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Glenn Currier Dec 2021
Listening to Leopold’s symphony
for two minutes,
I was bored.
My mind wondered.
I recalled the dramatic first chords
of Wolfgang’s symphony 41
how it awakened me
how I was hooked by his energy and zest.

Even though Leopold taught his son,
the fame of the impulsive and creative Amadeus spread
as he wrote and played
and captured the attention of the world.

I wonder what poor Leopold thought of his own work
in contrast to his prolific son
a son who seemingly created great music
from nothing
who freed himself from tired conventions.

A creator makes something from nothing
and I wonder if being lost in nothingness
as we poets sometimes are,
if letting go of the familiar
makes it easier to create.
ChinHooi Ng Oct 2021
Chaotic winds
whir and wail all day
skewing clocks and towers
ponderous footsteps
of pumpkin
tainted night
twisted space
scattered light falls
like blades of rain
between the evergreen
a mutual transmission of
unusual potential horror happening
whirl of emptiness
a dead river
bone-eating road
murky sound shimmers
gradually from the strings of mirage
spatial queries galore
skeletal fingers pressing on pain and sores
chaotic winds herald
a slightly terrifying
muddied scene
contorted space
meager light pierces the dark
galloping horse flows into sight
dreams begin
festival and fantasy merge
clamor of dust disappears
silence after the explosion
a sole survivor
quiet gladiator
battle garb cloaked in endless skies
regalia of stars
tamed shadowy beasts of forest
strong sounds of symbols
breaths sink into deep sea
below the bed at midnight hide
a starry dream
swimming fish
drifting silence
translates wandering wraiths
into undecipherable scripts
on stones of grave.
Jamesb Oct 2021
How many poems have I writ?
And how easy has the process been?
To think and to conjure from my brain
Unto the printed page,

Ideas and concepts flowing
in a seamless joyous
Tide of vocabulary and

Until a while ago.
When everything.

So what is it?
What is this ******* thing
That circumvents my joy
And my creativity?

Where is it skulking?
Coward! Come forth,
Be fought!
But it would not

Did not
And I did not write,
My pen was silent
But not my creativity,

Until I met some strangers
Who became immediate
Fast friends and true,
I opened up

And ideas flew,
Turns out
The block was that no one actually
Asked me to write,
No one and especially not me!

Well these new friends did,
And the blockage,
In that instant,
And went

And so this verse,
Poor though it be,
And first in quite a while,
Has indeed

Snuck out


The wire
While on a ILM7 coaching course I re-found my voice. Thank you Bill
SiouxF Oct 2021
The darkness of the night,
Silent and elusive for a while,
Returns to me
Like a long lost friend
As my creative juices
Start to flow once again.
Big Virge Sep 2021
It’s A Really Cool Vibe...
To Still Want To Write Rhymes...
With No Power Or Light...
In The Day Or The Night...

Cos’ It’s Now Been A While...
But My Creative Files...
Are Constantly Growing...
As I Write This Poem...
To Sounds of The Ocean...

Barbados Has Left...
People In St. John...
To A LONG Power Loss...
So Those In Government...
Are Clearly Not As Strong...

As They’d Like Us To Think...
When Problems Come Along...

I Now Can’t Hear A Thing...
Coming From Their Fast Lips...
About A QUICK Fix...
To Resolve All of This... ?!?

But Even At Times...
When There Is NO Light...
My Mind Still Shines BRIGHT... !!!

And Gives Me Fresh Rhymes...
To Write About Life...

In Times Such As These...
You Need Humility...
To Stay On Your Feet...
And Not Fall To Your Knees...
Because You Can’t Eat...

Cos’ Your Freezer Won’t Freeze...
Your Chicken And Meat...

You Have To Think FAST... !!!
And Keep Things That LAST... !!!

And Keep Yourself Cool...
When You Are Losing Food...
Due To Governments Who...
Could Care Less About You... !!!

Just Like Those Whose Quotes...
Suddenly Become Jokes...
When You See How They Roll...
In The Midst of Black Holes... !!!

But In Times Such As These...
It’s Good To Use Peace And Creativity...
As A Form of Release...
To Help You To Breathe...
And To Just Let Things Be... !!!

From Ignorance Shown...
To A Lack of Good Deeds...
From Those In Your Home...

Yes Of Course Your Family...
Are The Ones Who You Should Feed...
In Times Such As These... !!!!!

But Does This Really Mean...
That You Start To Deceive...
And Act Like A Sneak...
When It Comes To The Needs...
of Those Who You Claimed...
You Would Never Forsake... ?!?

Especially When...
They’ve ALWAYS Paid Their Way... !!!

Does That Seem Correct... ?
Or Should You Be Ashamed... ?
of How You Behave...
When Light’s Taken Away... ?!?

Well I Don’t Know But Hey...
Even In Times Like These...
I’m Still Using My Brain... !!!
And My Words To Create...
..... REALITY Strains.....

That Do Not See Defeat...
But They See What Is REAL... !!!

So Don’t Lie Or Conceal...
Just To Make People Feel...
As If Everything’s SWEET...

In Times Such As THESE...
Are You Folks KIDDING ME... ?!?

When Phone Vids of Police...
Killing Men With Their KNEES...
Have Brought Protests To Streets...

And A Global Disease...
Has Enforced Policies...
That May Well Make Vaccines...
Become... MANDATORY... !?!

These Are Hard Times To Be...
Writing... “ Nice Poetry “...

So I’ll Stick To The TRUTH...
And Writings That Prove...

That My Creative Themes...
Deal In Straightforward Speech...
That Embrace Honesty...

“ Even In Times Like These “.......
A few thoughts that came to me in the midst of a total power loss, as a result of Hurricane Elsa hitting Barbados....
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now Folks I’m NOT JOKING... !!!

When I Say My Mind’s Flowing...
With... Creative Explosions...
of Wordplay That’s POTENT... !!!

As Well As MIND BLOWING... !!!

Like I’ve Said In A Poem...
That Simply Was Showing...
That I’m Deep Just Like Oceans...
When It Comes To The Motions...
of New World Commotions... !!!

That Inspire... EXPLOSIONS... !!!

And Creations Quoting...
My Visions And Notions...
Through Lyrical Potions...

My Creative Vibes...
In These Days And Times...
Are Just As EXPLOSIVE...
As All of These Protests... !!!

But My Writings Have Motives...
BEYOND All These Jokers... !!!

Who Think That Their Voting...
Like Blacks... Really Matter... ?!?

Because It’s Just QUOTAS...
And Fraudulent Chatter...
That Clearly Now Factors...
Like... Foolish Reactions... !!!

Madder Than Hatters...
And Extremist Factions... !!!

And As For My Blackness...
It Matters To... ME... !!!

Because What I’ve Seen...
And Have Been Made To Feel...
By Our... Societies...

And Those Human Breeds...
With Skin Tones LIKE ME...

Has Been MOSTLY FUNNY... !!!

But... NOT In A Way...
That’s Lightened My Days... !!!

of... World FALLACIES... !!!

Like Those of VACCINES...
CURING This Disease... ?!?

That’s Shutting Down Businesses...
And Companies... Well ALLEGEDLY... ?!?

According To Feeds...
From Media Teams...
Who DON’T Feed Fallacies... !!!

Now That’s A Belief...
That May Well Cause You GRIEF... !?!

If You Choose NOT To See...
The DANGER That Breeds...
From New Technology... !!!

And... Internet Links...
That Now Deal In Falseness... !!!

It’s A World Where Most Minds...
And... Western Guidelines...
And Corrupted Designs... !!!

That Are Now WRECKING Lives...
And Indulging BAD Vibes...
of... EXPLODING Tides...
That Now Feed Angers RISE... !!!

That May Just Be Why...
We Will See Suicides...
And Mental Declines...
In People Resigned...
To... Staying Inside... !!!

It’s Truly AMAZING...
As Well As Quite CRAZY... !!!

How SUBMISSIVE Thinking...
Has RISEN Like Visions...
of PROTESTING Minions... !!!

Meantime Politicians...
Are Swiftly INSISTING...
The Theories Now Spreading...
Just Like These Infections...
And... Viral Disease... !!!

So What Now Is REAL... ?!?
And Should Be Believed... !?!

Before An IMPLOSION...
Is What The World Sees... ?!?

That Creates DEMOTION...
of What Was ONCE FREE... !!!

I Really DON'T Like...
The Things That I See...
Division of Minds...
Over... Conspiracies... ?!?

And Rigging of Voting...
That Now Seems To Be...
What Gives Us Who Leads... ?!?

And As For VACCINES... !!!

Well Now This News Story...
Will Certainly Feed...
Doubts Over Taking...
All These Vaccinations... !!!

Congressman Lynch...
From Massachusetts...

Having Had His Two Doses...
For This Thing... Covid’...

Has Tested POSITIVE...
But He’s... Asymptomatic...

So Folks SHOULDN’T PANIC... !!!

He’ll Just Self Quarantine...
And Will Vote By Proxy...
Until He’s... Healthy... !!!

Meantime I’ll Keep Noting...
The Things Folks Are Quoting...
And Use Them In Poems...
That Are Bred From Commotions...

As Well As The Notions...
That Feed My Mind With...

... “ Creative EXPLOSIONS “...
Life these days, keeps giving them to me....
J Fletcher Sep 2021
The pills
**** my creativity
  when the seratonin flows
   the poetic juices run dry
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now Creativity’s A Thing...
That Fills Bows And Strings...
As Well As People’s Writings...

So I’m One Whose Creations...
Are Those Now Relating...

Views About News...
And Political Feuds...
That Now Are Creating...
Some VOLATILE Nations... !!!

Because of Issues...
That Corona’s Created...

Like Masking of Faces...
... In Various Places... !!!

... Societal Graces...
Facing Displacements...

Because of Arrangements...
DEMANDING That Spacing...
Is... NOT Just Created...
But Treated Like Patients...

Who’ve Caught This New Flu... !!!
That’s Created Street Feuds...
Over Masks Being Used...
And New Government Rules...

... Creations INFLATING...
Thinking That’s Confused... !!!

And Policies DRIVEN...
That Some Are Dismissing...
Because of Restrictions...
On How We Make Livings...
And Freedoms Once Given...

As Being A... “ GIVEN “...

To NOT Being Hidden...
Or Left To Submission... !!!

But Now Criticisms...
Are Creating Divisions...

As Life Is Transitioned...
To A Whole Different Vision... !!!
of What It Once Was...
When Freedoms Were Strong...

Well... STRONGER Than NOW...
Because of LOCKDOWNS... !!!

That Have Reached Global Towns...
And Created MORE FROWNS...
... Protesting And Shouts...

For... TRUTH To Be Found...
And Be Fed To The Crowds... !!!

Because Many Now Doubt...
That This Virus Is... REAL... !!!

Due To Things That Confound... ?!?
And Have Made People Feel...

As If...

It’s Been CREATED...
To CURB Populations...
From More Procreation... !!!

Because of INFLATION...
And Cash Regulation...
That’s Caused Limitations...
And REDUCED The Payments...
For Elders Now Claiming...
Retirement Money...
In Various Countries... !!!

To Me Something Smells Funny... ?!?

When The Retirement Age...
Is Something That’s RAISED...
MUCH MORE Than The Rates...
of... Retirement PAY... ?!?

While Coronas CREATED...
A LOAD of Work Stations...
Now NEW TECH Related...

That WON'T Serve The Elders...
Who’ll Face Debt Collectors...
When They CAN'T Get Work...
Because They’ve Been ******... !!!

By New Age Creations...
That Bear NO RELATION...
To Things That They Learned...
In The Years That They Worked... !!!

Creations Now Serve...
A Whole DIFFERENT Purpose... !!!

Will Now Feed World Nations...

So Who’ll Be Creative...
When Tech Becomes Stationed...
To... Carry Out Work...
That USED To Be Done...
And Controlled By Humans... ?!?

I’m Simply Relating...
Some Views On This Stuff...
That May Well DISTURB...
But Should Be Well Observed... !!!

Because This DISEASE...
Has Created And Feeds...

...... Societal Scenes......
That Make Writers Like Me...
Write Words Just Like These...

That Some Will Believe...

Cos' They're Just Things We FEEL...
That AREN'T Right FACTUALLY... !!!

But WHO Feeds Us The FACTS...
That Most Seem To Believe...
Set Us On The RIGHT TRACK... ?!?

... Media Teams... ?
Or These Internet Feeds...
That Feed... " CONSPIRACIES "... ?!?

Or Those Who Now LEAD... ?
And FORCE FEED Policies...

When... HYPOCRISY...
CLEARLY Feeds How They Be... !?!

Or These New Health Studies...
Run By... BIG Companies...
Where MONEY’s What SEALS...
What The Masses Should EAT...
Or Receive Like... VACCINES... ?!?

Well My Wordplay Reveals...
A Mind That Is FREE... !!!
To Observe What Is REAL... !!!

And Then Create Scripture...
Through Thinking That’s Written...
That’s... OPEN And FREE... !!!

To Speak... Poetically...
In Ways That Are DRIVEN...


“ Creativity “ …
It's such a wondrous thing, however, not everything that's created is done out of purity !
Graff1980 Sep 2021
I want to be swollen
with sweet word growing,
impregnated with that which
is made for taking darkness
and transmuting it into
a light of love for all to
fall comfortably into.

I want to take this language,
work and refine those fine
lyrical lines that make minds
turn towards acting kind.

But I have lost the eloquence
that was once my treasured gift,
and all that falls from my lips,
is red and brown drips of ****.
I’ve gone from child optimist
to exhausted adult cynic.

I have lost the fairies and dragons,
unicorns, and gentle care bears
and now dim dreams live there.

Vague impression of once vibrant
brush strokes, and dancing limbs
have giving in to warring men’s
disturbing intentions.
Nightmare too horrible to mention
have become my waking certainty.

But what is really bothering me,
is that it has become much easier
to accept this sick distorted reality.

The canvass of life has become
the splatter art of a billion broken hearts,
and I have mastered the skill
of numbing what I used to feel
in favor of current forms of
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