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Hurricanebabe May 2019
It's you the one I see across the room.
It's you the one I wanna I want to be with.
It's you the one I want to be in a dark room.
It's you the one I want to cuddle with.
It's all you!
Natasha Caroline May 2019
This life isnt marvel cinematic universe
Where superheros saving you from the villain
In this life, night time has become my morning
And morning time has become my night time
I am stuck on depression time zone
Where i wake up from nightmare to nightmare
Where my minds start to confuse whats real and whats on my mind
Where i cant find a button to silence my own thoughts
Where people stare's undressed me
How could they save me even if its a superhero movie
When the villain lives in me
Maybe i cant be saved,
Because pain has became my comfort
Because hope terrifies me
The bunch of roses you offered
I brought home cuddling them
To my blossom softly and closely

When I arrived home, I saw
The flowers were withered
The Petals were no more;

Remained were only the
Thorns of the long stems
Buried deeply in my heart
Promising never to leave ever
Hurricanebabe Apr 2019
I blink and I am standing
I blink again and I am on the floor
I blink again and people are all around me
Is this life?

Are we always blinking thinking something good will happen?
And then when nothing good happens we get sad and discouraged?
I blinked three different times and I saw totally different situations.
Is this the bad or good of life?
AE Apr 2019
I desire to smell the flowers that grow in your allies
The ones that colour the streets even in the darkest light
And walk the trail of stars your people leave behind
When their wandering towards new wonders
As they turn new corners in their lives
I dream of floating in your scent, that dances in the wind
Carrying culture, history, and your nature in its wings
I’ll dance amongst your voices, and sway with their melodies
The laughter will carry me to your quiet little streets
And somewhere in the silence I’ll start to miss my home
Until your stars will start to wrap me in your ethereal glow
And from then on along your yellow brick roads
I’ll make your love my home
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