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uhhhhhhh Nov 2017
ur just a ignornat whtie ******* that needs to b bheaded wid a blunt knife.
White knight loser, Crawl back into the **** blossom that spawned u.

C'mere ya ******* piece of ****.
You love me for the fat on my chest why can't you love me for the fat on my stomach you *******.

**** suckin *******. I was right - take this: uuaah.

you've never been a bridesmaid is because people don't want a ***** as a friend
God's curse on *****'s *******.

Goodnight Moon, you albino m&m looking space-pebble garbage *******.
uhhhhhhh Nov 2017
like people dnt take me as i am they take mii like a joke

Ok first of all **** HURTS! Guess she did it b4 n maybe her experience was not very good, perhaps thats why she told u its gross n all.

Why did my crush open my snapchat and not reply?
My life is so huge I have to blog about it.

Why is there racism, ISIS, ****** slavery, massive killings, poverty? Why is life so hard?

its to krazii for people to understand ***
Panda Boy Oct 2017
Google oh Google!
You answer our questions so;
Why can't penguins fly?
What is the yellow snow?
You then answer us,
So that we will then know.

Google oh Google,
This I must say;
You change your appearance
In almost every way,
Just to drop a hint
Of some eventful day.

Google oh Google!
Many topics you suggest
So we may rely on you
For you know what is best;
To stop our worry
And put us at rest.
We are going
to give you
everything you want.

Everything you have
ever desired; needed.
All of it.

Machines to work,
software to guide
Government to cradle.

We will make
this world perfect
just for you.

No one special
unique, talented, better
than anyone else.

A Status Quo
that will reign
a thousand years!

-The Nazis' Party.

Technology is communism. In ******'s greatest dreams he never imagined software and technology that could **** out the weaker genetics allowing you to abort the undesirables by habit.
'Imagine A Brave New World.
Where all tyranny rests
inside a crypt named "Constitution,"
and Communism becomes America's ideal.'

S ocially

Oh brave new world,
such a strange old place...
huckster's abound
for the sleeping *a
puritypuke Jun 2017
google search:
moon landing can't compare to when he looks at me

google search:
how to appear normal when there's a band
of monarch butterflies in your stomach

google search:
is Heaven a place or a person?

google search:
he tastes like honey and sweetness
is it possible to taste like that as well?

google search:
power outages when holding his hand

google search:
how to show him how much I adore him

google search:
universe collapsing in chest
when he says "i love you"

google search:
how to properly give my boy the world
Miss Clofullia Jun 2017
Last night I dreamt that Google
was celebrating me
through one of its doodles.

It was the simplest of them all,
the most ordinary and vanilla -
common as a rock, low-pitched with a cherry on top.

You clicked on it and it didn't have any answers.
It showed nothing.

No sound was added,
no funky animations,
no gamification.

Corny and simple.

I think they did a pretty good job in celebrating me.
Vale Luna May 2017
Okay Google,
How do I get a crush to notice me?
Okay Google,
How do I ask someone out?
Okay Google,
What should I wear on a first date?
Okay Google,
How many dates until it's okay to kiss?
Okay Google,
How many dates until it's okay to have ***?
Okay Google,
How much do condoms cost?

Okay Google,
What are the signs of an unhealthy relationship?
Okay Google,
How should I apologize after an argument?
Okay Google,
How do I cope with a hard break-up?
Okay Google,
What are the signs of a mental illness?
Okay Google,
How do I cope with depression?
Okay Google,
What are the easiest suicide methods?
Okay Google,
How do I buy a gun?
aurora kastanias May 2017
Once upon a time
You were important.
Once upon a time
They were inquisitive.
They listened.
They asked.

They were fascinated and marvelled
By your stories of the past,
Neglected by fault of ignorance
Sought for through awe-inspiring curiosity.

They believed you possessed
Wisdom and experience,
Knowledge of the otherwise
They gathered around you,
Or perhaps beside you
And in front of a fire
Begging you to speak
Drooling over your words.

You were their entertainment
Like pirates, they wanted you to hand over
Your treasures
Like sharks, they devoured your essence
Like vessels, they slowly disappeared
Surfing away on a web
You never saw, barely know
Or comprehend.

Your services are no longer required
They found a new friend
They call Google,
One followed by a hundred zeros.
You cannot bit that
You do not stand a chance.

Here is where the story gets better
They invented rules for words
The code is political correctness.
It obliges them to pretend,
To respect you
By continuously finding
New flattering definitions for you.
By now, you are not even “old” anymore
You have lost the right to
Your lifetime achievements award.
You are just “older” than someone else is.

“Older” enough to retire
With honours.
They have finally decided
To acknowledge
Your inevitable infirmity.
They are offering you a new perspective
Awarding you with a one-way ticket
Free ride
To your beautiful new home,
So that you can rest.
A well-deserved rest.

You are simply démodé.
The stories you carry
Are of no interest anymore.
Memories are written
Tombstones too.
They are gazing at the future
Drooling over the fantastic
The book they are reading,
You are not in.

Treasures of the eldest
Buried at sea
Rest assure you will be retrieved,
When a pressing sense of bleakness
Accompanied by devastating guilt,
Will bring them back to you
Compelling them to ask once again
“Please tell us stories of the past”.
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