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tabitha asiana Sep 2018
It’s already 3 in the morning
My eyes are still wide open
I’m not even yawning
I’m not even doing anything

Staring on the ceiling
Right there I saw my world crashing
Right there I saw myself drowning
Right there all I want is sleeping
Sleeping and never waking.

Sadness lingering around my body paired with the emptiness that wasn’t evident if you saw me,
It’s here, right inside this ugly mediocre body.

I beat myself every night,
Thinking is tomorrow really worth to survive?
My day goes by “yes I’m fine” when it’s actually “help me, I’m dying inside”

All I could ever think is to die
Dying fascinates and scares me at the time
Questions began to arise,
“It wouldn’t hurt that much if I leave everything in this world behind, right?”

It’s so unusual that one day you feel nothing,
And then the next couple day suprise, you feel everything
And when I think everything’s okay
There someone somewhere saying “something’s wrong today”

You think this is the day you can justify you’re definitely happy
Only to realize that later at night in the four corners of your room you’re incredibly lonely and empty.

And to be honest I don’t know why I feel this way,
One thing I know for sure there was missing inside me,
I couldn’t possibly pin point what could it be,
So I’m trying to fill it with thousands of possibility,
I ask myself “Am I going to be like this day by day?”

I never understood myself then,
Was there something wrong with me?
Was I over reacting?
Or this is really the real me slowly unraveling?

I couldn’t tell anyone what I feel
putting my feelings into words is so much to deal

But then I tried,
I tried telling them I’m dead tired.
And only to get “It’s all in your mind.”

They would say be positive
Or look on the bright side
I hope it’s that easy,
But it’s not, right now my mind is way way messy.

And how I wish I could control what I think,
And when a toxic negative thought felt like coming,
I could let it go away in just a blink.
But it’s not.
It doesn’t go that way.

I’m crying each night, crippling my own heart.
To the situations I am trying to brush away so hard.

I’m maybe the one to blame.
For the thoughts that hardly keep me sane.

And then one day I get used to feeling not okay.
I get used to the hole living inside
To the devil that’s speaking in my mind.
And lastly, I get used to telling people I’m wonderfully fine.

But I couldn’t help but to hope
Hope that one day
All of these ******* would go away,

hope to go back to the old me,
Positive, spontaneous, happy and carefree.
DJL Sep 2018
You cannot create a monster
and then condemn it
hate its ugly features
it’s terrible gait
You cannot be afraid
to look into it’s cold eyes
touch it’s rough skin
or feel it’s hot breath
You must face the consequences

when I look into the mirror
I do not see myself
but all of what you’ve made me
I see pale skin
and bruised lips
and bloodied knuckles
and a demonish grin
I see a monster
ready to do monstrous things.”
all my life
i've been preparing faces
to meet the faces that
i've met

the man who delivers newspapers
at our doorstep each morning

i've laughed at their silly jokes
as they tossed their heads from side to side
in naive stupidity and their sheer ignorance
a pompous lot, the human race i tell you

i've acknowledged their staunch morals
and tried to make them my own
as they scorned at the girl in a skimpy dress
and chewed on mutton bones gluttonously

all my life, i've been trying hard
to blend in
with people who've shown me
that i don't belong with them

and tonight when i shed gallons of tears
i have only my bed and pillow to share
i've learnt that my sadness
is my very own
just a sad girl writing to survive
as he stood brave, staring, into the eyes of death 'are you not afraid ?' asked death.
smiling, he replied,
'do you see fear in my eyes ?
it's not death i fear, it is the living.
it's not oblivion i fear, it is the remembrance.'

as the fog lifted,
as he found himself to be stranded on this rock again,
his arrogant smile was no more to be seen,
his eyes were no longer fearless.
MACaroons Jun 2018
Stars sparkle in the dark
Like when I look into your eyes
but now its just darkness.
Kuraido May 2018
I met a person, who’m at first glance I can tell

That I love the way she talks and how her hair smells

As days went by I just couldn’t resist

I told her how I felt, “Thank God you exist”

“I’m sorry”, she replied. “We could still be friends”

“For if we trully fell for each other, it wouldn’t be a happy end”
I got friendzoned LOL
faeri Feb 2018
Hello there, you're a new face
Hello there, I see that you'll be taking my place
Fix their problems and lick their wounds

Keep their memories of me out of sight
as I'll be the reason they cry each night

Hello there,do me this favor
Let the love for me waver.
Narrated by a deceased mother, speaking to her children's stepmother
erdaniaputri Jan 2018
this bridge between us
built of kerosene
and you;
you were holding
a ******* candle

i got love for you
even if youre doubting me
i was trying to get to you
but you lit up the bridge

you watched me burn
and turned into ashes

all these words meant nothing
and you've always been this heartless
stabbing knives of deceit
behind my back
taking a part of myself
and set me on fire
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