Base to Major Tom…
all around me now is sound, it seems
only yesterday, in dreams,
this keeps happening,
we keep thinking eventually finality
drops the curtain, and we become
our own selves… found in our hardened parts,
as when one knows the riddles all come
with one right answer, or the riddle is not fair.
Ezekial 17, comes to my mind,
because I happen to live in chapparel,
of the sort they have south of Lebanon…
mentioned in the riddle.
Who ignores the money side of things…
you know,
the business of being creative distributors,
agents allowing the artist
to premature.
It's your show, kid,
this is all you wished for, make it last.
What a time to be old, and on the first wave that became today's augmented intelligence adapted sapience education system... see: {viral idea AKa AI}
Doug Engelbart, “The Augmented Knowledge Workshop”