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Merry Aug 2018
I like to write poems about no one
Because no one means a lot to me
But the sun’s in my eye
At four in the afternoon against a blue sky
In the passenger seat of your car
And I think about how far I’ve come
I think to myself, you’re my no one

You tell me your just another face in the crowd
But your face is all that I can think about

Cold and controversial,
Or so you tell me
But you tell me I’m on in a million
A genuine kind of girl

I can’t believe its been a year
Since I was last in your car
In the passenger seat
I can drive on my own now
And now you’re just some boy
That I used to like
A Mister No One In Particular
Whom I miss
Because I write poems about no one
Who means a lot to me
Ann P Feb 2018
Can you trust someone who thinks that 'Love is Temporary' ?

I used to love someone with all my heart
Every inch of my body loved him
Every drop of my blood loved him
Every little cell of my body loved him
My body was his
The control was his

I could not eat if I missed him
I could not sleep if I could not smell his intoxicating cologne
I could not breathe if I could not see him

He was the center of my universe
He was the beauty of my world
He was my everything
and I could not live without him

Do you realize that I used the words "used to"?
It means that I survived.
I survived the heartbreak that he caused.
I survived the unbearable pain that he gave.
I survived the deadly reaction of my body after he left
I survived days without eating
I survived days without sleeping
I survived from 'he was my everything'
I survived from 'I could not live without him'
I survived from all the prodigious illusions of loving him.

Love is Temporary
Love is not Forever
But Love will always be there

When Love dies, Love is born

So, can you trust me?
Carmella Rose Oct 2017
i walked into your life,
and suddenly i was attached,
my love,
i had found you,
i have loved you
since i was in eighth grade.
roaring down every words,
on every nights i have cried,
it was sorrow i have met,
it was a chaotic journey
for both of us in this world,
full of unknown feelings,
denied emotions,
and dead souls,
looking from afar
i see beauty
at the end,
but how does
death conspire
and fell in love with life,
life asked,
"why does everyone hate death?"
death said,
"because you my love is a beauty in disguise,
while I was war in midst of destruction."
Our love is one sided, one is blinded by another and one is hurting from the chaos of longing.
Rianna Mar 2016
I don't want plain.
Sure in my black and white world
You were grey
I wanted color.
I wanted vibrancy.
I wanted you
You couldn't give me what I needed
I couldn't give you what you needed.
As much pain as it causes me
We just weren't meant to be.
After all you were as grey as your smoke
I was as blue as the sea.
This is just something I've been messing around with. I'm not sure how I feel about it but hey, why not? Also semi inspired by Halsey.
Mheska Jan 2016
You’re no more the person I wished to be with everytime the clocks ticks at 11:11 .
You’re no more the person that pops in my head every morning.
You’re no more the person I wished to be with , for the rest of my life.
last poem for you.
LB Parker Jul 2015
Let's try to ignore the fact
That all this time
You have "loved" me
And "loved" another
Behind my back
Because you already seem to be
Very good at that
Dedicated to someone I (thankfully) haven't seen in a very long time.
With love, kelsey
I sit by the window
Watching for your lights
When I see them I'm nervous
Butterflies in my stomach
The first words you say when I open the door
Is You smell nice
As we go down the road
You turn on the lights
And take a good long look
I say eyes on the road fool
You say sorry I can't help but look
And I laughed
A few minutes past
I catch you looking again
What are you looking at
My face or my ****
You say honestly a little bit of both
Later that night
You lean in to kiss me
I turn my head your lips touch my cheek
You get this sad look on your face
I say You took it the wrong way
You say I know I'm sorry
I'm sorry I kissed you when you clearly didn't want me too
I wanted you too
It wasn't that
I didn't tell you it was the fact that
Someone else lips has never been on mine
We sat there in front of your house
Talking and talking
You said I would invite you in
But my moms home
I say its okay try to kiss me again
You look a little funny
You hesitate
So I lean in and kiss you
It was just as bad as I predicted
But your lips on mine felt nice
Even if mine didn't know what they were doing

— The End —