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ky Jul 2023
Looking back on it,
I realize it was all lies.

All the "sweet" things you said,
they were just to blind me from the truth.
You never meant a single word.

So I've decided it's not worth remembering lies
and that I'm better off forgetting
DeAnn Mar 2018
You never look back

It's the first thing I noticed about you

Your past, your pain, your failures

You never look back

But I always do.
When I walk away, I look back to see if you're watching

You're not

You are focused
You are direct
You are confident in who you are, where you are

You are you

But I am me
Me, who is looking up at you, marveling to see what you will accomplish next
Me, noticing every movement you make, every sound, every hesitation
Me, noticing when your smile isn't real

So I give you mine to use
And it fits you perfectly

You fit into it and my smile becomes yours
And mine is plastic again
The mold I use to create my smiles so I can give them away to those who need them

You, whose movements are fluid as water
You, who is always trying new things
You, who excels

You are an asset to humanity
A unifier
A guide to the light within the darkness

And I watch your work
to my sister <3
RazanSidErani Apr 2015
We shall learn to fly
And leap of the mountain cliff
" Let's hop in together" you say
We'd dive in a deep blue ocean
Waves crashing through the roof
Overwhelming our emotions
Perils to the minds treasure
And shout till we lose our voice
Wash out from the cage and hold to freedom
Wash out the soot of our past And born a new
Like the phoenix being reborn From its own flame
Be like a rockstar no one has ever seen
Singing the ballads of glory
Screaming for love,justice and faith
Swinging the crowds around
Getting high on our adrenaline
Jumping high and crashing down to the ground
Setting the world on fire
The fault is in me and its in you.
Mortal beings we might be
But we could live forever
My lovely lady and i wrote this poem together. We often dream the similar dream of being daring enough to take off without looking back and starting new and burning the pastures of past.

© RazanRinaldi
Mary Christopher Jun 2014
I want to go
And keep going

To never look back
And always keep moving

Forward and forward
Feet on the ground
And never ever have to turn around

But I simply can’t
I must stay here
Filled with hope and filled with fear

But someday I might leave
Go far away and never return

Thats the only hope
That gives my fire a burn


— The End —