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The intelligent ones
For those who may be missing a few screws
Or are like no one else you have ever met

The amicable ones
For those who aren't afraid to work hard
Or would give $100 to the homeless

The cunning ones
For those who will do anything to achieve their goals
Or are willing to do anything to protect what is theirs

The brave ones
For those who will never give up
Or laugh in the face of terror

Where shall you go?
I'm a Gryffindor. What are you?
Nandini Jul 2014
Always holding a pen even when I don't know what to write
It's like a habit now I guess more of an addiction
Some call me crazy while others admire and some ? ...never mind !
But yes maybe for a person who writes it's like
A whiff of fresh air ,
Like the first snow of the season
Like the chirping of the birds  or maybe falling in love once again !
I write about pain , love , eyes and everything you want to imagine .
Many a times me and my coffee are best company ,
We sometimes come up with the best lines .
Ha! But I got adopted recently , mamma HP did .
Few know me , few follow while I follow many every where
We share , we like and best part ?
Yeah right we inspire each other ...!!
I'm kinda the new kid on the block .. ;)
I guess I'll stick around a bit longer
So to say it in 3w

Thank you HP ! I love this site , you've given me new hope and been my mamma all the while ... I can say it the way I want ... Just to you !
I love the family :)
Robert* was his name
A chap with snow skin
A version of the modern Snow White
Yes, *not she
but he.

He shines not like Rihanna's diamonds
Keeps roaring, but not with Katy Perry
His life was written and published
Meyer was not her lover
Neither did he had his own Vampire Diaries.

The fire sieged
Eyes are in flame
Towards the Goblet of Fire
And the victory was not his
And there he stands in his own grave.
e goforth May 2014
he is sharp angles
bony elbows
knobby knees
and ribs protruding fiercely from

honey blonde locks
plastered against his skull
and sweat
beads on a

he braces for the
nails growing
teeth sharpening
body contorting
flesh ripping away from bones.

thick ropey scars criss-cross
over his back
and you could swear
those were
bite marks
along his spine.

he will shake and shudder
teeth clenched
eyes shut tight
against the horrors
but no matter what you ask
he will not answer.

a worn sweater hangs loose
around narrow shoulders
and dark
circles stand out
against porcelain cheeks.

when the full moon comes
in all it’s horrific glory
he will touch
your cheek
and send you away
with a sigh.

wine-red blood seeps
from claw marks
on a slender limb
and he kisses your worries
even as he weeps.
This is a Harry Potter fanfic-poem, starring Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
Fah Apr 2014
Emptiness is full
frothing at the edges
come bowls of sea foamed , rich tone
of wave

undulating shores
of invisible islands , that form in the space around the music.

Materializing are the friendships of harmony -

close knit fantasies
ring out in each layer
a mystical magical movement - vibration

emanating for all to share

dive deep

into the domains  of the  wordless , formless
Yummers in Dreamspace !! A combination piece with singing bowls being played by  a dear friend !

— The End —