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Nichole Dec 2017
Notes on a guitar,

Hard and beautiful,
Like a relationship; you must learn!

Notes on a guitar,

Loud and free,
Like a riot, standing up for what you believe!

Notes on a guitar,

Electric and proud,
Like a nightclub of dancers, the sound!
If you like it let me know :)
Arthur Vaso Dec 2017
Piensa en mi

No words escape me  now
Only darkness
One candle for the night
Wine to bring me sleep
Will you ever think of me?
I caress the thought of you
My tears wash your fears
Yet I sit alone
Nothing keeps me sane
Without you
When will I have your embrace?
Your heart
My life dances on nothing
Until I have you
In my arms
Sin ti
The love I never met
Luz Casal - Piensa en mi
praise the lord!

glory be!


my eight year old car
has yet, started once again!

good thing too,

I would have had an awful day
calling in sick from work
and relaxing on the couch,
smoking **** and play
guitar all day long.


from park to reverse and
out of the driveway,
then reverse to drive and
look in the rearview mirror
only to see my house quickly
disappear, like a magic trick

time to go **** today’s ****

while 16 other men sitting
in their cars on their way
to work think about
what they could
have been
Mane Omsy Dec 2017
Is this heat between us
Making me stay up all night?
Or is this love we warmed up?
When the guitar vibrates
Along with your sweet melody
I drown in the moment deep
The flame on the ground dances
To your song blazing for more
Side to side tapping our legs
Spent the night under the moon
Wishing to kiss you always
And a shooting star flew above
anotherdream Dec 2017
Your heart brings the warmth I seek,
Doing the little things that matter to me.
You listen so well with your cute little ears,
And can hear me when I’m not even near.

Your eyes speak of fall’s endless leaves,
And leave me with repeating sweet dreams,
Where you could be you and I could be me.
Still wondering why these dreams aren’t realities.

You play my heart like a crimson-stained guitar,
Drawing me to you, no matter how far.
You know the strings, you know how they work.
I’m used to fixing, but with you there’s nothing to rework.

Your jeans are the sky’s only limit,
I can’t help but staring for endless minutes.
Your sweater makes sparks fly with every niche,
And I helpless fall for it with every stitch.

You are a present just waiting to be opened,
You have so much in you yet you don't show it.
Love has to be hidden, love has to be found,
Now I give in and embrace your every sound.
Maria Etre Dec 2017
I watched a live band
my stomach churned
against its empty walls
digesting emptiness
and simply
feeling human

With a voice
so mellow
it mesmerized
the murmurs
to a silence

A marriage of strums
carried feelings
every stander
with a certain warmth
that reaches the heart
I heard my friend say
"they make fall
in love with myself"
how delicate of a statement
to float amidst
the dark space
dancing with their voices

Something pure
was taking place
and as an audience
we have longed for
such a feeling
so foreign
to carry us a bit closer
to our very core
reminding us
that it's possible
for a heart to smile
to prove that
innocence does
still exist

"Who are they?" I asked
"Waynick" she said
Waynick: means "where are you" in Arabic

Waynick, an indie folk band from Lebanon, consisting of Sara and Joe,  Nick, Yvan and Cyril.

On their first meeting, Nick showed up 2 hours late; his phone battery was dead, as he helplessly looked for the rest of the band (hence, the name of the band Wayn-Nick).
Viseract Nov 2017
Its funny how I can be dead in the brain
Only four hours sleep but still slaying stupid games
The people expect trust when its all turned to rust
Faulty; and your fault for letting it settle in the dust

Like hold up, wait a minute, you ******* me over
That logic you used there; are you certain you're sober?
Don't you dare try to pin your **** onto me
Just because I wont take a drink from a stagnant creek

I didn't come down in yesterdays rain
I know the difference between real and fake
I know when you're brewing an earthquake
I know enough to start making a change

I have the experience of a thousand words
Hidden behind bust lips, sounds left unheard
Vocal chords not humming, no six stringer strumming,
And buzzing like my phone does when lips start running

You could make a change too, stop and think
This relation is parched and needs new drinks
You've brought it all down, suffered in a drought,
Concocted some confusion and forged brand new doubts

I won't buy false gold no more, I'm no fool
Imma fix it up, but I need my tools
Stop acting like one too, start being a solution
You want me back? Well stop toying with my trust for your amusement
I don't need to name you. if this doesn't stick, imam peel you off. stop leeching my brainspace, stop being a ******* thorn in my ***, and pull yourself together
Esperando señales
me ahogue con humo
y rompiendo promesas
me dejaste sin fuerzas.

Mi guitarra llora
y se quiebra en soledad,
mi corazón se esconde
tras las cortinas asesinas.
Tu voz se vuelve lejana
y yo me pierdo en el olvido.

Guitarra canta conmigo
guitarra llora en re sostenido
guitarra llena mi pecho de tinta
y escribe más versos guitarra.
James smith Nov 2017
I’m a dying seed in a Desert ground,
With no water to feed my roots Useless as it seems, oh how you make it rain so I can spread my roots soon to grow to feed the hummingbirds.
I’m the food crumbs between the countertops decomposing by the days, useful for red the ants to take.
I’m a dead animal rotting away on a lonely long highway, as magnets feed on, so on as the ravens feed upon. I’m a guitar with the tone of D, what is useful is this melody? but so sweet by the ears of the listeners.
A dead star in the endless space, useful at night to show your beauty to behold the eyes of the souls you wish to Capture. Every sound is an endless song for your praise.
To know the unuseful is useful, we are useful for the consuming fire God.
01— this song is about how we can think to ourselfs sometimes we are useless or God can’t use us, everything in this life is useful, for something, we are useful for God and his kingdom.
02— mewithoutyou pale horses:appendix album was my  Music  inspiration.
03—  The name consuming fire God ( hebrews 12:29)  i use a lot bible  references to mane God. I’m a guy who believes in God his son.
Carolina Nov 2017
Slow dance with me
at 3 a.m
to the sound of rock and roll,
keep up with me if you can.

The notes of your guitar,
the way you play your song,
your hand between my thighs
makes my flower grow.

Messy black hair,
cigarette smell,
sweet ***** lips,
enchanting me under a spell.

****** friends,
he sits and stares.
Burning smoke through my throat,
he doesn’t even care.

Motionless wrapped in your arms
Is this another way of suicide?
He’s making me drool all over the place,
fast calloused fingers through the strings with grace.

Sitting on his lap,
I can hear his heart.
He could soften mine,
fill that missing part.

Black and blue,
I don’t want to know
who you’re playing songs for
late at night tomorrow.

Cause I’m only for fridays,
I’m only for fun
but it hurts so good,
I adore when he’s bad.
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