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Cox Aug 2020
When you become old,
grey and withered;
I’d still display you in a vase.
Ayesha Aug 2020
I close my eyes hoping for dark but I only see grey;
some remnants of night's adieus,
distant sounds of day's footsteps
too early for the mighty sun,
too late for lovely moon
so the sky lingers reluctantly above me,
doubting ever doubting the arrival of light

But what is left of grey but its greyness
stretching infinitely over a vast void;
ever fading but only to younger grey
ever darkening never to a hue but grey.
no birth, no death, just a labyrinth  
caged somewhere in between the mess.

They say I can make whatever I want
of the universe because it's mine
but I hardly see the point in taking the trouble.
Still, if I could mould the stars into shapes
I'd make them to Jasmines
for what are they but shy kids that lay out their wings
in the devouring nights only to curl away
with the arrival of day.

I once saw a cluster of sparks singing in a nightly alley
they held their hands and danced about a blushing flame

what more horrible but the echoes of demons
laughing in depths of dark streets as they
celebrate their evils and bury their fangs
on the cooked bodies they stole by the setting sun
Ribs like bars of a prison holding the excited heart in place
collarbones so sharp they could rip open the flesh,
skin hard as leather, eyes placid filled with smoke
their shrill laughter that gnaws your sleep away,
ebbing and flowing side by side with the dark

I once saw a bunch of Jasmines walk behind a lively sun
Carried upon their withered backs the sacks of cement and bricks
On journey to building a house they'd never call home.

What more lovely than the sound of petals breaking,
dew dripping down their tips only to be snatched away by sun
what more beautiful than the sight of cracked lips,
concave cheeks, tentative hands and scared feet
the desperation of the tongue that takes you to puddles
the moment they hear the cracking of chains
a hunger so strong it makes the teeth shudder
hollowness of nights that pulls you closer to one more thievery
just one chunk of meat to quieten the stomach

Grey choking in white, grey chuckling in dark
grey chains, grey in the chains; grey sky, grey in the sky;
grey eyes, grey in the eyes; grey ballads, grey in the ballads.

That's what happens when you hang your jasmines to dry
under a sun that merely starves for ounces of hope

But what of hope?

They said the universe is mine but if I could squeeze
the life out of the sun, what would I achieve but
the flowers that incinerated decades ago--
the ashes of broken bones, vapours of clotted blood;
the nothingness of smiles, and the dryness of tears;
some sprinkle of love or hate, some gallons of lust;
carcasses of souls, some flesh engraved with wounds

what would I get but the corpses of light that the sun ****** out
the universe they claim belongs to me;
I hear my people screaming out, I see sun sending out its love,
the universe they claim belongs to me turning to cinders.

They say there's day after night but some only see grey
They shiver at sounds of demons joking,
then smirk at screams of stars blazing
but some only stand by the impassive sky watching grey
they fight battles upon battles with evil
then rest by the hanging bodies of the good
but some only stay by the left out winds, staring at grey
They scrape away the dark, paint it white
then cover it up with layers and layers of coal
but some merely sit by the songbirds listening to grey

But what is grey but the reminder of all the petals we ever plucked
and all we ever will in hopes the next that bloom are full of colour
What is grey but a mess of bodies of demons and the heroes
carpeting the deserted battle field that once fluttered with the winds

I open my eyes and the day is finally out
but you can hardly say.
Grey: (adjective)
of a colour intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or lead.
Grey Aug 2020
Shaken away within these sounding walls
The stars no longer shine and night falls
In this place time is endless
Once again I am completely restless
Tired, I am not
Simply trapped within this thought
This place remains unknown
But I feel so at home
Lack of emotion crowds this hollow room
This bed is my waking tomb

This ambience is as empty as this skin
The lights only growing dim
Fully immersed in this devastating calm
In failure, I must be a paragon
Everything is grey
In this infinite void I lay
Nothing exists beyond this
From waking life is there anything to miss ?
My voice is left unheard
Is it here I will discover my worth ?
August 15, 2019
Astrea Aug 2020
The snow collapses on top of each other,
the crystalline flakes stacking up prettily;
winter is the season when
beauty falls in disarray
Isabella Aug 2020
It’s strange
That even surrounded by the
Laughs and smiles of everyone you love
You can still feel terribly
And numb
For no apparent reason
i love when one word can summarize all i feel, and all i am
C Jul 2020
My eyes sting, I rub them raw.
My eyes sting, I rub them more.
Everything is heavy, everything is grey.
I want to rub my eyes away.
Cox Jul 2020
I love your angry greens, your blues, your greys.
Your oceanic rarity.
Your swells.
Your tides.
Your storms out at sea.
Your horizon.
Your love to reflect the sun and the moon, to wear it against your waves.
Ocean; I adore you.
I miss the sound of the waves dancing...
The grey tint of the world washes away to a vibrant, sharp, colorful mess.

I have only now begun to realize there's been a change in the way I've seen for years.

The love I've kept hidden somewhere inside of me has poured from my heart and colored in the grey.

The blues, greens, and yellows all contrast more than they use to.

They had all been tugged down by baggage I've been trying so hard to unpack.

Now that I have seen the beauty,
I'm not sure I ever want to pack my bags again.
This morning it began to thunderstorm and rain pouring down hard.
I took a walk to the front window and watched it all go by until something beautiful caught my eye.
The Rose bushes in my front yard have bloomed with such beautiful bright colors of white, peach and different shades of a pinkish red fuchsia, in fact so pure that they shine even through the darkest of times.
The colors of these roses aren't just bright, but their shining...except i also came to see that the wind was picking up and a Rose so beautiful can yet be extremely delicate.
The wind started to destroy it's rose petals as they danced with the rain and flew off onto the grass.
What a grey, rainy day, but these Roses just make a bliss of wonders.
Sharp thorns can hurt, but these Roses smell so nice and make life bright.
Delicate Roses, they are,
Sharp on the outside but yet so gentle and weak as they fall apart and never standing to let that get in the way of their dismay from bright colors as they stay.
Roses are one of those special flowers, that seem to never die.
Appreciate the rose, for one Rose will appreciate your tender eyes of love and pride.
As i even tried to take pictures, they weren't as bright as they seem with the human eye.
Because the human eye is a real camera that captures the true unforgettable moments and how we see this world instead of the eye of a robotic apocalypse.
Delicate Roses are filled with love and purity.
Let us all be a Rose.
True experience and thoughts out my window.
the sun's shining patina
was absent on this drab day
every quarter of the sky
showed grey billows
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