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Grey 1d
My instincts are mostly gamble

They work with me
I work against them

They are not self depriving

But the truth that I cannot see

I want a trait so badly
I ignored the warnings

They did tell me it wasn't mine
Never going to be

But I was desperate
I hoped ,prayed even that I'm right

That I deserve salvation
Even if its for Splitting seconds

To feel the magic I thought I deserve

In the end I'm mostly apologetic
For not listening

I hope for my sanity I remember this
Before taking the next leap
Andy Chunn Mar 2023
All at once I understood
Because I heard the sound
Coming from the distant woods
Dogs yapping just like hounds

Endless barking on the path
Fearlessly chasing prey
Guided by no words or math
Howling to show the way

I could not help but wonder
Just how this chase would end
Keeping hope that no blunder
Listening with my friend

Mighty canines came in sight
Not one was resting still
One path only would be right
Perhaps their fate to seal

Quitting was not thought of now
Resting would not be sought
Simple instincts show us how
The troubled victim’s caught

Under thick, and captured quick
Victim of the tracking
Wounded dogs begin to lick
Xenial copse lacking

You know now the race is done
Zapped, resting in the sun
Abecedarian form
topacio May 2020
who still needs to hunt
when injured,
so do you.
need to fix repair move
faster than ever
on your own
without your pack.

laser movement
in the dark
blind to whats ahead,
instincts guiding you
more than you know,
passed down
in your bones
from the
generations before.
Salma Apr 2020
I'm the kind of poetry that moves you,
I'm your favourite song on a long ride,
I'm a soulful dancer stimulating all your hidden instincts,
and I'm the taste of red wine after the second glass.

Good luck resisting me.
Kaede Jul 2019
Nothing's more creepier than a dream becoming real each passing day.

Three am and I woke up gasping for air to breathe while tears streaming down in my chubby cheeks. For the first time, I don't know what is real and what is fake, and what is wrongly perceived by my senses.

As I struggled to convince myself the idea of it that it did not happened, the more I was compelled to believe that it really did. The way I cried in the dream is the way I wailed tonight. Every plot of the dream turns to be more authentic than it ever did. The vivid details of my dream are coming like a kaleidoscope of horror movies I've watched as I continue to growl in agony.

And there is nothing I can do, but to continue watching myself.

Three am and I woke up gasping for air to breathe while tears streaming down in my chubby cheeks. For the first time, I don't know what is real and what is fake, and what is wrongly perceived by my senses.

Reality felt like a little less real.

From then on, I'm becoming less much in reality and I'm becoming more in my dreams. Everything I see around in this world looks faker and faker each breathe that I take.
Go on living or go on dying? Either way, just  be brave.
Instincts shrink
when love is on the table
for instincts are for survival
And love is for a dying
in the grandest ritual possible
And although as my gut tells me
Warns me to be on my guard
Cautioning, my brain is mush
And so is my own heart -
Dampen my instincts then,
Love, have me be ******,
Take all of my very existence,
Sacrificing survival on insistence.
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