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Tahira Shah Jan 29
I am not Papa’s princess,
Nor a prince’s princess.
I am a princess without a crown,
Without a sparkling gown.

No fairy tales define my name,
No royal blood, no fleeting fame.
I don’t need a kingdom or throne,
For I am a princess on my own.

No glass slippers, no golden ring;
I am a princess without a king.
I walk alone, no hand to hold,
For I am the one who makes me whole.

I am a princess without a knight;
I fight my battles, I own my fight.
My strength lies within me.
No footsteps to follow—I create my own destiny.

So call me not pari, frail or weak,
For I am strong and unique.
I am a princess, wild and free,
A queen of my world, no limits for me.
Pojamusic Oct 2024
Autumn is everywhere...

You see colours everywhere,
on the roads and forests there,
raindrops falling far from sky,
where the birds can always fly
away to the south,
where they stays for a few month
to arrive in the spring
to enjoy everything.

Autumn is everywhere...

You can see sad faces,
and note the sadder cases,
find a depressed life
between husband and wife,
a lot of tears, a lot of death,
some people having their last breath.
the nature is dying today,
taking all the good things away..

Autumn is everywhere...

You have to be positive, yes,
please take with you all the rest,
find a hope for anyone there,
take away the tears, bring smile back here,
love nature, love each other,
be a good child to your mother,
don´t worry, the autumn will go,
if the worries want to come, say: "No!"

Autumn is everywhere.

- Tarmo Selter -
Pojamusic Oct 2024
There's sunlight everywhere,
in every place, look around you,
and the moonlight making shadows in the night,
forests always be in there
living their own lives too
and rivers running free, reflecting light.

Please always be aware
thatyou, if you are in here,
you really are a visitor in our lands,
you have to be polite
and always must be there
to protect our place and mother nature.

In all of the living things,
there are soul in everything,
nature does not belong to anyone,
you must feel it in your heart,
but if you really, really can't,
stay away from nature, you dont love.

- Tarmo Selter -
Jonathan Moya Sep 2024
As I get older I don’t dread death coming closer.
It is closer.
It will come as a newborn:
seeding so long in me,
that I would chide it for taking its time.
I will not scream when it head comes out my body.
I won’t even be amused by such a Hollywood trick.
And when its held before my eyes
trickling with all my blood
I will simply reach out and hold it close
to my chest,
run my fingers over its head
until it stops wailing,
grows silent-
and there is nothing left for me to say to it,
nothing left to do
but  kiss this  life of mine,
shed a joyful yet mournful tear
and wait for it and myself
to fall asleep.
kel Aug 2024
please, tell me-
tell me why
you won't even bat an eye towards me when I plea
in my mind as I stare at the blue sky
to try to distract myself from you
because gazing at you all the time
is suffocating and I threw
my sanity away- it's like I'm commiting a serious crime
as I stalk you on social media
every single day, like a hopeless romantic
Lennox Trim Dec 2023
So the day I say I'm done,and finished with it all..
Was the same day that the house of cards I built began to fall,
Karma huffed and puffed and blew it all away,
Whether i deserved it or not? well its hard to say,
I need to take it easy but im living life the harder way ,
Living life day to day - there's gotta be a better way,
Love Drunk from the potions from Amy's wine house ,
I sobered up but it was only to find out -
Your lion-like roars turned to Microsoft words,
I was in my own word - she was in hers,
No, I'm not modest and dishonesty's a problem for my nerves,
Approach the point of no return? We def on the verge,
Better yet the brink, and to think, our past you rubbed away -
Washed down the metaphorical sink,
And now all sounds of trouble power point to YOU,
My mind is now tainted, as you are in my point of view,
I'd hate to break the glue we used to make the news,
But i have to go away from you - Later boo..
Tiana May 2022
I'm frozen,
And I can see your spirit fade away
The liveliest shimmers of all I've seen,
And I can't do anything;

My heart burning,
Trying to melt my surrounding ice
giving a last try
to catch your glimmers,

Then it gave up
Because it apprehended to be late,
So struggle breathed out;

Then I don't know how long I slept
Maybe hoping to see you in my dreams,

Where we'll go to that street
where we always wanted to be
My rosy flush and your musing gaze
As the wind swept past the starry horizon
with the sparks of pure amaze;

The sweet scent of that blossoming love
I still remember
I watched it go away with my heart surrendered;

I'm an icy embody;

Witnessing only the passing times,
without hope;

Who could've thought that not getting over means
there's no hope?

Not that I see miles away;
Even if I try to
These icy flakes blocking my way,
I'm too cold to be resurrected now;
brian odongo Jun 2021
To her whose heart is my heart's favorite home.
To her from whom I learned love's greatest responsibility; to keep another's heart safe.
To her whose name is etched out every time my pen kisses the paper in a brief love affair.
To her whose heartbeat I dance to better than any other rhythm.
To her whose beauty is like the glory of the setting sun in summer.
To her whose smile is curved in every sunrise.
To her whose laughter is like the plucking of guitar strings.
To her whose voice is hushed in every passing wind.
To her who I always look for in a crowded street.
To her whose heart and my heart are old time friends.
To her who is not only the girl of my dreams but the girl of my every waking moment.
To Miss Sunshine ,happy birthday.
a poem to my girlfriend on her birthday.
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