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It's time to settle down,
To buckle up.
Focus on school and your future,
But they can never drag out the memories,
Of when we were wild and free.

Betting on everything,
Life in the dead of night.
But I guess the sun came up,
Because nothing's the same as it was,
When we were wild and free.
Lostling 21h
If I betray my freedom
I betray myself,
Becoming a stranger in my own skin
Quietly echoing the voice of the crowd.
But if I betray the rules,
Break free and stray from the paved path,
I betray my comrades
I betray the people I lead
If I break free, I stand alone in exile
But if I conform, “I” do not exist anymore
"In the end of days, elderly women will see visions,
young men will prophecy."
— You foresaw the storm, the whispers in the wind,
writing warnings in fire, in ink, in truth.

"Man should not fear death,
Fear ability to live."
— And so, you lived, not as a shadow passing through,
but as a flame, burning bright in defiance.

"They ask for truth, yet love the lie,
So I ask you—why?"
— You dared to expose the quiet part,
to say aloud what the world tried to hush,
to hold a mirror to the blind.

"Man flaunts eye candy,
lavish garnish, trophy wife."
— Yet you saw beyond the glitter,
beyond the painted masks of power,
choosing substance over shine.

"All that glitters is not gold."
— You walked away from illusion,
from being someone’s prize,
choosing freedom over chains,
knowing your worth beyond the price of a ring.

"Separate church, state,
People’s civil liberties—
Love, love, freed from tyranny."
— Your words rise against silence,
a voice against the tide,
a poet with conviction,
unwilling to let history be rewritten in dust.

And so, I thank you,
for your fire, your truth,
your defiance, your ink.
Your words are not just written—
they are etched into time,
screamed into existence,
refused to be erased.

The road to the middle is paved with good intentions—
but you never walked to the middle,
you walked beyond.
Many nations of the world have a
   Sovereign Wealth Fund to hold value
      Over many years for the country’s people.
         Just as with individual savings, it’s a problem
            When much value is lost through debasement.
               Nations need a savings tool that holds value!
               Many nations and states are adopting bitcoin
            For a part of their sovereign wealth fund so
         That the value is preserved for generations.
      Bitcoin is independent of any one nation,
   Permissionless, decentralized, liquid,
Easy to store, and highly secure.
You can see this poem on a background here -
The Triffin Dilemma shows the conflict
    Between a nation’s domestic monetary
        Policy and international obligations when
            Its money is the global reserve currency.
                The US must supply dollars globally to
                    Meet demand, leading to trade deficits
                        And issues such as inflation and debt.
                        Bitcoin offers a potential solution by
                    Operating outside of any one nation.  
                As a decentralized currency, it halts
            The need for any one country to bear
        The burden of reserve currency status.
    Bitcoin’s fixed supply stops inflation and
The global reach serves every nation.
You can see this poem on a background here -
They say…  
it wasn’t messy  
until the cat.  

The cat just wanted to play,  
but somewhere along the way,  
she ran into a human like us.  

Together, they began  
to play with the red string.  

They say…
before the human,  
there was no method to the string—  
just thrown about,  
knotted inexplicably.  

But then man came  
and saved the day.  
The string and cat said, “Hooray!”  

They say…
man showed up  
with rules:  
“The string isn’t a toy,  
it’s a tool.  
Throwing it about  
would be cruel.  
People could trip,  
and one day,  
the string could rip.”  

They say…
they all agreed  
to move the string  
to a different corridor,  
behind a big door.  

“Any questions?”  
A little hand rose up.  
She was lost in the crowd,  
a girl I hadn’t noticed before.  

Her question sent ice to my core:  
“Then why is there red string  
all over the floor?”  

I snapped,
“There is no red string  
on the floor!”  
If they hear her question
Will it be safe for us anymore
The air grows heavier
Much too heavy to breathe
The sounds of heavy footsteps
Now growing louder than a horn
I’ve never heard knocks like this before
Why does it sound like a war
on the other side of the door?
All for a little girl?
Is that what all of this is for?

But then I looked down  
and barely began to see—  
the red string  
had tangled me.  
And by scolding the girl
Instead of letting it be
Have I sentenced her to a fate
just like me?

Too stunned,  
to speak,  
too stuck,  
to move—  

Her soft knowing eyes met mine
With the truth that mine were too calloused to realize
What They say…
might be too good  
to be true.

They say…
they lived happily ever after
They say…. “They will never all question us anyway.”
They say…
They say the world is orderly, that the rules keep us safe. But what happens when we start to see the tangled threads beneath it all? A Fable Tangled in Red String is a poetic exploration of control, obedience, and the quiet power of questioning what we’re told. Through the lens of a simple game—man, cat, and string—this piece unravels the illusions of order, revealing how easily we become ensnared in the stories ‘they’ tell us. But once we see the string, can we ever unsee it?
Zywa 3d
Mountains around me,

silence, the space, and the wind --

that I can be here.
Novel "Tutto il cielo che serve" ("All the sky you need", 2022, Franco Faggiani)

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
she never needed no therapy,
no medicine, no painkillers,
no antidepressants,
all she needed was to be held
while she grieved, mourned
her lost childhood
and the dreams she never had,
the hopes that died before she grew..
half of her memory
is lost in a timeline she can't recall,
the only thing she remembers is waking up to
an empty, cold, soulless world..
she kept praying, day and night,
for death to take her away
somewhere she'd find
some solace, some peace
a place to hide, go unnoticed
while all she needed was to be found, seen
all she needed was for the people
who brought her into this world
to tell her they didn't know any better
to say that they couldn't give
what they never received
instead they were raised to be
emotionless machines
except anger for it was the very thing
that dominated the house..
i don't know how someone like her
came out of them
she's too different,
she can't be normal,
she can't function on autopilot,
she can't pretend there's nothing wrong
with everything,
with how they live their lives,
with the world..
she somehow survived
when all she ever wanted was to die,
she puts on a mask that says "i'm fine"
but on the inside she keeps falling apart
she doesn't know who to trust
because she's been burned
one too many times,
falling into hands that only
took her for granted,
trying to find missing pieces of herself
without losing the essence
of who she really is..
she's tired of fighting for what
should be given away freely without a price
she's tired of having to prove herself, her worth..
she never learned that
she was enough
just being herself, the way she is
not needing anyone's approval
not needing to break, bend or shrink
to fit in somewhere she can call "home"
searching in all the wrong places
for what already exists within her
when she comes back to herself
when she steps outside the bubble
of hate, resentment and trauma..
forgives those who didn't know
how to love a soul like hers
forgives those who couldn't show
how much they loved their daughter
how much it would tear their souls apart
to lose her..
Zywa 5d
The car's answer is:

the meaning of all life comes --

down to 42.
Review of car model Nio EL8 (Bas van Putten in the NRC of February 22nd, 2025), virtual assistant Nomi

Radio comedy (1978) and book (1979) "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (Douglas Adams), supercomputer Deep Thought computes that the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything is 42, adding that the beings who instructed this answer never knew what the question was

Collection "Finethreads"
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