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Was water my lover?
And due another question
Of mercy and its lover, so your...
A choice made; a house of blessings?

A church that ****** my brains out
Named clergy's epistle
A wish I followed till kingdom's come's pout
I fear you like a smile in the world...

Awkward promises
To begin an ending that thought more
Than the race of love, before it loses
A handsomer prayer, for a devil called forth...?

Shame, we run like your future
Silver tongues, golden lungs
Longing for tomorrow, like a few was certain...
To wish again; who is mere and who is strong?

This kiss cost me, a mercy's shadow
Simple risk's and rises of sincerity, found
With a second prayer, of wind and rain to owe
That asked, is it all right to admit allowed?

Tales of presumption, a city of angel's
Quiet was my need, like a chat to lead
The service of an ideal, that keeps you well...
Acts, deed and time, to look far ahead

The sound you swim with...
Poise, can a fish remember your hands?
Or the feet of austere powers, that meant...
A look of life, to and with the might of lands

Swallow our pride?
Thus said the fury of anger:
Liberty is a long run with a heart full of shied...
That a season has its own for a care to wonder

By and asked the spirit of me...
In the mind of mercy
Is a wisdom to know, sharing is energy
With the time to say, is love waiting on history?

Thank you, for a prayer
I stir in the hands of another
I take for worth, and the beauty of care
Which when asked, why is God a timidity to bother?
for those that didn't notice the sneeze, you are not in love...
Anais Vionet Dec 2024
My roommates and I
always have something to say.
We talk incessantly, like chirping birds.

We’re all reading the same large print here, and It suggests that college is almost over.
We’re bleeding time and there are dreams in need of scheming.
It’s time to stack our chips with transactional relationships and hoard the things that matter most.

I have to admire the sheer attitude and bravado of these girls—their defiant strides,
as they face the invisible indignities and constant obstacles of job hunting.
(Where they’re required to behave while they’re observed and evaluated).

They have their resumes and they’re complaisantly ready to flex their appealing gregariousness.
All of the major playas are passing through—from established giants like (Amgen, Bayer and Genentech)
to biotech startups and research Institutes—to cull through the herd of Yale biomedical graduates.

I don’t get to play (interview) this time and it’s rough just watching the signs and plays from the sidelines.
I can’t help the feeling that I’m underperforming—even though my ‘Master of Public Health (MPH)’ program starts 10 days after we graduate. ‘Baby, I was born to run’— to steal a line from Bruce Springsteen.

Despite our separate paths—we’re like cats getting ready to jump in all directions—a bouillabaisse of intoxicating and terrifying excitement for the future is brewing, and we still have the constrictions of our current curriculum to deal with—like a snake, it still wraps around every aspect of our lives.
Songs for this:
born to run by Bruce Springstein
Time by Tom Waits
Oh, and a Christmas playlist because—it’s December!:
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 12/02/2024:
complaisant = willing or eager to please other people,
Anais Vionet Nov 2024
(a poem in Haiku and Senryu)

Draw a stick figure
future - sadly diminished
and chaos ransomed.

Paint the landscape
with the sweltering glare
of global warming.

Add micro-plastic
and forever chemical
flavorings to taste.

Come share this
with me - let kisses heal and
soft whispers inflame.

Some locks need two keys
to open, some heavens can
be reached by mortals.
A song for this:
All Gone Away by The Style Council
Locks that require two keys are called ‘Dual Custody’ locks. They’re most common for bank deposit boxes.
Anais Vionet Dec 2023
2024 is coming,
that futurity is guaranteed.
Can you feel it coming?
There’s magic in the air.
I’m excited, as if someone put euphorics in my breakfast cereal.

“Tonight,” Lisa said, twirling before her oblong moon-mirror, “we’re going to show them we can dance!” “We are,” I agreed.
“I wish I were going,” 14-year-old Leeza sighed.
“2028,” Lisa promised, now modeling an alternate dress, “You, me, crazytown.”
Liza groaned. I remember being 14, patience is an infinitely dull tool.

“How does this look?” Lisa asked, stopping to stand tiptoed and simulate wearing heels.
“You’ll look like wrapped candy,” I assured her.
Glamor is alive and well this New Year’s eve.

🎉🥳🥂🎈 Happy New Year Everyone! 🎈🥂🥳🎉  
I hope you all have fun.
(*BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Futurity: the “time to come.”*)
Anais Vionet Jun 2023
I’m so siced about the Barbie movie. I just watched the latest trailer. I felt a fluttering in the stummy.

Peter’s birthday was May 1st. “What do you want for your birthday?” I’d asked.
“A flash for my iPhone,” he said. “Your phone already HAS a flash,” I replied, helpfully.
“No,” he explained, “a professional, external flash - they’re much more subtle and variable.”
“What are you going to take pictures of?” I asked. “You,” he said, smiling slyly.
“Me!?” I said, with a wrinkled nose, somewhat alarmed. “You don’t take pictures of ME.”
“Not usually,” he admitted, “but we’re going to Paris and the snaps will look better with a flash.” “Just ME?” I asked, “What about some ussies?” “We’ll take snaps of us, but you’ll have savage new pics for your poetry sites.” So, Peter got his flash and he’s taken a baZillion pix.

“Smile,” click, (iPhones don’t always click, so the click’s a writer’s dramatic effect)
Peter takes bursts of 50 pix at a time and only one in fifty turns out looking good (my opinion).
“Look this way,” click “toss your hair,” click. Apparently salads and my hair are better ‘tossed.’
So now we’re in Paris, but before we can take our tourist pic, I must lean over, like I’m going to throw up and comb my hair forward, so when I flip it back, it will appear fluffy.

“Look sad, look happy, try not to look so drunk, look ****,” he asks. “You’re kidding,” I replied. I exist only in his view finder.
“Just part your lips slightly and look vacuous,” he advises.
“Can I DO both at once?” I asked, as if challenged by a scientific equation.
“Don’t roll your eyes,” he said. Today, he was ‘the serious artist’. I’d never want to be a model.
Finally, I’d had enough constant photography and I just started looking moody. Peter seemed not to notice.

I read somewhere that when you smile, the activated muscles of your face actually improve your mood. Or something like that. Anyway, I’m trying to deepfake myself and smile my way to happiness. I ordinarily think of myself as tough, but lately, I’m soft.

A Yale counselor once told me that sometimes we tell ourselves a story and we just hold on to that version of things until it feels true. I have to stop thinking I’m on the edge of a deep, blue loneliness. I need to get on a metaphysical bike and ride away from my sad-self.

Later, when we’re back at the hotel, Peter was reading in the living room and I was lying on the bed, watching another Heraclee Beach, sapphire and ruby, sundown through the hotel windows. Peter came looking for me. He had a book in one hand, his place saved with his index finger.

“What are you doing?” He asked, lightly. “Want to go out to dinner or get room service?”
“I’m thinking thoughts.”
“What kind of thoughts? He asked, taking a seat on a desk chair he’d rolled over. Now I’m watching his face and he’s watching mine.
“You know how, everyday, at school, we tell each other everything that happened?” Peter nodded. “Which, of course,” I’d continued, “is impossible, but it’s as if we’re having experiences just so we could discuss them later - share them. It’s like, when we aren't together, it isn’t real life.”
“So..” he said, verbally prodding me on.

My voice felt thick, like it knew I wouldn't say things right. “Well, I’m two me’s now, I’m split right down the middle. Before you, things were easy. I was becoming Dr. Me, I had one goal, things were simple,” I shrugged, “but now, there's the me that’s going to be a doctor and the me that needs you.” I can’t seem to take my eyes off his face.

He touched my foot and wiggled it a little. “You don’t have to figure out the future right NOW, Mz overachiever.” He said in his soft, western drawl, “You can’t wrestle the future into orderly submission, like a chemistry test - we don’t have enough data (says mr. physics). Anyway, don’t we have forty or fifty years to figure it out?”
Suddenly, my head felt clearer than it had for days. I chuckled. I may have had my hand over my mouth and a smile was so big it hurt my face.

“You were very patient to put up with me today,” I said, turning slightly and quietly serious.
“You be you,” he said, smiling bigly back, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Then I got serious. “Do you think we can find barbecue?”
“But of course!” he said, in a fake French accent, like Lemiure, in ‘Beauty and the Beast.’
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Deepfake: an image convincingly altered to misrepresent

siced = super excited
stummy = a combination of tummy & stomach
ussies = a two person selfie

Songs for this:
Sheela-Na-Gig (Demo) by PJ Harvey
Simulation Swarm by Big thief
Kris Fireheart Apr 2023
I dream each night
Of  prophecy

Of things that might come true.

I dream each night
Of prophecy,

Of fate,
Or what have you;

I dream each night
Of things
That can't exist or
Can't be true,

But every time I
Dream of fate
And always dream
Of you.

And when I wake,
From the light
through my

I know it's happening,
The dream repeats
Itself again.

I dream each night
Of prophecy,
And all my dreams
Come true.

I dream each night
Of prophecy
And wake and cry
For you...
They say that 20 percent of your dreams are prophetic; of events that have Yet to happen. They say that dreams are simply memories of your days,  but that's not true... sometimes your dreams lead you to deja vu,; you have them, and they happen; the dreams have guided you...
Anais Vionet Feb 2023
Peter and I are together and we’re in a grove.
Time is our treasure, precious and dwindling.

I watch for signs of the future unfolding,
like a twitch that might be the first sign of a stroke.

Answers will come - slowly - or they’ll parachute in from nowhere.
We spend a lot of time together but most of it is spent studying.
We both have silences that shouldn’t be penetrated.

I have so many questions, but I keep them at a safe distance,
so I don’t feel the need to interact with them.

All I know is we’re alive, and we still have to dance.
It's not always fun, operating in the face of uncertainty
but what else can we do - except go through the motions?

“When exactly did the world lose its collective mind?” I asked, reading the news on my iPad.

Peter looked up from the book he was highlighting with a phosphorescent pink pen.

“They’ve found toxic metals in CHOCOLATES. Everywhere.” I announced, like that Poe bird.

“I guess we’re canceling chocolate then,” he said, sarcastically, “we’ll adapt.”

“Yeah, you bet.” I said with genuine irony.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Adapt: to adjust in the face of change.
Amanda N Skaggs Aug 2021
Be fruitful dear branch.
A seed spread to fertilize.
Futures for the Tree.
Been gone a bit
Anais Vionet Jan 2021
Draw a stick figure
future - diminished
and virus ransomed.

Paint the landscape
with the sweltering glare
of global warming.

Come share this
with me - let kisses heal and
soft whispers inflame.

Some locks need two keys
to open; some heavens can
be reached by mortals.
possible futures, improbable futures and impossible futures
Sometimes I fall
Sometimes I break
I never allow myself to stay down
I pick up my pieces and complete this puzzle
A lot in my future - bright ways, for me are at stake..

I might once wear a frown
I take in positive energies
I blow out the negative poisons...

Like Rocky Balboa
I never take my eyes of the light

I get back up
I stand back up, tall, and continue to fight

I give the relaunch of my positive and bright
future Human  endeavors

I tune my brain
Like musicians in the Grand Symphony
Orchestras playing a meaningful and cheerful musical drama
I make them proud
Both my father and mamma

For the words "can"and "Will" are fused within my psychic

I never stay at stages that are lower...Never!
In the ring of life
I arise and spit in challenge's faces
Not weakened by doubt
Or my Insecurities
I win Triumph's belt
I feel the wind of opportunities.
Fill my soul.

To better Mankind, Myself, my life, and the surrounding communities...

I am a part of a bigger and more beautiful
Brighter, lighter, and more profound army of Boxers..
In the ring of life
Nothing can stand in our way....
As we are here for reasons bigger than our egos could ever imagine...
United we are one..
Divided we fall..
As we form, together, as one all powerful and united force...
The Continuing and Progressing Earth and Spirit
Called "Evolution's Dragon."
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