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Benji James Dec 2018
I've been killing these verses for years
Better put my feet up, have a few beers
Better raise your glass, cheers
I've got a huge brain between my ears
The one that vanquished all of my fears
The one that seen me through all the tears
While I'm thankful for most of my peers
Others tried to stab me with words like spears
Thought they could control me like puppeteers
Just when they thought I would disappear
Laughter is all they could hear
That is when I would reappear
And be all like "I'm here"
And they'd be all like "Oh, Dear!"
And I'd be all like let's change gear
Tell me was that crystal clear?
Why does it feel like I'm in the Ionosphere
Well some of these peeps are quite the racketeer
Shame they'll never breathe freely in my atmosphere
gee ****, listen up kid
I think I just ruined it.
Justyn Huang Nov 2018
No Nut November
Is the hardest thing
I have ever participated in.

Seriously, it’s really hard.
Like all the time, and at the most

Waiting for the train? Hard.
Taking a dump? Hard.
Wedding or funeral?
Yea let’s not go there...

But the worst moment by far
was telling a homeless man
I didn’t have any change, and he
Said, “it’s okay, no one’s been this
happy to see me in years”

No Nut November is a cultural movement observed around the world where Men attempt to prevent themselves from ******* for the whole 30 days of November
Steve Page Nov 2018
We share the pleasure of a shared joke based on shared experience in shared lives, with no target to speak of, but with a simple open mockery of the value we place on our own shared past, whether unique to us or shared wider with our middle aging generation or perhaps universal to all humankind - a past we hold close but hold lightly lest it slip away from too much introspection and over-close scrutiny, but still a past that bears the shared weight of hearty family laughter, full of love and belonging.
Quaking, I finish with the gravy jug, catch the hesitant drip with my forefinger and pass it on, enjoying the richness of this moment.
I have 3 sisters, each with kids and grandkids.  I love the laughter when we're together.
Arcassin B Oct 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

Spare the details , scratching with these nails,
One look at me and your body will be mangled while being
I'm not a ****** or a murderer , I just love to create art,
Where ever my pencil will take me and I'll I feast on the fact
that I'll let you relish in that,
I'm emotionless to pain even when it's brought by the bat,
Experience hatred for a world where men will slaughter other
Where evil thrives and the man upstairs won't come down
to defend,
The idea of killing my boss in the past , it'll had made me
laugh , how can I pretend?
Where is my purpose in this life when that purpose is
clipped from under me?
As far as I'm concerned , there's more books to burn
of a past that no one knows,
I'd rather isolate myself while watching the *******
world set a blaze in a perfect cemetery.
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2018

Drowning in anxiety
Mocked by insecurity
Seas black, cold and slimy
Inkpot has dried
The paper turns to dust
All alone
Lost at sea
Nothing but a joke.

Turbulence is dying down now.
Lyn x
Emerson Nosreme Sep 2018
“So a guy and a girl walk into a bar...”

I'm sorry sir but what do you mean?
I don't understand it
Can't you explain? I'm very confused
No I am not an emotionless person
(Most of the time)
But I am confused

No sir don't get me involved
Don't like being made fun of
A second hand joke
No I'm not coming on stage with you sir
Can't you understand?
I don't want to and I won't go

No sir stop doing that
I will literally slap you if you do not stop
I will scream
I will shout

Yes sir, that was offensive

Yes sir, I won't be seeing you in court
Because they won't believe a 'woman' like me
And claim it was because of what I wear
And claim I sat in a crowd to be a second hand joke

Then, this story and what I told you
Will just be another injustice in the world
In which most people will find some other injustice
And move on
Very quickly

It'll be another joke
A joke in a bar
Oh yes
I get it now
I get the joke
It was a horrible one
And I'm talking to it
See if you can get the second message. Read through the poem and let me know. If you want to know the answer, read the bit below:

Ok you're reading the message! That's good I guess. If you are distressed easily, don't read it.

Ok so the idea was, this poem was the logistics (in my opinion) of ****/****** harassment. This once happened to me (today is actually around the time it happened) when I was 12. A guy, who was around 17, who I had only known for AN HOUR tried to make me his girlfriend.
Yes, you read correctly. he tried to do that.
But my mother got the hint immediately (thank god for mothers sometimes) and immediately contacted his mother. She explained he has ADHD (fair enough, I mean, I do have autism myself so I get that) but could not process how uncomfortable I was (especially since I was 12 and very socially awkward).
I also read something where some **** cases are blamed on what woman wear (yes you read that correctly). It actually disgusts me that people think woman dress so they can be sexually harassed and *****. Yes because people like to be traumatised and upset.
I hope that if anything like this happens, you go to the people who can help you and give you the support you need. Thank you for reading :)
Rose Aug 2018
nothing helps anymore,
every morning the same drill,
take the meds to paint a smile,
keep people an arm's length away,
just become a stranger,
it hurts less when there is no one to lose,
never let your guard down,
make jokes so others laugh,
go back home and  get ready for bed,
cry alone until sleep washes over,
then wake and continue the act
Delilah Day Aug 2018
A man walks into a bar and
doesnt walk out

you walk into a bar
and you dont walk out
and you think maybe thats how it happened

he just walked into a bar
and never walked out

walked into a knife
walked into the barrel of a gun
walked into a river with cinderblock shoes
walked into a car and didn’t turn back
walked into your life and right back out

you stumble out of a bar
cursing and crying and
crashing into the pavement but
that doesn’t matter

you feel like dying
or melting
imagine that you slip and fall apart until you’re just a puddle
imagine that you slip through the lines in the concrete
through the roots and the earth
live down there instead

you’re still here
crying on the ****** sidewalk in front of a ****** bar with whisky on your shirt and your breath and something cold and sharp in your heart
and that’s not the problem so much as
he isn’t here too
Even car wrecks are better in pairs
or not
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