to tell that someone loves you, they'll show you in their actions and the small things they do, for example as you start smiling in the middle of a kiss"


"Well I'm in love with you"

And then we shared a kiss mixed with love, passion and lust and like always we smile right in the middle of it and I think I loved her even more.
i wrote this years ago and the person isn't in my life anymore
Gabriella Jul 2017
is it the sparkle in your eye?
was it the crinkle in your smile?
maybe it was the way your lips moved when you said my name.
or perhaps the soft warm touch of your petal smooth skin.

one of those things or perhaps the sum of them brought back feelings i had thought had been buried.
like spirits on a bewitched night, my feelings for you started to wake.
everything and nothing in me tried to hold it back.

you are something.
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