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Poet X Jun 2019
these bones of mine
have been
feeling hollow.

like just mere weight
than guardian
of soul.

my depression..
has eaten them too.
btp May 2019
I wave my wings
And weap my tears
I glide through the sorrow
And fill all the hollow

I'll carry you back
Back to where you started
Say farewell with a smile
Return to the world of hearted

Looking down once again
I see you, my friend
Lost again, hollow again
So I wave my wings
And weap my tears
But this time
You're not here
Sawyer May 2019
there is no blood in my veins,
only air.
little cells, little storms,
little words that echo in the cavities that are my chest,
my heart,
my lungs.
my head is not in the clouds,
it is the clouds,
and it rains, it is cold,
it is full of dust and heavy, heavy atmosphere.

any other day I’d hide from the storm
but today I stand with arms outstretched
and head tilted towards the sky,
catching tears that I can’t make
wishing for lighting to strike
to fill my
The Rogue Poet Apr 2019
Stuck in my ways as it has become a habit

she yearns for my attention and has not  grasped it

My intentions were not to lead her down this ravine

Yet, my heart is not ready to give in from the routine

As I could not consciously lead you astray

My first mechanism is to push you away

“It will not be long” oh great, now I sound cliché...

That THIS, will just be another severance left to decay.

We have to sacrifice certain things to gain things we’ve never had.
False Poets Oct 2017
An excerpt from           An excerpt from
a poem by T.S. Eliot.     a poem by the False Poets

Between the idea          no permanence in juxtaposition
And the reality              where Falls the Shadow, the shadow
Between the motion.     a divisive notion caught between
And the act                    composition & action, the response is
Falls the Shadow           Falls the Shadow

Between the conception grayed outline indistinct, the cognitive sap
And the creation              leaks, contradictions irritating birth sac,
Between the emotion      whereupon Falls the Shadow emerges
And the response            the response conclusive, occlusive, collusive 
Falls the Shadow             Falls the Shadow
Between the desire          juxtaposition insertion, need to achieve
And the spasm                 the blurted ****** of spurted letters born
Between the potency.      in the potent white seeds of black words
And the existence            coming into existence as a riptorn issue,
Between the essence        essences of scents blood+logic foretelling
And the descent               birth & death, descent & the ascent, both,
Falls the Shadow              Falls the Shadow

Between the desire            the desire desired, completed,
And the spasm                   the latency uncovered,
Between the potency         the potent toxins of spit and tears
And the existence              the birth fluid of  of existence
Between the essence          the formulation of the human essence
And the descent                 from blood dust to blood dust is where
Falls the Shadow.               Falls All the Shadows
October 2017
mc ish Mar 2019
i wish there were more ways to say that i found an oasis in the form of your touch
i wish i could count the pains that i carry like satchels everyday
strung off my shoulders
i wish i knew why i refused to let them fall
i wish gravity would just have its way with me
toss me aside and find a new giddy little thing to run this so called world
i wish i knew how to tell you that i want to be a bird
not because they can fly away from here
not because they grace their homes with bright colored feathers i could never adorn
but because they are hollow
they are hollowed out, weak, frail and somehow it makes them stronger
or perhaps i wish not to be hollow
but to filled with something other than you
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
U n t i l   h e   p r e s s e d   t h o s e

s i l k y   k e y s ,

I   n e v e r   k n e w   t h e

e m p t y   s p a c e

i n s i d e  o f   m e .

T h e  m o r e   h e   p l a y e d ,
t h e   m o r e

I became.
The space in me
was no longer hollow
and soon began
His music filled my soul like air fills my lungs.
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2019
hollow me out like a jellyfish
remove my spine-heart-brain
so serine in these
celestial waters
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